Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Uri Aureleos


"The light is still here. Sometimes it just needs help shining."
Full name: Uri Aureleos
Pronunciation: Ur-E Aur-L-eos
Nickname(s) or Alias: N/A
Homeworld: Agamar
Species: Hrakian
Nationality: Agamarian
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Faction: Galactic Republic
Rank: Knight
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Alignment: Light
Personal Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 1.85m (6ft)​
Figure/build: 80kg (176lb)​
Hair: Gold
Hairstyle: Shaggy
Facial: None
Eye: Blue
Skin: Golden (faint glow)​
When he first joined the Jedi, Uri was a quiet and shy youngling. He didn't speak to people unless he felt secure. He lacked self-confidence and self-esteem. He spent a lot of time by himself as well and didn't allow himself to get to close to other. Growing older in the academy, he became more open and confidant in himself and his abilities. He clings even more to the light side of the force and what is morally good. He puts compassion over his own honor.​
+ Strong in the Force: Due to being raised as a monk and his monk training, he has a stronger connection to the force especially after meditation.​
+ Moral Compass: Uri has a heightened sense of moral good and clings to doing what is right even if it means going against those he holds dear to him.​
~ Force Light: Gifted to him at birth, Uri possess the ability to create light. Uri is only able to create a glow from his skin with it and has no purifying qualities. The light does not protect him from the pull of the darkside either.​
- Sheltered Life: Since he lived his life in the shelter of the temple, Uri doesn't respond to social situations like most people would. He has also yet to see the true evils of the world.​
- Pacifist: As a pacifist, he swore never to fight unless absolutely necessary. He will not consciously lash out against anyone unless he is attacked first.​
In the time before Uri's birth, there was a struggle between the light side of the force and the dark. His mother was a disciple of the light, fallen because of the romance of the dark side. To prove her devotion to the dark arts, she volunteered her own body for the Sith to use in a ritual. They decided on a different being however. They requested a child. One that could be forged solely the dark depths of the force. A child that they could raise in pure darkness. She reluctantly allowed them this, and conceived the boy. As they practiced the rituals in Sith alchemy, she learned then about their plan to turn her unborn child into a sithspawn. Her love and will to protect the baby allowed her to reconnect with the light side of the force, and to protect her child from the dark side, she used force light daily while away from the prying eyes of the other sith. However, they eventually found out about her counter measure. She fought back barely able to escape with her and her child's life.​
She returned to the Jedi, but her fear of the Sith taking her child still rested heavily on her mind. Despite living under the protection of the Jedi, she lived in a constant state of paranoia that she couldn't escape. She knew the Sith would eventually try to reclaim what was promised to them, and she feared that she would return to them willingly. She left the Jedi as well running to the far reaches of the galaxy never staying in one place for too long. She gave birth to Uri on the planet of Agamar. The glow of light on his golden skin giving her hope as to what his true affinity would be. In her mind, she believe that he could never be good as long as he remained with her.​
The force sensitive monks on Agamar found Uri on the steps of their temple. The baby had a strange glow about him that had the monks concerned and excited for the random appearance of the child. None of them knew why the he was left at their temple, but they took him into their monastery all the same. The head monk named him Uri meaning 'My Light' and Aureleos because of his golden color. There was no doubt among the monks that the child was force sensitive as well. They raised him where his mother could not and taught him the ways of their temple teaching the boy how to defend himself, healing living matter with the force, and how to receive tranquility through meditation. He lived a simple life with the monks. They self sustained themselves with the forest around them and didn't rely on others around them. When he was old enough to speak in full sentences, he told stories of places and sentients he had never seen. He had dreams of the future and his life as a jedi. The dreams were never clear to Uri, but the monks enjoyed his stories of his premonitions. However the random occurrences of the dreams affected Uri’s energy and how well he slept. The monks taught him how to draw energy from the force through meditation. Meditation became his way of feeling rested when the dream premonitions kept him awake. Due to a slight reliance on it, Uri grew to enjoy meditation as more than just a way to find inner peace.​
As he grew on Agamar, Uri became more curious of the world. What he didn't learn from the monks he learned from books. He developed a love and curiosity for the galaxy. He used his dream premonitions as a way to see where he would be when he got older but he never got a clear look at his future. At the age of twelve, he became a full-fledged monk, but his heart sought the galaxy. He knew the time was near for him to leave Agamar. He had a premonition that a Jedi from the Republic would come and retrieve him. Luckily Uri was patient. He didn't deny his monk duties on the dreams that he would be a jedi.​
Uri didn't have many friends on Agamar, but he found a friend in a sick Agamarian Beast. Originally assuming he was a cow based on his small frame, Uri nurtured and raised a newly hatched male calf from near death and named him Saga for his four eyes. Uri and Saga developed a quick bond. Both growing up abandoned by their respective mothers. The quiet boy gained his voice when he was around the Agamarian Beast. The two spending every spare moment together when they could. Uri trained him to be a gentle giant, and in return, Saga nurtured the gentleness and light that Uri had inside him.​
When the day finally came for Uri to leave Agamar, he wasn't worried. He was prepared for the day in a way, but still his heart hurt for the monastery he was leaving behind. Lucky for Uri, he didn't have to leave his precious Saga behind on Agamar. Giving his life as a monk, Uri didn't have any trouble blending into the selfless and poor life of a Jedi. He struggled with leaving his home the most. Ossus was similar to Agamar, but the academy wasn't the monastery. They Jedi weren't completely like the monks. He keep to himself mostly. Going though training, he devoted himself to the way of the jedi.​
As he grew older, he came out of his shell even more. The quiet shy youngling grew into a confidant and strong willed padawan. After the disappearance of half of the galaxy, Uri found himself in a moment of internal turmoil. After entering the netherworld and saving his friend, he reentered the galaxy as a murder of a Republic soldier. From that moment forward he fought the force before finally losing trust in it. After the galaxy and the force began to regain stability Uri's trust in the force returned however he was still tried and worn slightly by the time of instability with the force.​
-Agamarian Self Defense
-Force Light
-Force Heal
-Force Sense
-Force Leap
-Force Speed
-Force Push
-Force Pull
-Force Barrier
Lightsaber Forms: Soresu, Jar'kai
Special: Light Sai training
Monk Robes - Robes recived from his temple on Agamar​
Journel- A book where he writes down and illustrates all that he sees and learns as well as premonitions he had as a boy​
2 Light Sai - Uri's lightsaber of choice​


Name: Saga

Loyalties: Uri Aureleos

Role: Uri's most trusted companion and friend (that isn't a sentient). She accompanies him to different places and acts as a mount on several occasions.

Development Threads:
Lighten the Heaviest Load
The Dawning

Species: Agamarian Beast

Age: Adult

Sex: Male

Height: 5'6"

Skin color: Green with red on her crest

Appearance: Quadruped with four eyes, thick tail and bone protrusion rising from a flared crest at the rear of the head.

+Thick Skin: She can take a punch.
+Horns: Saga has several large horns protruding from her head.

-Short legs: With short legs, Saga isn't the fastest creature.
-Large Frame: Being big makes her easy to spot.

Diet: Leaves, grass and twigs

Communication: Grunts and body language

History: As a hatchling, Saga was sickly and did not have a chance of surviving. Uri raised Saga to be a gentle creature and nursed him back to health. Uri didn't know much about the Agamarian beast however. He originally thought that Saga was female but after maturing and growing the large horn on her muzzle, Uri learned that she was in fact a bull. Agamarian beast. This has not effected the friendship however. Now Saga sticks to Uri's side and protects him as he protected him.​
Love that you used the Agamarian Beast. They're so underrated. I like them quite a lot. My character may actually be coming into possession of a related species soon, if things turn out right.
Overall, great bio. Keep up the good work.
Would you like to spar or just rp sometime? You seem like a worthy opponent.
[member="Uri Aureleos"]

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