Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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UP [Ataru Training]

She gathered herself on to her personal Jedi Cruiser she had gained from her time within the Republic. Those days....were full of blood, and at times this ship was a reminder of such. However it showed her progress...what she had come from what she had stood for, and what she was trying to bring to fruition.

However one of her students had requested learning more about Ataru, and personal form she had come to master during her career as a Jedi. A firm she loved however, and would have loved to help develop.

She sent word ahead of time for him to meet her within the sparring corridor she had created to help her enhance her training for her students. It had just enough room for such a style, as it required good reserves of energy, and it took you all over the area.

She awaited however, he would be here in due time. She stood with her head tilted down, and her eyes closed. She was deep in though for the brief time she had. Her arms were behind her back, and her hands interlocked.

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]
Xavzen strode towards where he sensed his Master to be. Turning into a long corridor he saw the togruta mentor standing there with her head bowed.

Coming to a stop a few feet from his Master, Xavzen bowed in the same way he always did towards his Master the same way he did, his head tilted down and his right arm crossed over his chest. "Master." He greeted with a calm voice, displaying no emotion what so ever.

"How shall we begin Master?" Xavzen inquired. "Ataru is a completely unknown style to me and I look forward to learning it."

[member="Sochi Ru"]
She turned around to place her gaze upon [member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"] she produced a smirk, and then her face went tranquil as it usually was. She nodded her head in a slight bow to be returned to her student.

She motioned for him to come over where there was more space. "Now, Ataru is a fast-paced, high energy form. Its full of acrobatics that accompany the blade work to be used for offense and defense." She said softly, with her exotic accent cutting through her speech.

"This Form is full of aggression...and will require you to combine strength, speed, and agility. Now, we're going to spar...I want you to come at me with full force...don't hold back. I need to test your endurance, speed, and strength." she said stepping away and putting some distance between them both.

"Now, attack me..."
Xavzen smirked in delight (this was how he preferred to train after all, throw him in the deep end, then help) as he debated with himself on how to approach this. Should he use his training in Juyo to help him? Should he use one blade or two? Deciding in the end that he would approach this the same way that he approached learning Juyo all those years ago, as if he knew nothing what so ever.

Draw the hilt on his left side with his right hand, Xavzen thumbed the switch and with a hiss a yellow blade extended from the metallic hilt. While he was doing this simple movement his mind was running at full speed, analysing the situation. He was facing someone with years more experience than him in blade work, conclusion: a test of what he could do, as Master Sochi had just said. The form was highly aggressive and required high endurance, conclusion: he would need to use what skill he had in Force Body to keep up.

From Master Sochi's speech Xavzen also picked up a few hints that he would use: the blade was to attack and not stop; acrobatics was to be use to position and evade; the use of speed and agility suggested high speed attack one after the other, flowing into one another.

Taking a deep breathe Xavzen let the Force flow through him, increasing his speed, strength and reaction time as much as he could, but he could tell that even that wouldn't be enough to over power his Master.

With a powerful leap Xavzen brought his blade down towards his Master's undefended shoulder. Despite this fact he did not let himself relax, after all he had learnt that if she was encouraging him to go full out in a spar, she wasn't really undefended. He had been painfully taught this once.

[member="Sochi Ru"]
She squinted her eyes, if he was anything like what she thought him to be, he was analyzing the situation right about now. That was fine...indeed she liked for her students to have such a trait. One must always observe their opponents and surroundings before reacting, especially with a form like Ataru.

She waited for him ti react, her hands were hidden, tucked within the sleeves of her long, lengthy robes. Then...thats when he leapt, and he closed in the distance fairly quickly. So he truly was listening to what she was saying.

Her face remained tranquil, unmoved. Her body however, her body reacted in a manner of natural speed. She quickly sidestepped around him, bring herself into a spin that would position her behind him. Then she brought up her right hand, and a cerulean blade sprouted from the opening in her sleeve. Now her hand would become visible as well.

To keep her blade-work simple this time around, she lunged forward only slightly, enough to where she could retreat if necessary. Her blade came down in a diagonal arc, and then quickly, and smoothly transitioned into a horizontal slash to the mid section of his body. Her swordplay was slow paced however, but packed power.

"Try not to expend too much energy in the beginning stages of the battle...defend yourself and then out maneuver me." She said.

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]
Xavzen contorted his body in mid-air so as to try to avoid the attacks of [member="Sochi Ru"], managing to dodge two out of three, being forced to parry her last strike. Using the momentum of the block Xavzen twisted himself around bring his blade up towards his Master's left shoulder while falling in a crouched position and channelling the Force through the muscles in his legs, as much as he could stand to do so.
"Yes, good. Use my own energy against me. she said and then quickly bent her body backwards. She held her lightsaber vertical; it was parallel to her body. She put an arch in her back so that her upper body would go backwards, and his blade over her, instead of her taking it head on. When it went over, she quickly regained her footing and turned to face her opponent.

Then after a moment of standing there facing him, she decided to rush him. Unlike most species Ru didn't need the aid of the Force to speed up her movements. So unless the need arises she more than likely wouldn't. But she nevertheless kept her attacks simple. With great speed she ran towards him, leapt into the air above, performed a front flip, and came down with her blade in a vertical arc. She used the gravity in combination with her weight to place more strength behind her blow.

She wondered if he would dodge or take the blow head on...

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]
As [member="Sochi Ru"] struck towards him, Zavzen twisted his body to the side to dodge letting it pass close to his body so as to not use too much energy. At the same time he brought his lightsaber up to lightly parry her strike in the attempt to unbalance her.

He then jumped in the air, twisting as he reached the peak of his arc to rain multiple blows down on the togruta, pushing his speed to the limits without augmentation from the Force, wanting to use it as a hidden ace.

Landing behind his Master, he turned on his toes using the momentum from the brief fall, and struck at his Master's back. Once he struck out he didn't stop send one strike after the other in the hopes of overwhelming his Master. Each strike was becoming faster and stronger as it fed of the energy of the strike before it.
She smirked, and then quickly went on the defense. From above she used wide strikes, trading speed for reach. Sticking with the most basic of forms she utilized Shii-Cho to block numerous attacks at once. The ones that did bypass her guard she had to dodge herself, and thus her focus was split. A good move.

She quickly turned around hearing the thump as he landed, but while she was making her transition she saw him coming for her. She quickly brought up her blade to defend but was caught off guard. She was now overwhelmed and on the defense, being drawn back while he pushed the advance. Good.

The last strike she managed to blocked had an impact which pushed her back a couple of feet. She then stood up, and lowered her blade.

She began to nod. "That was good. Ataru is about overwhelming your opponent, but how does one do so without expending too much energy? The best way is to be aware of your surroundings, and conserve energy. But seeing that Ataru is an aggressive Form, how do you conserve energy when your always on offense? The best way is to use your energy in spaced out burst. In the beginning stages don't exert too much, try and feel out your adversary first, see what type of fighter they are. Then press the offense, and then retreat and hold the defense by out maneuvering and dodging their attacks. Doing such will see you conserving your stamina." she said nodding to him.

"You did excellent Padawan, you grasped the concept rather well. Quicker than most.

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]
Zavzen copied his Master's movements, straightening his back and lowering his blade, before bowing his heads in acknowledgement to what she had said, all the while he did his best to hide the fact that he was slightly out of breath and kept his guard up, in case the duel continued.

"Thank You for your praise Master. I will keep your advice in mind when I fight." After he short pause he spoke up again, "How should we continue Master? I may have gotten the concept, but that does not mean I am proficient in the style it self."

[member="Sochi Ru"]
"The next thing, is practice and more practice. The only way to get better is to take the basis and build on that. Take it into the field with you, practice on your own, spar with others. Your body needs to adapt to that type of pressure for periods of time." she said walking over and stopping near a solid door.

"Behind this door is a training droid. This will be your next opponent. It however will be on the defensive, and you will press the offense. Lets see how this works." she said, and almost simultaneously the door opened and a training droid moved into position igniting a yellow training saber.

"I want you to give it all you got. You have to push yourself so that your endurance will grown. Begin"

[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]

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