Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unto the Green Pastures

[member="Marek S'hadar"]

Raxus felt like just another planet waiting to be scorched by the Sith in their quest for galactic domination. The people here milled about their lives, not realizing the chaos that slowly spread out from the Core. When it wound suffocating tendrils around their necks and at last they comprehended truth it would be far too late. This, Ryan Korr feared, would be the fate of the Silver Jedi.

The young Jedi Knight moved through the bustling crowds on a simple permacrete street, rounding a corner and heading for a café called the Living Room. The muscles in his jaw writhed as he clenched and unclenched his teeth. How could they live like this, so blissfully ignorant of the One Sith and the approaching beast of war? Ryan often wondered the same of the Silver Jedi as a whole. He still harbored resentment and perhaps even a touch of hate due to their actions on Coruscant. They'd come to help evacuate the wounded, but rather than sending soldiers to stay and fight the Sith they abandoned their fellow Order. Korr could only wonder how many more Jedi had died that day because of their cowardice and so-called righteousness. He felt that deep storm of anger stir.

Oh, he knew it was very Un-Jedi of him, but he just didn't know how to forgive the Silver Order for what they'd done. Especially when they were so blasted unapologetic about it. Even so, he came to put all of that aside in the hope that he could return one of them back to the Jedi. The fracturing of the Jedi would be the death of the Republic if it continued.

Locks of dark red hair contrasted sharply against pale skin and light khaki robes. The scars under his right eye and along his cheek stood out silver. His face was hard, harder than anyone his age ought to be, and carved as if from solid marble. Firm and implacable came to mind. Several patrons of the café glanced at him warily as he entered and looked around.

Grey eyes flicked from chair to chair, hoping to see the face of S'hadar.
He hadn't been on Teta, they'd kept him away, knowing he'd stand and fight long after the civilians of the world had been evacuated, the One Sith had taken his brother, and he'd do whatever was necessary to get back his family. Rasu knew that. In silence the master sat at the cafe, stimcaf in hand, staring blankly at the opposite side of the both. He'd needed to get away from Voss, the world and all the Silver Jedi regulation had flooded his mind, and made him frustrated. To often they sat back and watched instead of acting.

His eyes shot up as he sensed one [member="Ryan Korr"]. He scanned the room, catching a glimpse of the other Jedi. The boy was scared, not as deeply as Marek, no his scars crisscrossed every piece of skin and bone the eye could see, stopping only where the organic stopped and the prosthetics began. It was a miserable existence, but he made the best of it, trying to destroy what he'd once been. But all that really mattered now is why Ryan Korr was on Raxus.
The face of the Jedi was not hard to spot. Kisses of war covered every inch of his face. Some thought them marks of pride, but to Ryan each and every scar was a painful reminder of the lives he'd failed to save. Korr nodded toward [member="Marek S'hadar"] and moved to take a seat in the booth. He did not pause to order stimcaf. Hopefully he would not have to be here long enough for that.

His mission was simple... and the Jedi before him seemed a simple man who enjoyed simple talk, so Korr cut straight to the point.

"Marek S'hadar? I am Jedi Knight Ryan Korr... and I want you to rejoin the Jedi Order."
"Why?" He questioned bluntly, staring hard into the eyes of [member="Ryan Korr"]. He'd come to the Silver Jedi to be with Rasu, he'd committed to them, he'd never had any real ties to the Order, Silver or regular, just the people in it. Why would this man come here wishing for him to rejoin. There was no hostility out of S'hadar, only pure curiosity as to why he'd leave behind the girl he loved to serve the Order as the Republic caved in around itself.
"We're losing the war against the Sith," Ryan stated bluntly, palms flat on the table. "We don't need healers. We don't need philosophers. We need warriors, like you. The Silver Jedi, your order, helped us on Coruscant... if you consider coming to rescue the wounded and then abandoning the rest help. I heard about you on Ossus. I know you want to fight the Sith, that you aren't content with sitting around waiting for the evil to come to you."

Grey eyes like burnished steel blades stared fixedly at [member="Marek S'hadar"]. "Come back. We need you."
A smile formed on the Jedi' s face. "Was hoping you'd say something like that." Marek sighed. [member="Ryan Korr"] was very right, he was a fighter and nothing else. He'd been that way forever, and he wouldn't be stopping soon. Sith had taken his mother, his brother, his friends every thing. It was time people began to take back, time he started to take back. There would be absolutely no mercy until he had Cale back.

"When do we start?"

Rasu would understand.
Ryan's lips twitched up in a ghostly resemblance of a smile.

"We're getting reports of an impending Sith attack. So... now."

The young Jedi Knight stood, turning to survey the patrons milling about this shop and those strolling down the street.

"They don't even know," he whispered softly. Sighing, Ryan turned back to [member="Marek S'hadar"]. "You can join me on my ship, or go on your own. I'm headed to Alderaan."

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