Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unravelling lost Souls.

Location: The Black Citadel
Time: Shortly after the battle

[member="Alisa Kalor"]

The torches burned a bright crimson hue against the dreary gray walls of the Citadel. The halls were silent, travelled by all manner of warriors and dignitaries. Beneath the the Citadels throne room there was a dungeon. It was dark and damp, smelling of must and the filth of imprisoned folks.

Within one of those cells was a prisoner the Emperor was very much interested in.

Walking with determined pace the mighty warrior made his way down the steps and past the solid steel doors. He muttered a word of arcane power and bright light, borne of a thousand suns coalesced in his massive palm. The light enabled him to see the cob webs, the rust on the bars, and the dripping ceilings with great clarity.

He moved slowly until he reached the prisoners cell, squinting behind his faceplate, burning bright blue visor gazing down on her. His armor was gold and silver, encrusted with jewels and inscribed with runes. On his shoulder a book of ancient Sith spells. At his side a massive blade.

He stood very still, not moving, not speaking, but simply observing.


Purpose: Assassination
Alisa awoke to find herself in the dark, barely able to see her own hands. The memories of the battle slowly came back to her; the rallying call, the small victory, then the realization of helplessness...
She had no idea where she was, but a good guess would have been some kind of prison. Fear rose inside her, the fear of what these monsters might do to her. But part of her found strength in that fear. However, the thought of any such strength quickly left her mind. That was the sort of emotion Sith gained strength from.

All seemed quiet, and Alisa began trying to use the force to sense her surroundings, but nothing of any interest was in her immediate vicinity. Nothing but damp, rotting walls and cobwebs. That was until a bright blue light shone from the hole by what appeared to be the cell's door. She squinted to try make out what it was, but it only looked like a straight line. A torch maybe? Part of her wanted to scream and beg for these people to let her go, but instead she maintained her common relax posture and spoke calmly. "May I ask where I am?" She asked, forcing any sound of fear out of her voice, although not wholly succeeding.

[member="Emperor Titus"]
[member="Alisa Kalor"]

"You are in the Black Citadel, seat of my power." Titus said, not allowing any emotion into his steely voice. He could sense she had a bit of fear in her. Unusual for a Jedi, but nonetheless she was helpless.

"Tell me of yourself, I sense that you are a Jedi are you not?"

First he must probe her. Discover what she was, who she was. If she proved to be worth it she may yet make a fine addition to the court and perhaps even the Knights. If only she could be turned from her path. Not to darkness, but elsewhere. The light in his palm rose up now, sticking to the ceiling and he crossed his arms, gaze lingering on her face.


Purpose: Assassination
Alisa of course had no idea what or where the Black Citadel itself was, and so her question only create more questions. However, the voice behind the blue light asked her a question this time, and with the same attempt at calmness she replied. "Yes, I am. If you would call it that..." Her voice wavered slightly, as if she was unsure what she was. "I use the force for good, but I'm not really part of the Republic anymore. To be honest, I'm not sure why I do it. I just do..." Wow, she was admitting alot to this blue light... But somehow she felt like she couldn't keep her true thoughts from him.

[member="Emperor Titus"]
[member="Alisa Kalor"]

"Good and evil are simply illusions Jedi. Power is just that, power."

She was a Jedi and ex Republic. The puzzle grew more now than ever. Her teachings could be a detriment but anything could be overcome with time and practice. First she must give up this notion of good and evil. Titus was no mere darksider, or lightsider. He did not follow the dogmas set forth by any order.

He simply practised the occult arts of ancient force users, before the time of Sith vs Jedi and everything in between. It was foolish really, throwing away any aspect of the force to focus on a dogmatic practice.

"The force is limitless. The Dogma of the Jedi still saturates you."

The statement was flat and without inflection.

"Have you eaten or drank since your capture?"


Purpose: Assassination
Alisa lowered her head slightly as the voice spoke about the Jedi's teachings. It spoke a lot of truth to her, which scared her even more. Could she truly be like these people? Was it bad to be? His final question caused her to look at him again, almost surprised by the fact that he cared if she had or hadn't. "No..." She replied, still shocked by question. "I've been unconscious the whole time." There was no lying, she had only awoken minutes before the man came. Although, she wasn't sure how long she'd been her. In any case, it wasn't long enough to get hungry or thirsty, because she was neither. "Are you going to let me out?" She asked almost innocently.

[member="Emperor Titus"]
[member="Alisa Kalor"]

"That will depend. Are you going to try and strike me down?"

Titus was no fool. The woman still reeked of the light and he was loathe to let someone with ideologies so pure run amok. He could not suffer the foolish crusade of the Jedi upon his dominion. Still it would be a good show of faith to let her free, feed her. And then they could talk more.

His hand hovered over the lock, preparing to will it open with the force.

"I await your answer."


Purpose: Assassination
Alisa, for a moment, considered a plan to kill this mysterious voice for all the things he had done on the planet. But she realized two things; her lightsaber had been taken off her, and there was truly no point. Whoever this man was, he had power. With power, anything good or bad could be achieved. If he could help her achieve this power, then he was certainly not worth killing. "I wouldn't dream of it. I'd rather talk, without being locked in a cell." Alisa said, getting up from her position on the floor and approaching the door. She made an effort to look relaxed, to prove she wasn't going to suddenly try anything.

[member="Emperor Titus"]
[member="Alisa Kalor"]

"Very well then."

Titus released the lock, using a burst of arcane energy and the door swung open with the grinding sound of rusted metal. It pierced his ears and made him shudder. The ball of blue light floated back into his palm, now firmly in his grasp. She was weak looking and it seemed she was tired and drained. The Knight whom had captured her had left quite a mark and he could spy blood amongst her hair.


Titus whirled, stepping up the staircase. The steel boots clanked and slammed with metallic pings as he ascended making his way into the banquet hall. There were numerous tables here, each adorned with a feast fit for kings. Black Knights sat scattered among them, helms removed and eating vigorously or studying ancient tomes.

The halls were set with the banner of the Imperium, a twin headed falcon, skull and wreath.

Titus moved towards the main table and pulled back twin chairs with a wave of his hands, motioning for the woman to sit and eat. He took a seat as well, not removing his helm but simply gazing across the hall...


Purpose: Assassination
Alisa stepped out of the cell, indeed looking drained, with a slight limp to her walk. Despite her injuries she managed to follow the Emperor to the tables. The whole way she was examining him, as she hadn't been able to see his full figure from inside her cell. He was indeed something strange, but imposing. As he drew the seat back for her, she placed herself on it and saw the food in front of her. Immediately she realized how hungry she was and dug in, feasting upon food she had not seen in a long time. Her recent years had consisted of eating scraps she could find at low-end diners. "Thank you." She said at last, finishing off the food she could managed.

Wiping her mouth and keeping herself somewhat presentable, she looked up at the Emperor. "Who are you people?"

[member="Emperor Titus"]
[member="Alisa Kalor"]

The Emperor watched her eat like a wolf and internally chuckled to himself. When she asked who they were he paused, plucking the right words from his brain. They were conquerors, warriors, but so much more.

"We are the Black Imperium. A new order risen from the ashes of war and famine and inter political struggles. I am Lord Titus, of House Titus, Emperor of the Imperium."

He motioned with a sweeping gesture to the hall and the knights.

"These are my loyal Knights, black Templar. They are not so unlike yourself, but do not follow the typical dogmatic codes of anyone else in the galaxy. This place is the Black Citadel, my palace."

She was inquisitive and it was a bare-bones answer. Titus regarded her with his head cocked and spoke again.

"What you were caught in, was our rise to power. Alas every Noble bloodline that stood against me on this world has been destroyed and now only those loyal to me remain. Which is where you come in. You assailed my forces and stood against me. But a Jedi? What interest does a Jedi have in the politics of a far flung world?"


Purpose: Assassination
"I told you, I'm not really a Jedi. I just do the same as them. They don't care about me. Hell, they probably think I'm dead after Coruscant." She gave a small smile at the end, realizing how stupid her past years had been. "I just helped people, and it got me nowhere." Her voice gave away that she regretted it, and she was not shy about that. Alisa always wanted more, but thought it was wrong to do so. Now, as she looked around the Knights and at the Emperor himself she realized; this is much more. "I'm guessing you didn't keep me alive just to have a nice chat. You want me to join this. To join you." Her eyes looked up and met the gaze of his visor. She wondered what was behind that cold, metal helmet. "Am I right in thinking so?"

[member="Emperor Titus"]
[member="Alisa Kalor"]

"That would be correct young lady." The emperor said.

His hands clasped in front of him on the table. she was eager and full of passion. She could become a powerful Knight, perhaps even rise to the Grandmaster himself. But she still had much to learn. Even though Titus was no Knight himself, he had an intimate grasp on blood magics and other more obscure arts.

Occasionally he took a leaflet from the order, and Grandmaster Ralos.

"The question is what do you desire? Will you break the chains of the past and serve the Imperium with honor?"


Purpose: Assassination
"What do I desire?" Alisa repeated, thinking it through in her mind. Everything. The thought came into her mind for only a split second, before she put it aside for something more realistic of the moment. "I desire power. The power to rule over others. Over the lesser." Her tone had become more serious, more venomous. "And to obtain that, I am willing to serve anyone." She gave another look to the Knights around the room. "I will serve the Imperium, and you with it, to the death." The sound of her voice made it final, she had made her decision. There was not even a hint of hesitation to be felt or heard.

[member="Emperor Titus"]
[member="Alisa Kalor"]

"You possess vigor and this is well. But beware, do not flaunt your true intentions so openly. There are other Noblemen that plot amongst themselves for power among my advisors. You would do well to observe their actions and plot your own course."

The Emperors mind turned to the Noble houses. Yes Tyrel and Tarros had pledged fealty to the Imperium as a whole but were still slightly at odd with one another. Slightly may have been an understatement as plots to topple one another were rampant. Each had their place at his side, but the power was kept by shrewd planning and proving themselves to him.

"I hold the power to Knight you as well as assign you to a house."

He rose now, crossing his arms once more.

"Which house will you choose?"


Purpose: Assassination
Alisa had heard of the noble houses when she was on Morella, and the two of them certainly did hate each other. But now she had to decide, Money or Power? Well, that was obvious. "House Tarros seems to appeal to me more. Raw power is worth more than any amount of money in the galaxy." She replied, looking up at the Emperor with confidence. Now she would be a mere newcomer to House Tarros, but soon she would rise it's ranks and take it over from the inside. Lady of House Tarros. The title had a nice ring to it. She had grand plans indeed.

[member="Emperor Titus"]
[member="Alisa Kalor"]

"Excellent, kneel then."

Titus drew his sword in a flourishing motion and the Knights immedieately took notice. Their seasoned eyes predicted what was to come and silently they abandoned their tables and began to form long ranks flanking the two. They drew their swords as well, preparing to hail the newcomer in the tradition of their ways.

Titus nodded silently to the Knights as they stood their ground, silent and unmoving. Their eyes peered over the newcomer and examined her. The lights of the hall dimmed lower as the cermony was about to begin, influenced by Titus' will.


Purpose: Assassination
Alisa moved her chair aside and knelt before the Emperor. She could guess what was about to come, and she was certainly honored. For now she remained silent, allowing Titus to do what was to be done.

[member="Emperor Titus"]
[member="Alisa Kalor"]

Titus rested the blade of the mighty sword on the left shoulder of the woman. With a booming voice he roared across the hall.

"By the powers invested upon me, Titus Emperor of the Black Imperium, Lord of House Titus!"

He lifted the blade now, touching her right shoulder, and continuing the speech.

"I grant you the position of Squire among the Black Templar Order, and assign you as the newest blood to the Royal House of Tarros!"

Now he lifted the blade high and dark energy began to gather about it. Lightning arced from it into the ceiling, a pure display of power and raw energy. The room came alight with the dark purplish energies of the ancient magics. The Black Templar stood stiffly at attention, raising their blades high, sending their own version of the lightning out.

"By the blood of our ancestors, let it be so!" They roared in unison.

"Let it be so."

And then it was over. Titus sheathed his sword.

"Rise Noblewoman, your duties await you."


Purpose: Assassination
The lightning displayed impressed Alisa to say the least, but it was the unified voice of the Knights that really got her. It was then she realized the size and power of the Imperium. As she rose from her knees, it felt as though she was more powerful already. "Thank you, my Lord." Alisa then said, bowing her head slightly in respect. "What is my first duty?" She asked, eager to serve the Imperium and increase her power already. Once she had proven herself she would become more powerful than she ever could have dreamed of as a Jedi. She just knew it...

[member="Emperor Titus"]

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