Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unplanned Blues

Beth sat at the kitchen table - where she could see the beautiful ocean of Sposia through the huge windows. A datapad lay in front of her. And all around her, boxes of her things that had been delivered. She took a sip of the water. She held back any tears that tried to briefly escape. This was part of life, even if it was unplanned.

The evening had been quite eventful and Beth made sure to give as much thanks to Karisa as she possibly could. The woman went through a fairly elaborate, and delicious, dinner for them. And let them move into the Sabosen estate. An outsider, no less. Beth probably should talk to [member="Cleru"] about why they were so eager to allow such a thing - even if it was to strengthen ties between the Ascendancy and the Mandalorians.

A popup on the datapad only brought a bigger frown to her lips - chaos in the core. The continual collapse. So many unplanned, and wrong things... Beth sighed as she played with her necklace with her fingers. Really, what else could she do but pray at this point?

Mandalorian Prophet

Cleru had been spending the night moving things around in the home they had been given. He needed to move, keep his mind off the dinner. He hadn't been home in many years, and most of the family didn't even recognize him. It made sense, he had given up the life years back. The Chiss didn't know how to feel about it at the end of the day, and it showed as he continued rushing around the house to find something to do.

At least until he saw [member="Beth Cadera"] frowning at her datapad. As much of a shock as this had been for him, it must of been more so for her. A sigh escaped him as he shook the nerves out of his hands and stepped over to the woman who'd be the mother of his children and turn off the datapad. "Hey." He settled on his knees in front of her, taking one of her hands in his own as he took the datapad to set aside.

"What's running through that beautiful mind of yours?" A warm smile took over his features as he spoke.
Emeralds eyes briefly scanned the kitchen once more - it was stunning. Chiss architecture was absolutely stunning, even if she wasn't quite sure if she was seeing the full picture of not. They could see more on the spectrum than her little ole' eyes could. Karisa had really pulled out the red carpet for them. It was sweet, endearing, and... Beth took a deep breath. How to really thank her? And the Sabosen Estate?

Beth wasn't even sure when she'd see her mom or siblings or even [member="Kaine Australis"] in truth. She knew if she called they'd probably come or she could go see them but Beth knew she had to be careful with traveling in her state.

She nearly jumped as [member="Cleru"] appeared out of seemingly no where - and he turned off the datapad. She gave him a small, nervous smile as she watched him settle on his hands on her knees. "Hi," she whispered back to him with a small sigh. She hated that she couldn't be... Happier. Enthused. Excited for their future. And she was - she wouldn't have wanted this with literally anyone else but him. She loved him more than life itself and would go to the ends of the galaxy for him.

"I... I'm just tired," she said quietly with another small smile as her ears hovered in a near neutral state.

Mandalorian Prophet

"I know that you are, but I know it's more then that." He whispered, taking her hands in his to kiss them, his red eyes closing. Cleru had known [member="Beth Cadera"] for a long time now, long enough that he could tell when she was trying to hide something. And he didn't like that she felt that she needed to hide something. "You can talk to me. About anything. I love you Beth, more than anything in this galaxy. Please, talk to me."
Beth gave the best smile she could, although she winced slightly at his words. He was right, after all. A soft sigh escaped her lips as he kissed her hands. And really... She knew she could talk about anything with him. It was just that she didn't want to upset him. Or make him think she couldn't. "I love you, Cleru," she said as she squeezed his hands in his. "You're my everything," she said quietly.

She took a breath as she began to admit. "I'm just... Scared. Scared for them. Scared for the galaxy. They're coming into such a... Dark time, Cleru. The Sith are winning. And we're bringing two babies into a world that is just... So dark," she said with a small frown.

Mandalorian Prophet

"Yes, the galaxy is under a shroud of darkness. But them, our two babies. These two little bits of light." He smiled up to [member="Beth Cadera"], reaching up to touch her cheek gently. "We'll be safe. Keep them safe. With them we'll bring something good. That's what I believe." Cleru continued to nuzzle into her hands, still smiling. There was no saying what could happen, but they would protect these two children.
Beth eyes teared as [member="Cleru"] confirmed the shroud of darkness. There was no denying it - the only people in the galaxy who were supposedly light sided were the Silver Jedi Order. But they were in cahoots with the Confederates, which perhaps made sense in a 'don't get smashed' kind of way. Who was she too judge? Everything was karked up everywhere.

She gave a soft smile as her eyes hovered into his red eyes. They could protect them as much as they could but... Even she was poisoned by the dark. And while she wasn't quite sure what it meant for the twins when it was finally purged from her on Sabarene by [member="Manu Xextos"], it was clear it had some type of effect on them. A good effect, from her own feelings in the Force.

"You really think so?" She whispered as she leaned forward, resting her forehead on his. "I... I want them to be happy, protected, and safe and... I'm scared I can't give them that." She admitted. Was this her actual feelings? It wasn't the disaster of her life plan but...

Her worry that she couldn't keep them safe? To love them?

Mandalorian Prophet

"All we have to do is love them. The rest will come on it's own. We're together, we're safe. We have family, your family specifically, that can help us. But so long as we don't give up and love each other and them, well." He leaned up, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, smiling still. "We'll be okay, no matter what happens, or where we go." Cleru set a hand on [member="Beth Cadera"] 's stomach, pressing his forehead against hers. This is what he truly believed. They would be happy, no matter what.
Beth gave a small nod as she tried to not let any tears get in her way. [member="Cleru"] was right. They would find a way, a way to keep them safe so they could grow. Be happy. Make them live a life that was full of happiness, joy, and the light.

She pulled back with a perked brow. "They may have money but half the galaxy wants their heads on platters, Cleru," she said flatly. Literally everyone, except some of the Sith, hated them or want them dead. And with how unstable things where... How long before something happened to the Ascendancy? Or the Clans? Or even the places that were supposed to protect them.

Was there a safe place in the galaxy? Gah, being a parent was hard. And so Beth took a moment to think things through before accepting that so long as she and Cleru were there, they would be okay. They had to be okay.

"... What should we name them..?"

Mandalorian Prophet

"That's fair. We'll figure something out regardless." He gave [member="Beth Cadera"] one more kiss on her forehead before sitting down beside her, his arm wrapped around her shoulder to hold her close. Names, huh? "I dunno. I don't think trying to name them with Chiss names first will work. Can give them their corenames, then figure something out for my people later, yeah? What do you think? I mean, do we even know what gender they'll be?"
Beth gave a small nod, with a slightly exasperated sigh. It sucked knowing your entire family was hunted by many people. And hated. But it was what it was, and something she had come to accept. She leaned against him, nuzzling her body against his.

She chuckled a little at the idea of naming the kids Chiss names. Yeah, they would have to hold off on the Chiss names for a bit maybe. But they did have plenty of time to figure it out, after all. Beth shook her head at his last question. "We won't know for a little bit longer," she admitted with a slight grin. "We could think about both, though? We have to be careful," she warned, "Names are great predictors of personality," she said with a sagely nod.

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