Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Unofficial Garden Date

It had been a week since she found him. Imagine her surprise to know that he was of the bloodline Marr. Koto seemed to prefer Falentra being in near proximity than anyone else in the Marr household, and she didn't mind even if the incessant tapping was slightly annoying. With Falentra also relatively new to the family, Koto's company was appreciated, she did really know anyone else aside from Malum and the witch in the basement. Although he seemed agitated whenever she returned after hours away on a mission - of course, she was easily able to diffuse the situation and calm him with her voice.

Having missed decades of time lost in space, Falentra had a lot to teach him. Especially about some of the newer technology. Today was one of her days off. The young woman thought it that perhaps she should show Koto some of the nicer planets outside Alvaria. Early in the morning, with the sun barely risen when she knocked on the door of Koto's chambers. When the door open she'd ask, "It's my day off today. Have you been to Tyra'Weilen, the garden world. Would you want to accompany me there? Of course, unless you have something else planned for today, I understand." Koto Demascón of House Marr Koto Demascón of House Marr

There was no such thing as true sleep. There was no temporary reprieve from existing, Koto at best reached a sort of semi-meditative state. It helped heal the body, but the mind never truly stopped. Afterall, how could mere sleep bring his mind down any more than carbonite had. And so even if his physical body decided it was resting, his mind did not follow. He was aware of every second, and while at least not every moment was an agony. Each passage of time was something he was overly aware of. It made the moments alone when there was the possibility of not being so at the least unpleasant if not frustrating or infuriating at times.

Still, there was that voice. He was rather startled when he discovered just what the woman that saved him actually looked like, no species he'd ever heard about. Seen was not so easy to go by, he hadn't seen many of any non human species. At least not of the sapient ones. But, he'd found himself rather attached. And he had no care to remove that attachment. It wasn't something he gained easily, and so it also wasn't something he was going to let go easily.

That sense in the force. The ever constant listening that his sense in the force permitted him, meant he heard her coming. He was at the door quite soon then to answer, this place was foreign. These people were foreign. His mother, apparently, was here. Not that it should mean anything to him. He didn't ever truly know her, she was blood. Just as many of these others were blood. There was value in it, but not necessarily fondness. But perhaps he'd be better suited to this than his former life. Falentra however, he was fond of. Even if his face was not as vivid of it yet as he opened the door, a blink. His sense in the force came off as a touch confused, another touch almost offended. But, fond of the presence. "I had not left Haruun Kal before my capture. But I'd like to go with you."he affirmed.
Falentra Falentra

Unlike Falentra, Koto wasn't the most expressive. But what he felt, his feelings and sentiments were usually loud and distinguishable in the force. A smile appeared on her visage when he agreed to go with her. Without thinking, she reached for his hand to lead him, a habit she had developed around him ever since she found him as blind as a bat. While he could definitely see now, he didn't seem to have a problem with that, if he ever did, it was a habit of hers that would be easy to knock of.

"Oh, I think you'd love Tyra'Weilen." She said, leading the large man along towards her ship parked outside the castle.

She knew so little about Koto and there was part of her that just wanted to get to know him a bit more - and this excursion might prove to be that opportunity. The boarded the ship and through the hangar. It was quite a distance, and hopefully it wouldn't be such an awkward drive. Falentra started the ship, piloting it towards the skies.

"So, have you been spending time with Mariah?' She started the small talk. Nouqai never really knew what it was liked having family.

Reaching for the hand again, he appreciated that. And he projected that feeling on purpose. A tactile sensation, physical motion and differences in texture from the horrid nothingness that was the bodies limitation in carbonite. That, and the physical nature of things was always better. Yes, he seemed to struggle with how to express that now. So suited to expressing things through his will in the force, rather than through his body. But the physical things, those were what mattered most. Food, freedom, motion, a voice, or as simple as a held hand. At least, they were important to him.

She assured him he'd love it, he had no idea. A 'garden world' certainly sounded like it was intended to be pleasant. But his own world was too full of wildlife, however. The wild portion was likely the difference there. A garden was gentle, and tended to. Harun Kal was brutal and untamed. Both natural, both living, but in entirely opposite directions. Well, perhaps anyway. That was just his thinking as he followed her.

He watched her as they progressed, still just a little baffled by her race. Though the sense of shock had left him by now. There was a lot more to get used to than just that she was unique as a species. And a lot more of interest both from her position, as a sith. And her as a person. He'd listen to her presence in the force a lot as they progressed, and her question drew him out of his thoughts. He looked on momentarily, considering his answer.

"Little. What more is there to say really, she gave birth to me, but I never really knew her. She didn't stay on Harun Kal like my father did. And her apparent youth is-" he hesitated, his sense in the force focused on figuring out how to explain his thoughts and feelings on the matter, "Strange." it was an insufficient word and he knew it, "I don't think I like it. She looks exactly like her pictures, nothing has changed for her. But for me, it's all different." some of his tones were anger, some just pain but there was a lot of confusion on the issue. A sense of his mind catching up to it all was present at least. Then, his tone in the force and words warmed up a bit, "Many unpleasant. But not all." he didn't necessarily focus his gaze at her exactly. But he was listening for a response, and that sense of focus was not undetectable.

Falentra nodded as she listened about his views. He hadn't had a close bond with Mariah. She always wondered what it was like to have a mother, or a mother figure, but from the way Koto was explaining things, it didn't seem all that exciting. Falentra started the hyperspace jump, sending the ship forwards.

"Mariah looks incredibly youthful. What is she? 70?" She asked. If only one could maintain such beauty and youthfulness with the passing decades.

The undertones he spoke with exuded mixture of emotions that she couldn't pin point exactly. But she decided to share her own. "I've never had a mother, or father." She admitted. "Believe it or not, I was raised jedi." How would he feel about her being lightsided? She still exuded much of that through her presence.

"85." He answered, even on his usually inexpressive face, the wildness of that statement was visible. At the very least, it was in his eyes. The utter bizarre thought that she was still around, and not only that, she looked younger than even he did.
Tac. Tac. Tac.
He turned to her properly again as she spoke, something somewhere between remorse and pity at her first statement. Despite his...difficult. Relationships with his family. The idea of not having any was an unpleasant one. He almost said 'I'm sorry' before a sense of surprise rippled through the force at her next words. That was even more visible on his face than his mothers age, he almost laughed, "You are serious? The monks?!" he immediately regretted the way he said that, trying to smooth it over with humor, "Sorry, I'm sure the lectures about stoicism and caring for plants were absolutely enticing."
Falentra Falentra


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