Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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It was a beautiful day here on Naboo. The sun was shining, and the wind was offering it's ever nice breeze to caress the grassy plains. It was here a red man dressed in simple clothing sat at a nearby table. A table with a simple white cloth and two simple wooden chair. On the table was, as one could probably guess, a simple tea kettle and a pair of tea cups.

Krest sat there, enjoying the view of the rocky and mossy mountains. There was a calming sensation about something as rugged as rock sustaining life so fragile as a blade of grass. That even an item that could kill could also sustain life. A perfect example of nature's beauty. But alas the Zabrak wasn't just sitting there to admire the world. No, he was waiting for an old friend who's reunion was long overdue.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Naboo. Kay hadn't been here for a long time. The last time she was it was during an invasion that she tried to help stop. Unfortunately it didn't work. She arrived on the Free Lady, piloted by Captain Terrac and accompanied by a couple of her security detail. Being the President of a planet, she wasn't really allowed to go anywhere without them, much to her disdain at times. But this time she didn't complain.

After her ship touched down at the co-ordinates given, she disembarked, along with her guards. It was curious to see a lone figure sitting at a small table in this setting, yet it was oddly familiar too. Kay had her guards keep a distance as she approached the table and [member="Krest"] . She bowed her head and then sat on the empty chair. "Greetings. You sent for me?"


And there she was. Blue eyes focused in on the familiar face, and a small smile formed upon his red lips. A polite nod was offered to [member="Lady Kay"] as he motioned to the tea. "I believe this is still your favorite, but time changes all things." He looked over her for another moment. "Including your skill in the Force. Back when we first met you were scared someone would find out your talent, and now here you are, stronger than even I." That would hopefully be enough to hint as to who he was.

The tea let out it's whistle of doneness, and without delay he began to pour the two cups. Once full, he'd pace one along to her, and take his own in hand to sip at idly.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay just stared at [member="Krest"] while he spoke. He was in another form? How can he keep doing that? Who was he hiding from. And she was stronger than he was? She doubted that, she really did. And she still kept her abilities a secret, though the Elders on Commenor made her promise to admit to it if asked directly. Something that so far hasn't happened, thankfully.

She picked up the tea and and a sip while looking into those blue eyes. Yes, she knew those eyes. "Yes, this is still my favourite, thank you. It's good to see you. Things have...changed again, I see." Kay was speaking kind of cryptic. Outside of her security, she wasn't sure who would be around to listen.


"They haven't, [member="Lady Kay"] , nor will they ever actually change." A bit cryptic in on itself, but after another long sip of his tea he made sure to clear it up. "I was the first Ferus you met. The other, the 'new form', was my apprentice. He was stronger than me, and far more mad. So when I did something he didn't agree with, he took my name and locked me away to get my secrets. Eventually of course I escaped, but he still holds that same name." There was almost a sad tone to the Zabrak's voice, as if it was a father speaking of his failures in his duty to his son. And in a way he had.

"I'm not here to talk about him and my own identity issue however. Instead, I'm here to offer a proposition. Before the Techno Union existed, it was known as the CIS. Like the one from the Clone Wars. Unlike the Clone Wars era or the Techno Union however, it was not run by the Sith. And more importantly, it was free. The Force Order, Templars, chose to join. Senators were not stripped of their rank because of their connection to the Force. Myself and other like minded people are trying to bring this ideal back to life, and we need help. I couldn't think of a better person than you."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay raised a brow slightly as she listened to [member="Krest"] speak. Was it his apprentice that destroyed her droid and threatened her? It's quite possible.

She sipped her tea as he spoke of the CIS. She hadn't quite heard of it, but she knew of the Techno Union. Kay looked down as he mentioned Senators being stripped of their titles, but looked up again soon after. She was a President now. That was her new role. At least the Commenori still accepted her. "What would you like me to do? You know how much that I value freedom. And acceptance. Currently I have two Embassies being built on Commenor, by two groups that are mostly at odds with others. If I can get others to do the same and have them co-exist peacefully in one place, then maybe it could set as an example to the rest of the Galaxy. Maybe then people could become free from living in fear and oppression."


"Help us build a system that will work. If Commenor works, why can't it work in the rest of the galaxy? Down south where the once proud people of the CIS were abused by the Union need help. That is where we will start, and if you and your system could help us get our feet on the ground, we could make a true government that promotes freedom. Not like the Republic, and certainly not like the Sith." It was clear Krest was adamant about this whole situation, and it was for good reason. Everything in his life he had done for the CIS. His fall to the Sith in an attempt to destroy them, giving up his wife and child to complete such a mission. He couldn't let it go.

And all he could hope was that his words reached [member="Lady Kay"] . Krest was a warrior, not a politician, and he needed one more than the sword at his hip.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay reached out to [member="Krest"] 's hand and gave it a bit of a squeeze, not in a flirting gesture, but in a reassuring one. "You are my friend, and as this is very important to you, I will do whatever I can to help. I don't expect it to be easy, but nothing worth while ever is." She removed her hand from his and had another sip of her tea. There was so much bloodlust and war mongering right now. The Galaxy needed peace and tranquillity, a chance to grow. Maybe this would help.


The Zabrak offered a quick nod as squeezed the hand back. It seemed like the right thing to do there. Then, after another sip of his tea, he spoke up in a more official tone. "And as such, the same will be offered to you. I'm it for the Templars right now, but you will have my assistance and that of any future Templar to join the Order. And y'know, Raxis wouldn't be too please if I didn't help out a vod." There was a wink on that one. He was after all a Mandalorian himself.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
A Templar Order? Hmm. She had hoped that it would be a good thing. Kay bowed her head in thanks, but then raised a brow as he spoke of Raxis and the word 'vod'. What did that one mean again? She couldn't remember. It wasn't as though she was used to their language.

[member="Krest"] had given her a wink. Did he know that she was adopted into the Raxian Empire? It wasn't as though she had much of a choice. It was either do that or risk getting attacked by the other Mandalorians. So of course she chose the former. But she didn't have armour, nor was she planning on wearing any all the time. It wasn't befitting her station as a President trying to promote peace.

"Thank you. And I'm embarrassed to ask....but what is a vod? I just can't keep these terms straight as I have a lot going on. And...what clan are you in?"


"I think it's something to do with family. Honestly, I don't know. And I don't have a clan, probably wont. Last names aren't my thing." He chuckled then, leaning back in his seat. He seemed far less stressed than he was when he first started talking to [member="Lady Kay"] . But that's what happened when business ended. Krest lifted his gaze to the mountain tops before him, chuckling.

"Man, it really has been a long time since I last enjoyed tea with a friend."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay raised a brow. He was a Mandalorian without being in a clan. She didn't know that such a thing was possible. But there was a lot about them that she didn't know.

She sipped her tea. "The only last name that I have is my own. I'd only change mine through marriage, yet I don't see that ever happening." Kay smirked a little. She was married to her work, in whatever work that would be. More than likely she wouldn't be President forever. The terms were only 5 years unless she was removed. Of course she could always get re-elected, but that didn't happen often on Commenor.

"Tea is very calming and helps clear the mind, almost like meditation. You should do it more often. The entire Galaxy needs to do it more often, especially the aggressive members of society."


"That's true.." The Zabrak trailed off then, simply staring ahead. He didn't know what to talk about at this point. In fact, he just sucked at normal chatter. [member="Lady Kay"] could probably tell that by his silence. So he simply sipped at his tea, enjoying the silence, the company, and the scenery. He would literally do nothing unless talked to.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay watched [member="Krest"] for a moment or two as he sat there in silence. But of course she didn't want to stare, so she averted her eyes elsewhere. Yet the silence was growing more and more uncomfortable for her. She wasn't used to just being in anyone's company for long. Every interaction that she has had with others has been strictly for business and nothing more. There was no such thing as a social call.

"Where would you like the Embassy? Near some of the others,or on it's own?"


"An embassy? I.. Uh. Well, there's really just me. I don't need a whole building to myself. Maybe when more come about we can discuss some sort of Embassy." He snapped back to focus as [member="Lady Kay"] spoke, and realized how awkward it was to just be sitting there in absolute silence. It worked for him, but not everyone was as comfortable in it. Another sip of his tea finished his glass, so he set it down and stood, stretching out. "Well, perhaps it is time to call this to a close. Again, should you need anything, and I mean anything, don't hesitate to call. I could use something to do." Krest flashed a smile before turning away.

He should really work on how to hold a conversation.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Even though it was just [member="Krest"] , she was still going to spare a place for him, just in case. And then he was on his feet to say goodbye. Kay thought about what she could have him do. There were too many things going on in her mind at the moment to think clearly. Even the tea wasn't quite helping.

But then there was one idea.... Please keep an ear out, especially among the Mandalorians. If myself or Commenor are ever brought up in conversation than please let me know so that I can prepare for danger, if need be. careful."

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