Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unfortunate Truths

The approach had been tense, but fortunately uneventful.

Cedric drew in a deep breath, and slowly exhaled it through his nose as the starfighter broke through the ash-choked cloud cover of Malebi. The empyrean was violent here; this was a world cloaked in the chaos of the Dark Side. Cedric was no stranger to such dark places, but it always took him a few moments to acclimate to the change in his surroundings.

The vessel scythed through the orange skies down toward a plateau of what seemed to be recently hardened magma. The vessel settled down gently upon the obsidian colored stone.

Why Mythos had issued this challenge was beyond Cedric. He suspected it had something to do with his father, though he had held the faintest of hopes that the Sith Lord might have undergone a change of heart and wished for assistance. Given the environment he now found himself in, Cedric was rather certain that wasn't the case.

The Jedi Master dismounted from the open cockpit of the starfighter, and grunted as his boots thumped into the ground. He was clad in the black armor of his people, the dark robe of Jedi design he wore over it billowing in the smoky wind.

The masked knight strode out onto the plateau, his unlit lightsaber ready in his hand. It was a blip of light in a sea of flame shrouded shadow, and he expected it would attract whatever had been left for him here.

The molten earth under his boots shined off the beautiful aurodium crafted armor that was crafted for him, gold and the red lava of this world gave his figure a glow of molten lava. This seeming wasteland was home to one of his most ancient allies, the Malebi. Wielding his ancient weapons Mythos walked into this wasteland alone after he issued a personal challenge to the son of an old friend. He did not have to fly here, here was where the main hub of his factory was located. He walked alone when he sensed the time was right and where the location of their encounter was to be had. It was a flat ground for miles, perfect hunting grounds for the golden beasts that were below both of them that at any time could reach up like the hand of some demon and drag one below.

Mythos saw his ship fly over him and did not even look up to confirm his arrival, instead taking a straight course to the plains of fire. As he neared he had doubts of what he would say to him, he had hopes but most importantly he knew that if this was indeed the son of Cyril Grayson and not some impostor he would easily be able to sway him into the dark side of the force, use him to take Corellia that had just fallen to the Alliance. For Cedric Would come to battle with what he was taught by the Jedi to be the truth by Mythos brought to bare the truth..

Because he was there.

"How cruel must the God's be if one believes the Valkyri." He said with voice that resembled thunder in these vast silent plains as he removed his golden helmet, wanting his foe to look him in the eyes when he told him his name. "To take my son from me then turn my brother's against me"

He never stopped walking straight for the man, looking straight into the armor insulting the memory of his father only made his blood boil. He tightened the grip on his ax and brought it over his head to rest on his shoulders. Without an inch of fear he sought to walk straight to the man, through the sickening light beaming through the force that came from him and look him in the eyes.

"Are you really going to raise your lightsaber at me boy?"

[member="Cedric Grayson"]​
He hadn't wholly known what to expect.

Cedric ceased all movement the moment Mythos made his appearance. The golden armored figure certainly fit the descriptions of the older Sith Lord; his father had often spoken of Lord Mythos' affinity for the finer things.

His expression was utterly hidden by the mask and cowl with which enshrouded himself, and his tone betrayed just as little by way of emotion.

"I haven't yet," he replied with a hint of caution. "I'd rather not, truthfully. There's only ever one outcome when people draw their swords." Cedric intoned as he folded his arms about his chest. There was no threat from Cedric: not yet anyway.

"Last I'd heard you'd chosen to remain at the emperor's side. My father never considered you content with being a sycophant - why content yourself to that?"

Emotionless and cold, such were the tales of the old jedi who even in the face of darkness were as emotionless as calm as he. His words came as equals, something Mythos himself was in disbelief of if his eyes gave anything away. He held in his rage and frustration knowing in truth that it was in no way the fault of his, but of the Jedi of course. He said nothing to the first comment, he needed the anathema of the Ax and rudis to remain ready so close to him, Mythos knew of the Blade of Russan.

"Don't use me or Kaine to shield yourself from the truth!" He spat, the thunder of the Ax slamming on his side. "[member="Darth Carnifex"] has completed what Me and your father started in Atrisia. The Brotherhood of the Sith." Mythos said, his left golden hand point a single accusing finger in his direction. Mythos was the exact opposite of what Cedric was before him, while he was calm and emotionless Mythos was easily read by his emotion, as he spoke with not a single fabrication or lie in his words in his mind and to his point of view.

"Your little rebellion has caused now the murderers of your father to embolden and retake Correlia, I have called you here to tell you the truth Cedric" His words were accompanied with silence as he drew out his Rudis and took his helmet off his underarm and into his left hand. "You have been fighting the wrong side for enough time, join me and together we will stop anything like that from ever happening again. We will liberate Correlia and have justice." His eyes pleaded with truth, his truth, the truth that he saw with his own eyes. "Jedi fought alongside me because what is right matters more that what flag you are flying son. Your father knew that, he would want you by my side"

[member="Cedric Grayson"]​
A sharp breath was drawn inward. There was something about Sith Lords and self-righteousness that really annoyed him. It was the result of a long history of chances given, and betrayal received in return. A Sith simply could not be trusted, nor could he practice the dark arts without falling into the well of homicidal apathy. There could be no tolerance.

"My father became a Sith Lord to destroy the empire the One Sith created. He made the wrong choices." Cedric replied calmly. The next dribble of words to spill from Mythos' lips morphed that annoyance into a flare of anger - it was a rage that Cedric quickly tamed into an overwhelming sense of focus.

"My planet is a husk used for strip mining." The Essonian knight said as if Mythos had just told him he liked diddling ewoks. "Your allies slaughtered millions of innocents because a holonet station was hijacked for ten minutes. There's nothing 'right' about you!"

He jerked an accusatory finger at Mythos. "The Dark Side is a wheel of good intentions and horrible results, and it's a wheel that I have the power to break on my own. I don't need you, and I don't need the poison you worship either. I'm going to take apart your empire piece by piece, and when it's ground into dust, I'll build a temple to the light over your graves."

There it was, he felt it, it was real and [member="Cedric Grayson"] was alive, he was inside there somewhere under the husk of tainted brightness that blade was undoubtedly feeding him. Mythos knew he could reach him, he felt it in his heart the moment a tingle through the force was felt and when he spoke there was a moment he could hear Cyril's conviction.

"Ever since I failed and lost you your mind has been tainted and spoiled by the minds of the Jedi. The same ones we sacrificed so much to destroy, I too have fought alongside the light." He said, this time a smile replacing the anger in his eyes, Mythos saw the hope now that even the Jedi could not. "Never have i asked you to become a sith, only to stop being a pawn of the Jedi and see what you have been manipulated into."

He pointed to the sky aiming at a bright constellation of starts in the sky that was Shri-Tal. "The worlds and cities I have crafted and vast bounties of crops and harvest. Rivers clear of pollution and water fresh to drink for countless billions, we were so close Cerdic! Now the ones who killed your father return, threatening to bring that same death and you have the nerve to point your finger at me? Fine!" He spat, his anger and tirade subsiding knowing there was one way his boy would listen, one way he would earn his boys respect: Beating him within an inch of his life just like his father. Mythos only hoped that he was not forced to kill him, time and pacing would tell if he would be reluctant or hesitate if he had the killing blow.

Mythos turned on a dime and picked up the ax a few meters away before turning around and preparing to seal the helmet of his armor.
"I blame you! I'm still here because you are too blinded by your own cold light! Your rebellion dies here!"

He placed his helmet on, the seal tightening and it's systems at full charge from seeing through his HUD. He swung his ax once and twice as an old way of signaling to his opponent that he was ready. The style of fighting Mythos would use first was a Juyo stance wielding the ax by it's center, he sought to end this fight quick but he would never fight like this without honor. This nod gave Grayson the choice to have the first move, if he denied it then Mythos would initiate.
[member="Cedric Grayson"]​
The momentary outrage faded from Cedric like the spirit of an angry god taking its leave. The masked Jedi regarded Mythos with a simple tilt of his head, and momentary silence. Mythos had been running around about as long as most of the older Sith - he was a true threat to the New Republic. The Jedi Master had no doubt he could dispatch the Sith Lord if he truly had to, but such things were not what Cedric desired.

"I don't point the finger at you Mythos," he shook his head. "I point it at your peers and superiors. You serve an evil empire." Another shake of the head, "The Jedi have no hold over me. I report to no one but myself, and my ideals and values were all formed of my own volition. The Jedi system of beliefs just happened to coincide with my own personal conclusions. I am as far from a pawn as a man could ever be."

He drew his arms out wide, "I know freedom Mythos. It's a hard life, and people often die before their time, but everything I do is of my own volition. I have no lords to bow to, no councils to kneel before. I am my own Grandmaster. My own emperor."

A hint of amusement found its way into his voice, "And I stand with the New Republic, as my father always wished to. It's not too late my friend. A new generation of Jedi is finding its way into the galaxy, and we are of a far different breed than anything your allies have fought before. Come with me, and I can show you what real power is."

The lightsaber remained unlit.

Mythos was in touch with the force now, the voice of the boy, every word that he said bringing Mythos close to believing truly that he could in fact bring Cedric with him, that he could save Corellia with him... that he could win that easy.

"I know Ceric i Know!" He said, his voice becoming distorted after he spoke because of the helmet he placed on his head. As it sealed gas could be seen blasting off his neck, it was followed by the popping of his bones. "I was not here, I was in my empire of the Ancient Eye gathering that which i needed" He spoke, slowly and carefully stretching in place before the fight. First his arms, legs, back and finally his neck. As much of a lord of the sith as he proclaimed himself to be he was not above basic physical necessities before the fight. He flashed his fist to Cedric and a pulse came from a small trinket wrapped around his hand, a carved broken artifact sealed together with Alchemy... This was the Ancient eye. "I can see everything Cedric, The dark side of the force does not cloud my vision! I can change it all!" He said, a smile under his lips as he prepared to explain something he thought was a change in the entire galaxy.

"Before the Gulag plauge Cedric, before even the rise of the One Sith! The Sith and the jedi could not see, the ability of seeing the future gone with the ages along with so many other powers lost to time" He said, hoisting the ancient eye over his head while gesturing to it. "I Can see now, I can see what the dark side of the force clouded for a millennia." It was clear now why Mythos was so incredibly confident when he called him here, when he went into battle, when he gave an order to his men. With his newly found power that was so rare in the galaxy Mythos truly believed himself invincible.

:Cedric this changes everything... With my power and my sight I will bring peace, Justice, Security and prosperity to the galaxy under The Brotherhood of the Sith! Real power and the power to destroy is insignificant when I can see what happens after ten thousand moons!" He shouted, his hand extending in an open palm calling Cedric to him, through the force and through his own words.

For a moment he would think it unnecessary to fight, unnecessary to wield his weapon against the son of his brother, unnecessary to carve the ground around them in a battle of power... until he spoke of the New Republic. His hand dropped as if he was told to go away, rejected not by his own words but by the mention of the republic responsible for Angramar... Maybe he didn't know... ?​
"My boy... That republic" He said, biting back the anger and fury he felt, biting back his desire to tell him how much he wished to attack them before they could get too strong. "I have seen it rise and fall two in this lifetime and now once in this new one." He stopped, gesturing to his own dome as he asked for permission to enter the Jedi's mind, Mythos was once a mentalist. "Allow me to show you what I see... What the force can no longer hide from me..."

He dropped his weapons, he dropped his axe and focused entirely on bringing to life what he had foreseen, what the Ancient Eye and his oracles had shown him.

Around them the red lands turned into into the world of Cardia, it's lands scorched like every capital of every major power in the galaxy once the same had fallen. Above it's skies fighters that were not Sith screamed in the sky as it showed one small thing, it's death would not come in the last hour from the Sith. The bodies were insurmountable just like Coruscant in the endgame, it's buildings brought down to rubble making some parts look like Munto City.

"This is how your republic ends Cedric, this is how all that stands in the way of our Empire looks like. This is a future no one, not you or me can ever avoid, everything that stands in the core right now is subject to wars and skirmishes i call the Vacuum Wars, I have seen them all, many will vie for control of the Core. All their fates reminiscent of the resurgent empire, a wave of death no one can ever hope to stall." he said as the vision died down slowly and he stepped forward with his Ax in hand. Mythos loved Cyril, he loved him for what he did, he loved his son and his offspring, but he loved what he had died for much more: The Brotherhood of the Sith. If he could not save his son from the blight of the light then he would do him a small justice of death a much better fate that die in the wars that were to come, his spirit safe from being entrapped, siphoned or worse. Mythos knew all too well the fates worse than death...

"I am Animus Malgus" He said, his voice somehow hardening even through the voice of helmet. "Father to a murdered son, king to a butchered people. My blade is that one that death could not bury, I have defeated death. [member="Darth Carnifex"], My Emperor, would see you dead without so much as the courtesy of last words. Because of the friendship and kinship of your father i brought you here to give you two choices my boy, be by my side and enjoy of my bounty or give you something no other sith would ever even consider giving you" Now his lightsaber ignited, there would have been regret but the republic made sure that was not the case.

"An Honorable death. A warrior's death."

[member="Cedric Grayson"]​
Cedric eyed the relic with something akin to curiosity, though his thought immediately turned to destroying the thing. The Jedi Master let Mythos monologue for a time, content to simply observe his surroundings as the Sith Lord went on about doing the right thing, and how the Sith were the supreme beings - something along those lines. It was a song that Cedric had been forced to listen to many times before cutting down the speaker once the dance had begun.

It was only when Mythos finally finished speaking that Cedric thought to say something himself.

"You're a fool to put so much trust in vision Animus Malgus. They are easily manipulated, and in turn make you just as malleable." Cedric replied calmly. He stared up at the fading vision in the sky in silence; the artifact was truly powerful, but it was just another tool of the dark side. Its promises could not be trusted, and the possibilities it offered were shadows of the prosperity that could be.

The eye saw the worst end of things, and Cedric had not time for pessimists. The Blade of Ruusan hissed as it came the life, the azure blade flooding Cedric's surroundings with the light's power. The energy of the empyrean surged through the weapon, casting aside the blood-crazed influence of the maddened planet that seemed intent on suffocating the Jedi Master.

The cowled knight held the weapon in a one handed taunting gesture, pointing it directly at the self-proclaimed Sith Magnus. "Show me the power that you cling to so desperately Mythos, so far I'm not impressed."

As the vision subsided Mythos triumphantly smiled over to Cedric thinking everything he had shown him to be much more than enough to convince him. What could possibly still hold him back from believing? Mythos had shown him what he had seen and so far the Eye did not lie. It surprised Mythos again to hear his voice, calm and clear of emotions, gone was anger and and any other thing Mythos detected. As quickly as the flare appeared in the force from the jedi it vanished, his control and focus of his emotions masterful. Even the greatest Jedi had a brief lapse of emotions from time to time and as Mythos understood it, it was the jedi who claimed control over them that were called masters. Now Mythos understood, Cedric Grayson was not a jedi knight or a padawan anymore with a powerful blade that evened the odds with stronger sith, He was a Jedi Master and the blade was simply a boon to his already skilled fighting abilities.

Mythos swallowed hard as he realized now fully what he had to do, he knew in the back of his mind that this would be a possibility but he never thought he would fail in bringing the boy with him. The boy was gone and in his place was a Jedi Master. Mythos was about to resign himself to a dance of death when suddenly he remembered something... In Atrisia.

His father and himself both became allies when they tried to kill each other and found a new respect as warriors, their bond, culture and code transcending the light, the dark and the jedi. During the Civil War of the One Sith it was Mythos' Atrisian Legions that paved the way into Coruscant, his gift after they came closer by trail of combat.

A new hope shined in his eyes, perhaps if he was able to defeat his son he would earn his respect and gain him as an ally just like he did with his father. He smiled and nodded bending his knees and holding the ax in one hand and his black lightsaber in the other.

"I hope you are stronger than your father because I am twice as powerful as when i battled him!" He bellowed with a terrifying laugh while gathering the power of the force into a telekinetic force jump falling into the form of Ataru. He dove down, head first into Cedric slicing once at his neck with the ax and a cross slice once he had landed aimed at his center.
[member="Cedric Grayson"]​
The Jedi Master was silent as he shifted his body. He took hold of the lightsaber with both hands and simply watched as Lord Mythos hurled himself into the air upon ethereal winds. Cedric remained motionless as he called upon the empyrean, allowing its energies to surge through his limbs like a conduit.

He hadn't expected Mythos to truly understand. The majority of those that fell under the thrall of the dark side rarely ever truly broke free of it, and even the Sith Lord's reported moments of redemption had been short lived. This creature had been one of his progenitor's sycophants, and had paid his own children about as much as Mephirium had Cedric.

In a way, Mythos was a proxy for Cedric's own father. He had no pity for the man, and in that lack of pity, he found that he had no reservations about killing the Sith Magnus.

How to do this quickly?

The Jedi took one three long steps back. Mythos had reached the zenith of his arc now, and he was falling fast. Cedric focused all the energy he had called upon into his feet, and stomped. The force of the impact kicked up massive pillars of molten rock that Cedric directed in a massive volcanic spear flying up to meet Mythos' falling form.

Over the sky and over the zenith of his arc Mythos looked down as if he was standing upside down. He tracked the movements of the jedi and felt the rumble of the earth. Ataru had the problem of being vulnerable while in the air lacking many defenses, that is why Mythos held on to his Ax. The eye offered no power of precognition, it was of no help in this battle or any, it could see far away but it would take time. Mythos had to rely on his instincts and surprisingly they were more than enough.

The earth cracked right before his eyes and from beneath the earth a spear of molten rock came at him, too fast to stop and too strong to break. Mythos fell into instinct, an extreme and rather mad tactic.

He continued with his attack as if nothing had happened but he executed it much higher and he placed his golden boots above the Ax of Adas, one heel at it's ax head and the other in it's handle. He angled his body and tucked in his knees, when the spear came he timed the repulsor blasts of his boots as he kicked the spear of molten rock and began to slide down it using the Ax as a platform and the repulsor boots of his armor to steer him.

The Pillar lead down to Cedric and Mythos had his lightsaber in one hand as he surfed down the pillar. He was going down fast, the repulsor boots breaking the molten lava rock behind him as he surfed into his adversary. As he neared the bottom he kicked the head of the ax down and slid his right boot fast along it's handle, this made the ax fly up in horizontal whirl at the neck of Cedric and Mythos followed it above his head with a single swipe below him from his lightsaber aiming to chop his head in two. "Hang ten!"

[member="Cedric Grayson"]​
It wasn't what Cedric had expected, but then Mythos had not become a Sith Lord by falling for cheap tricks. Understanding now that he could not simply end the conflict in the first opening move of the fight, the Jedi Master allowed himself to fall into a battle trance. Rock, soil, and magma parted before Mythos as the Sith Lord fell toward Cedric. Time seemed to slow then, or at least the way Cedric perceived it did. He saw the black blade falling toward his neck, the axe aimed to remove his head from his torso, and drew in a deep breath.

There was no way he could parry both the weapons with the Blade of Ruusan, but he could still move. His armored plates creaked as he caught the axe beneath its head with the Blade of Ruusan, the one smaller weapon lacking the momentum to break through the blade's guard and sever Cedric's neck from his spine. This close, Mythos would be exposed to the full power of the Blade of Ruusan, and might find his connection to the dark side stifled in it'ss overbearing presence. The black blade fell unimpeded, and it seemed Cedric could only panic as he held up a hand in vain to stop the blade.

It fell, and then it didn't. The energy blade sparked and crackled beneath Cedric's fingertips, slowly charring the material of his glove. "Phrik is a useful resource." The helmeted Jedi said smoothly as he pulled his head back, and slammed it hard toward Mythos' nose, intending to break it on the metal surface and perhaps give the Sith Lord a concussion if he was truly lucky.

It happened to fast, Mythos could not say he was able to track the jedi's movements, with everything around him all he was focusing on was the plasma of the blade of Russan. As he came crashing down and the Ax went flying his blade clashed into his adversary connecting, for a second Mythos thought of pressing the overload button on his songsteel lightsaber increasing the power into a small light club and increasing it's intensity but suddenly the phirk helmet crashed into his songsteel one. The impact itself sent the rocks and molten lava around them flying.

It was like coming in a fast run and then smacking directly into a duracrete post, luckily Mythos had a helmet too. The visor of his helmet cracked like if it was hit with a damn freighter but it still had enough of the visor to be able to see, albeit worse. He feigned the injury and took a knee when the momentum of the impact sent him a step back. Remembering to be as quick as possible, he brought both his hands together and cupped them dropping his lightsaber entirely. "Not that good against sound"

Point blank and as low as Mythos could get he pointed both his palms at the center of the jedi and unleashed the sonic emitters from the palms of his gauntlets.

[member="Cedric Grayson"]​
Sonic energy had always been difficult for Cedric to manipulate. There was nothing tangible to it for him to focus on, save for the vibrations it emitted through the air which proved more head ache inducing than helpful to focus upon. Without anything to properly visualize, Cedric was forced to rely on manipulating the energies around his own body, and in doing so could not reflect the sonic waves so much as survive them.

The Jedi Master was blown back several meters, slowly rose to his feet, and held his ground as the waves of sonic energy assaulted him. His energy shield flickered out just moments after the onslaught began, the armor began to shake so violently that Cedric worried it might shatter.

It was in moments such as this that Cedric saw victory. In his training, he had honed his body to take enormous amount of abuse in exchange for honing more offensive fighting styles, but in doing so he had found what he had perceived to be the key to victory against the legions of the Sith.

If he remained much longer beneath the sonic weapon's assault it would start to do some permanent damage. Rather than move, he looked for opportunity in the moment of his supposed demise, and found it in the lightsaber that had been dropped to Mythos' side.

Telekinesis had never been Cedric's strong suit, but moving small objects short distances never gave him any trouble. He reached out to the lightsaber Mythos had found, felt the presence of the corrupted blade, and walled his mind off to it. As the sonic weapon began to shatter parts of his armor, Cedric willed the weapon to rise and ignite in one swift motion, the black blade pointed up and jabbing forth to sink beneath Mythos' rib cage.

The power of his suit was no ordinary forge, he was tempted to craft his own and talked out of it once he heard the legends, a sun the palm of your hands. What to use it for? It was desiged specifically to fight without the force, when moments came when Ysalamiri were used or something as crippling as that blade. The reason why he could stay on the offensive was because his suit gave him his powers where the blade was taking them away, even without the blade igniting the blade of russan had at all this time kept him from using the force. He did not force jump, he used his boots with repulsion, he did not use his force push telekinesis instead using the technological synthetic version, the sonic emitters. His H.U.D. although cracked inside was electronically fully functional. Battery was a half, more than enough to override and do one more good trick.

As the energy of the blade ignited Mythos moved accordingly, he angled his body to let his blade drive into his back, the thickest part of the songsteel plated armor and switched his left hand to his secondary weapon, the tool made to mimic sith lightning. "I am a sith, not just in name." He said under his breath as the sonic blast was joined by an Arc caster from his left wrist.

In his mind his focus was on the Ax of adas, the anchor of the dark side of the force that was near as well, it's nexus fed him the strength he needed to withstand the incredible wave of light that blade of russan. Having his rudis on his armor was also an aid, as it was also a nexus given to him by the Wrath of the one sith @Reverence. While Cendric was exhausting his stamina of the force, Mythos was using his strength to remain standing even in the presence of a soulsaber like aura. If anyone could stand before the light it would be someone who walked through a Wall of Light and lived to tell the tale.
[member="Cedric Grayson"]​
The empyrean was, as it always had been, a valued companion in this battle. Cedric let it guide him when he found himself blind to the Sith Lord's intention. Precognition only came with the clarity of mind required of a Jedi Knight, and it was a clarity with which Cedric had grown particularly familiar. It told him of his opponent's intent just as the arc caster was raised to unleash its torrent of electricity upon him.

He fights like a soldier.

The realization resounded in Cedric's mind as his lightsaber scoured across the back of the SIth Lord's armor. Flecks of lightning flashed across his armored form and seared along the phrik, the artificial energy flickering faintly against the phrik. The sonic waves tore away at the armored plates however - the Essonian armor had survived a number of wars, but the Jedi Master was unsure as to whether it would last much longer. It was fortunate that the pain from the sonic waves had not driven him to his knees - his focus on the empyrean willed that physical awareness to the darkest corners of his mind.

Something drove Cedric forward. He fed upon it, allowing it to momentarily will his legs to take a few slow steps toward Mythos. The armor around Cedric began to crack; hairline fractures ran down the black plates and began to spread quickly across the entire suit. A single plate-bound hand reached out, and with it so did the invisible tendrils of the empyrean.

In the that moment of near-suicidal focus, Cedric perceived the Sith Lord's armor in his mind's eye. His awareness was consumed entirely by the armor - he examined it closely. Each groove and dent represented its history, and not one went unappreciated by the Jedi Master. As Cedric's own armor began to fall apart around him, the Jedi Master focused upon the molecular makeup of the armor's power supply.

He willed it inward, and then willed it apart. The hope was that disintegrating part of the battery would make the conduit explode, and in doing so end the Sith Lord's threat, or at the very least cripple him. Cedric could only trust in his own abilities as the sonic waves shattered his armored plates, and the arcing coils of electricity began to dance across his pale skin like the lashes of hell itself.


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