Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Unfortunate Circumstances

Kraden Dros

A particularly angry Sith
[SIZE=11pt]A good student of the Dark Side submerged themselves in it’s almighty power during the long trips through Hyperspace. But at current standing Kraden couldn’t figure out how they did such a thing.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]The rather massive young man sat cross legged, a position that seem grossly unfitting for one such as him. His mind entirely unable to just simply focus in on the rolling tides of the Force, a humming rested in the back of his skull, a literal humming came from his cybernetic limbs: he just couldn’t focus, his mind was a total and complete mess.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]“Pathetic, what type of Sith cannot-”[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Kraden gave the spirit no time to speak as he rose to his feet, roaring out he threw a punch into the wall of the starship. A groan came from the wall as he left a sizable dent in the metal...rage, rage unending was all that Kraden could find in his broken soul and that fact made him all the more angry.[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=11pt]Storming out of his damaged meditation chamber, the seething Sith made his way for the cockpit: he needed to relax, let the stars, and the vastness of the Galaxy embrace him...but it seemed that would have to wait. For he could feel his vessel lurch out from Hyperspace, Interdiction…[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]For once the Acolyte made his way to the cockpit he looked to a considerably large fleet of warships. His vessel shook once more, though Kraden thankfully saw that it wasn’t him being blasted to bits by what he assumed were hundreds of laser cannons, no, instead it was his craft being grasped by the largest of the vessels: his small little freighter being pulled inside. Spouting out an impressive spray of curse words, Kraden went off “hide”, let the fools explore his craft before he went out to assail them.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt][member="Rhane Varless"][/SIZE]​

Lots of water...

Running water...

''Commander, there's a vessel that's going to cross our flightpath. It's trajectory and speed indicate it most likely originated from Sith controlled territory. What do you want us to do?'' Officer Nitso spoke franticly as she communicated to the Admiral of the Silver Jedi Order's seventh fleet, Rhane Varless. Rhane pondered this option for just a moment, letting the cool, crisp water fall over his head. He scrubbed his head hard, almost as if to enhance his problem-solving abilities.

''We have The Faribaba with us, correct?''

''That is correct, sir.''

''Activate it's gravity wells and examine the ship. If it's nothing of interest, apologize and send it back.'' Rhane stepped out his shower, towel around waist and began to dry himself off.

''Aye aye!'' Officer Nitso jogged off to the control center of the vessel to relay the orders.


The orders were quickly relayed to the Faribaba and it's gravity wells were activated, halting all hyperspace travel in or out of the immediate area. It was only a few more minutes before the ship came crashing out of hyperspace. The Seventh expecting it's arrival, and after seeing Sith markings on the vessel, the Saesee Tinn grappled onto the ship with it's various tractor beams. It slowly but steadily sucked the helpless vessel into it's hanger, releasing it onto the floor with a loud crash. By this time, Rhane was down in the hanger to personally oversee the ship's examination. He placed a microphone near his mouth and spoke into it, his voice amplified by the public announcement system in the hanger.

''This is Admiral Rhane Varless of the Silver Jedi Order. All of you come out of the vessel now and no one gets hurt, this can be peaceful. We wish you no harm, and you have my word that when you come out you will be treated fairly and peacefully. We will give you 5 minutes to talk amongst yourselves, otherwise we will take more drastic measures, measures I do not want to have to take.'' Rhane placed the microphone back down and stood at the hanger's balcony surrounded by several dozen L1 Marinus Battle Droids. Rhane stood aware at the balcony, anticipating the opponent's next move.

[member="Kraden Dros"]

Kraden Dros

A particularly angry Sith
Kraden looked out to the hangar, and was filled with an utter hopelessness. And that was a dangerous trait in someone who had lived so much of their lives in fighting pits. He stared back at 82 droids, and he knew they would all be more than capable of tearing him into bloody ribbons...he was stuck. A cornered animal, with very very few options. Kraden was not wise, he was not seasoned, he merely ran of intuition and vague guesses. And occasionally, very very rarely, the suggestions of the spirit pounding in his brain.

And with his escape lost, and being so grossly outnumbered, he did the only sensible thing he could think of:

He waited. Not moving at all, he would get the drop on this little whelps...somehow...

Though such a prospect seemed unlikely.

[member="Rhane Varless"]
Rhane waited, and waited and waited so more. It seemed as if the stranger would never exit the vessel. He had a deep supply of patience, but not an endless one. Having enough of the antics of this mysterious visitor, he pulled Vice-Admiral Nitso over to himself. He whispered in her ear, keeping his eyes on the vessel.

''I'm sending in several droids to distract the occupant, I'm going to get on top of it and attempt to cut in while they distract him'' he said in a hushed voice. He winked and spoke up, making sure all occupants of the hanger, hidden or not, could hear him.

''Lieutenant, tear that ship apart.'' Rhane commanded L1 Marinus droids inside the vessel. Two squads of droids marched off the platform and into the ship while Rhane crept out of sight of the viewports. As they entered, their metal feet clanging against the entry way, Rhane leapt atop the vessel and began to cut into it.

[member="Kraden Dros"]

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