Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Under the Stars

Lyra Ozu


"Can you hand me the- the-" She pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes as if pained trying to remember the word. "The bendy thing that holds the tent up." She settled on what she deemed a suitable description while holding her hand out expectedly for the nondescript piece of equipment. "You know the one... That one!" She pointed to the semi-flexible pole peeking out among the grass. It wasn't exactly the smoothest of operations but they were getting there... eventually.

It was a two day hike to their destination, unaided by contemporary modes of transport as the tribal lands they were progressing through did not view the unfamiliar technology of outsiders too favourably. The Jedi were there to reduce hostilities between the locals and emigrated nearby populations which had been escalating in recent weeks, not incite more. Accompanied by her Padawan and a protocol droid, the Jedi Knight made the executive decision to set up camp for the night in an area she deemed relatively safe and while it was still light.

While hammering the tent pegs into the ground, Lyra pondered thoughtfully. "It makes for a nice change to Coruscant, doesn't it? I don't think I've ever not smelled air until now. I mean really not smelled it, you know without the pollution and all." She mused as she worked on their makeshift accommodation. "Oh, can you try and start a fire please. I'm not in a cold tinned beans kind of mood. There might be a lighter in one of the bag pockets." She claimed - a bold statement. All manners of things could be found in her bag including keys with no obvious matching locks, a single sock, a half-eaten cereal bar, a pen but no paper and 7 single earrings with none matching another.

The area they found themselves in was relatively peaceful, far from any civilisation, near a quietly flowing stream that ran through the forest. There was enough of a clearing where they were that sunlight streamed through the canopy and provided them with adequate lighting for now, though the fire would certainly prove to be useful before long.

Taking on a Padawan had worked out in the end. Travels were certainly less lonely with a companion. Whether he was actually learning anything from her was a separate matter.

Gillan Eru


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