Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Unconventional Means

She could feel it all, the apprehension and nervousness rolling off in waves that collided upon stardust. Eyes narrowed a little in her own thoughts...could she let this girl really do this? She felt something else that she cpuldnt quite place. Sitting forward she stared jazz right in the eyes and spoke

you've my admiration, your bravery even while nervous truely is a shinning example many need to heed. Itll take a bit to get a crew, I offer a few places you can stay nearby while we gather the crew, as well I know a few clubs and good restaurants I can recommend

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold

“I’d appreciate that. I’ve been gone from home for what feels like a lifetime, and a week, at the same time,” she replied, turning her attention to Stardust. Indeed, a measure of gratitude lifted off of her like sunlight, just for a moment. Even as she sat there, one leg crossed over the other, looking casual, one hand rested in her lap, balled into a fist. her knuckles were white, though she laid her other hand over the top of it, trying to keep it from showing.

Hutts didn’t scare her. The Black Sun didn’t scare her. Those things she understood. The Sith wanted nothing more than the absolute subjugation, murder, or twisting of every other living creature. They just wanted to watch worlds burn. Greed, avarice, lust, even wrath, she understood. But their ideology unnerved her at the least.

Stardust might have been a political figurehead, rather than a true monarch, but she was well-respected by her people. And she loved her people, her planet, and man others. She knew at the very core that Star supported freedom for her, her people, and in general all those allied with her. And that was something worth fighting for. That affirmation and determination rolled through her again. It did little to settle the ice in her stomach, but it was something to hold onto.

But for now, there was time to try to enjoy life, and what happiness she could find, being back home. And that too was a measure of comfort. Reaching up, she wiped at the outer corner of her right eye, trying to keep her vision from turning too watery. Forcing a smile she swallowed a small lump and shifted position in her chair. “Do you know a good mechanic,” she managed, though her voice cracked a little at the question.

Her eyes narrowed, the emotions hit her hard, harder then she thought they would. Glancing about stardust shut down her data pad then the holoprojector as she clamped her hands together gently

you know what, I'd be a terrible host if I said your free to leave, I thinking is in order, i know a good place where we can get some drinks as well nice atmosphere good music too actually.

She knew how it felt being this nervous. Stardust was once so young and had faced a foe that seemed nigh invincible. Standing up she offered a green hand to jazz and smiled a friendly warm smile

come, I'll even pay for both of us as a treat

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold

Slowly, Jahzra took Star’s hand and slipped to her feet. Her grip was a little tight for a moment before she made herself relax. The skin under Star’s touch was soft and warm, for the most part, but her palms had a few callouses from gripping the controls of vehicles. They had softened some with her time on hiatus, but it was clear she flew a lot. And of course, there were the wear patterns of someone who practically lived with a blaster in their hand.

”I could really use a drink,” she said looking up, up, up at the taller woman. Star was at least a full head taller than her, and it struck her then the height difference. It wasn’t hard to feel the strength in Star’s hand, and she realized then that the twi’lek woman was big enough and strong enough, likely fast enough, that if she wanted to hurt Jahzra, all she could do would be evade. And that wouldn’t get her very far. She probably couldn’t outrun Stardust either. Not with those long and strong legs. She found her face heating with a blush then but pushed it away even as her skin tingled with the deep heat. She could almost feel the pheromones floating off her to her chagrin.

Shaking her head at herself she realized she hadn’t let go of Star’s hand yet. But neither had Star released hers. Idly she stroked the back of that green hand with the pad and side of her thumb, caressing her skin lightly, sampling it. “I knew some good clubs here when I was younger but that was over ten years ago. I’ve no idea if any of those haunts are still here. So feel free to show me a good time,” she said with a grin.

Star hadnt quite realized the massive size difference. Hell if star wanted she could likely pick that girl up and carry her without hardly any strain. This made her chuckled internally as the girl felt her hand, worn down from years and years of fighting and flying. These hands had seen life and death in the same motion

But..these hands werent real..cybernetics, reminders of war. Something she constantly lived with as a reminder, while warm they were fake

However while fake they still had affection. Star felt that finger caressing her hand and narrowed her eyes as she let a breath our and relaxed

I know a few where I got VIP access.theyve got good drink, good food, and good dancers....but what makes it better is good company

She said gently lead her out towards the exit and outside into the fresh air as she looked around and took a deep breath

ahhh...and it's good weather too

Jahzra Rocvard

Criminal with a Heart of Gold


Location: Palace, Zeltros
Equipment: Civilian clothing
Tag: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae

Jahzra nodded. “Good company especially,” she agreed. As they stepped outside, the night air was mostly clear, but the stars were a little hard to see through the light pollution of the city. She didn’t mind though. They were always there. She’d be back out there soon.
For the moment, she turned her attention back to Star. It was unusual. She felt safe with the woman, despite the raw power she felt in that grip. Star was clearly a weapon. And the queen of her people. But she felt much more like a friend. Reconciling those concepts in her mind was a little difficult. But at the same time, she simply accepted it for face value, for now. Some might think it naive, but Star would prove who she really was in time, but she sensed no deception from the twi’lek. And she admired what she saw, physically and emotionally.
So we walking, or taking a ride,” she asked her companion and… boss she guessed. But at the same time, she didn’t quite see Star as her boss either. Technically she was, but in a way she was still her own boss. She found herself circling back around to one word. Comfortable.
The idea of traveling into Sith space and all the horrible things that could happen with that still floated behind her eyes. But some of that madness had begun to lessen.

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