Keepin Corellia Weird

Image Source: Here
Intent: Limited production weapon based off Ijaat Akun's signature mass drive technology for the Underground
Development Thread: If Needed
Manufacturer: Gotal'veman Armos & Armor (Ijaat Akun)
Model: N/A
Affiliation: The Underground
Modularity: Ammo & Sights(on rail) only. Weapon is static. Feeds from either 30 round clip or 100 round drum mag.
Production: Semi-Unique. 5-10 total weapons made.
Material: Durasteel, Mass Accelerator Drive, Ammo magazine
Classification: Slugthrower - Mass Drive
Size: Rifle
Length: Approx 999mm
Weight: 3.5 kg (basing the size, range and such off of the MG36E by H&K)
Ammunition Type: Tungsten bolts functioning like a 'bullet' in shape and aerodynamics
Ammunition Capacity: 30-100 rounds depending on magazine type. Using a full 100 round mag in one go induces a necessitated 'cool down' for several minutes.
Effective Range: 800 meters (200-600m with pinpoint accuracy.)
Rate of Fire: Three Round Burst or Semi-Auto
Special Features:
- Able to fire it's projectile at 3 mp/s due to mass-driver propulsion system(Cannon)
- Tungsten rods it fires assures that even a near miss will be harrowing due to impact damage. They may not harm, but you will notice them hit.
- Produces an ear splitting roar when fired, similar to a peal of thunder from far off
- Bolts/Bullets can puncture all but the strongest armor (Class 8 and below)
- Smooth armor or flutings may redirect and reflect the projectile.
- Intertial dampeners and gyrotic stabilizers in the stock and handle reduce recoil and improve accuracy.
- Able to be slaved to fire via gauntlet control or HUD control. No manual over-ride.
- Hybrid liquid-gas coolant system to keep barrel from overheating
- Rail system for various scopes, fairly accepting of most kinds with little effort
A sleek, new design from Ijaat for his friends in the underground, and utilizing one of his favorite designs, this gun is a front line soldiers best friend. It it fairly rugged, despite it's smooth lines and corners, and holds up to 30-100 rounds depending on the ammo mag taken.
It is colored in slate gray, with a matching spacers leather rifle sling anchored via duasteel furniture, and contains a HUD uplink to assist with targeting via any helmet systems, if the option presents, as well as a micro-droid assisted red dot sight to help with target acqusition and firing (automatically adjusting for wind and terrain) with a rail system up top for any secondary sights or the like the shooter may prefer.
Overall, there is, like with most of Ijaats designs, very little in the way or ornamentation or flair. The U-1MDR is simply a sleek, relatively lightweight, highly dangerous main rifle made for his friends in the Underground when they need a bit more oomph on those dangerous missions.
Primary Source: N/A