Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay sipped her tea, glad that [member="Arken Lussk"] seemed pleased with the offered amount. Whether or not that was just a front remained to be seen. But at least he had agreed that it was a good start.

She raised a brow as [member="Darben Skirae"] seemed very keen on the law enforcement end of things. Of course Commenor was doing quite well in that regard. The other worlds in their territory might not be. But that was up to their leadership. Kay could only suggest how their law enforcement operates and what tools are used.

"Cyber defence, if you please." she answered in response to Arken, before looking to Darben. "We can send both our Minister of Justice and Head of Security the catalogue to look over." For the moment she kwpt the military aspects out of it.

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