Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Tycho Reeves


  • NAME: Tycho Reeves
    NICKNAME: None yet
    FACTION: Galactic Alliance || New Jedi Order
    FAMILY: Mandalorian Clan Reeves

  • AGE: Early Thirties
    GENDER: Male
    SPECIES: Lorrdian-Human
    HEIGHT: 6'3
    WEIGHT: 210lbs

  • Trait_education_martial_2.png
    Wrathful Limited
    Cynical Brave Aggressive

  • "...they voted Vertical City the worst place to live in the galaxy. Main issues? Sky high rate of violence and more people living below the poverty line than anywhere else. Can’t deny it; it’s all true... but everybody still wants to live here. This city’s always got a promise for you. Might be a lie, an illusion, but it’s there... just around the corner - and it keeps you going. It’s a City of dreams. And I’m a big dreamer..."
    - Tycho Reeves to Kita before venturing to torch down Gajiik the Hutt's palace

    C H A P T E R _ I : V E R T I C A L _ C I T Y
    Tycho Reeves was born to an unknown father and a Mandalorian mother from clan Reeves on Nar Shaddaa. He'd learn Bocce and Huttese before he learned Basic. Mando'a? As broken as the state of galactic affairs. She taught him from a young age, as per Mandalorian tradition: survival. A child soldier, ready to take on the harsh concrete jungle of Vertical City. You think there's scruples on the Smuggler's Moon? Pshtt, this ain't the Core, kid.

    His mother was killed when he had just hit twelve, throwing him into a life of vices from a young age and forcing him to put the skills his mother taught him to use. To survive, he joined Gajiik the Hutt's entourage of thugs. Teenage years? Grand theft auto, racketeering, aggravated assault, arson, robbery, manslaughter. You name it. Booze, deathsticks, girls, spice and everything vice. You name it.

    Eight years of blurred memories later, he finds out his mother had been killed on the orders of Gajiik the Hutt. Single-handedly, and unbeknownst to him with the help of the Force, Tycho blasted through the palace and torched it.


    "If our lives are already written, it would take a courageous man to change the script."
    - Ember Farseer offering to teach the ways of the Jedi to a grieving Tycho Reeves

    C H A P T E R _ I I : B L A C K _ D O G S
    To escape the retribution, he fled offworld with the Black Dogs - a well-known pirate crew known for its viciousness. During his time as a pirate, Tycho learned the ropes of spacefaring, starships, piracy and even smuggling. He spent almost a decade of pillaging, gambling, drowning in his vices and living day to day. Surprisingly he found a significant other in a crewmate - Taya for which he had much love to give to only to find she had a mortal sickness.

    Until one raid on distant Eira Pechal for what was supposed to be a milk run was met with the impenetrable resistance of the local Jedi Praxeum. The Jedi forces led by Ember Farseer and Anais Auraeli subdued completely the Black Dogs pirates. During the clash, Tycho's force sensitivity was revealed when he surprisingly absorbed a Jedi's lightsaber energy only to pour it as an energy of revitalization unto his wounded significant other. The shocking revelation saw his voluntary induction into the Jedi Praxeum to learn about the Force with the goal of finding a way to heal Taya's sickness.


    "Death is inevitable. Our fear of it makes us play safe, blocks out emotion. It's a losing game. Without passion, you are already dead."
    - Taya's final words to Tycho

    C H A P T E R _ I I I : E N D G A M E
    The Sith Empire's daring attack on Coruscant had Ember Farseer mobilize the Jedi Praxeum into the battle against darkness. Tycho Reeves and Taya were attached to an Alliance unit upon their arrival, with Tycho using his unconventional medical skills to aid the wounded, while Taya used her pirate background to perform unconventional strikes on Sith forces. On the precipice of victory, the betrayal within the New Jedi Order led to the complete collapse of the resistance and directly to the death of his Tycho's significant other at the hands of a Sith.


    "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world."
    - Allyson Locke Allyson Locke recruiting Tycho Reeves to Task Force Xesh, the Alliance's Suicide Squad.

    C H A P T E R _ I V : L O N E _ W O L F
    Broken, beaten and scarred, Tycho Reeves turned back to his old vices and left behind the life of the Jedi; viewing it as a lie. After all, hadn't the deception come from one the Jedi's ranks on Coruscant? Unlike the past, Tycho channeled his new Force powers and his old marauding abilities to avenge his significant other's death. He plotted and enacted numerous corsair and terrorist attacks across Sith-Imperial space. His actions attracted the attention (and accidentally nearly blew the cover) of Jedi Shadow Allyson Locke. Whether her mastery of the Force, cunningness or an odd reminder of his dead significant other, he accepted her offer.

    Service in Task Force Xesh, the restored Galactic Alliance's suicide squad.

    There where his skills would be combined with others of similar backgrounds; in a dark war against the Sith.


    "...You are not a good person. You know that, right? Good people don't end up here."
    - Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea to Tycho Reeves during the latter's induction to Task Force Xesh.

    C H A P T E R _ V : X E S H
    Tycho was a survivor. Even if task force Xesh tested that to the limit. They did dark shit for the Alliance. Real dark, to the point even he started questioning himself. During his tenure within the task force, as his quest for vengeance simmered, he fell in a love with a woman. Married, he was ready to give it all up; all the booze, all the drugs, all the nefarious suicide squad shit.

    But it was all taken away from him once more.

    Tycho's wife was killed in the Sith's conquest of Velmor. Broken, desperate and having lost everything valuable he'd ever had, an epiphany struck him - in the darkest depths, he found a spark; if the galaxy is written, be the man to change its script.

    The New Jedi Order offered him a hand once more into the way of the light.

    ...the right man at the wrong place.

    There was no vengeance anymore.

    Only for righteousness.

  • FORM V: The form came naturally to him during his first trainig with the legendary lightsaber. It compliments his innate aggressive characteristics. Tycho's personal touch to the Form is his use of a scatter gun or a blaster pistol while yielding the lightsaber; a reminiscence of his cutlass-pistol gear as a pirate.

    TUTAMINIS: While his limited skills in the Force remain an obstacle to his further training, he has shown extreme talent with Tutaminis. Tycho demonstrated a rare ability that enables him to transfer the absorbed energy into that of healing. At this point he is able to absorb blaster bolts and equivalent energy outputs including slugs.

    FORCE JUMP: One of the two powers Tycho can use other than Tutaminis, it allows him to stay mobile and reach places otherwise unreachable. He can jump twice or thrice his height.

    FORCE SPEED: Tycho is able to accelerate his speed slightly, giving him just a little edge whether he is on the offensive or the defensive.

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