Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Smugglers Cant

"This makes sense."

She agreed with a nod. She'd done something similar with the Krakana Class Cruisers, reporting them stolen by criminals when the producer had tried to pull them back. Of course in her case everyone knew she was in fact the criminal involved, and it was purely to duck any legal issues, but the point stood.

She listened to everything else he had to say with interest. The destruction of either a Jedi or Sith world did not particularly concern her, though she did rather hope it was a Sith one, for personal reasons. Maybe one that was all disgustingly Vong-y.

She wasn't entirely sure if she thought he'd be able to isolate how the Ysalamiri were able to push away the Force, but she couldn't see why the ability couldn't be gene-sliced into another species, even if only be trial and error. Likely some would die and it might not be exactly ethical, but this is what scientific advancement often required. Morals were very grey. Even cloning was questionable at best. Living, breathing sentients created, bought and sold, seen as no more than droids. Gene splicing was no better or worse. At least it might accomplish something new rather than just maintaining the status quo.

She supposed since he had shared his plan it was only fair that she shared a few of hers.. So she spoke to him, of 'zin and 'tek, of clones and alchemist and armours, of engine troubles and other space and the things that might be found there.. Things that might change the game.

[member="Corruck Kazen"]
At first as Corruck listened it was more out politeness than interest. He understood of cloning, alchemy, and armors. They were all very important to keep in mind as the plans were worked upon, however they were variables that were difficult to count on and therefore were to be calculated nearer to the beginning of the attempt. If Corruck spent his time trying to define the possibilities of just those three variables within his scheme, then there would have to be an even longer time period before he could act. Alchemy, by itself, could push an sort of action decades into the future, if only because the possible uses of such were near limitless.

When she began speaking of engine troubles, Corruck became interested, if only because it was truly a strange subject to jump to. He listened, cataloging the information and filing it away within his mind. Mention of an Other Space? That was a truly attention grabbing point, in fact [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] wouldn't even have to have spoken about what could be found within to have Corruck's complete attention. This Other Space could be perfect. It was the source of a mineral that was exactly what was needed. If only there were a definite, reliable way to reach that strange place.

"This seems like there is much that could be accomplished. Do you think that we could reach the Other Space?"
"I'm sure of it."

Was the immediate answer.

"I came across mention of it in passing and it.. piqued my interest. It's hard to find concrete details, particularly with all the information lost in the Plague, but if you search deeply enough you find allusions to it too many times for it to be anything but fact. Even some mentions of pilots getting there and back multiple times on purpose. Allowing that some of these are likely fictitious there's still too many mentions for it not to be grounded in fact."

She paused for a moment, running over the information and details in her head. There was a lot, much of it vague or cryptic at best, but she had worked with less.

"Engine troubles were the main unifying element. So it has to be something that most hyper-drives can suffer from, but not the most common problems or people in shoddy ships would be popping over there all the time. Or perhaps they are and it's coming back that's the problem. It will take a lot of research and as much as I hate to say it, trial and error, but I can see no reason we can't accomplish it."

[member="Corruck Kazen"]
"There is going to be a lot of trial and error anyways. Better to do it soon rather than wait. It seems that you have come up with better ideas than myself." He chucked to himself slightly. She certainly had found more concrete plans than he, what with his ideas only being theoretical and hers being practically fact.

"I would also assume that such tests would need to be done as subtly as possible." He was certain that if other people found out, especially enemy leaders, that there would be large attempts to stop them and probably end them.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
"I don't know about better.."

She offered with a slight smile and a shrug. His could certainly prove exceptionally useful if he managed it, there was no denying that. It was simply a harder goal to meet. Trying something entirely new, breaking ground, rather than following and perfecting something that had been done, had been discovered before. Though hers did have the advantage of already being proven possible.

"Most definitely. Ignoring the materials they'll certainly want our of our hands, having another field to move within, to operate from.. I'm lead to believe it will be dangerous of course but, everything is these days. If others catch wind.. Even if they can't stop us, if they start their own programs our advantage is greatly lessened. Not taken, but lessened."

A somewhat larger smile, this from one criminal to another.

"I personally like to have as many advantages as possible. If that means cards from an entirely different deck... So be it."

"I do have a contractor who would likely be ideal to assist with this. He's very smart, but not brave enough to betray me, and not a big enough name that he is watched."

[member="Corruck Kazen"]
Corruck replied with a grin, one that was never shown to the Rebels. In fact, he hadn't had that grin come out in a long time. It was some what of a pressure relief, an odd one but one none the less. It had been years since working professionally with another criminal, the business with the Destiny's crew hardly counted. Those people were little more than common thieves and futureless drifters. They weren't organized and hadn't been careful enough. The exact opposite of what he would have to be to pull this off... after all, this entire endeavor was very much akin to an illicit operation.

"Just the kind of man needed. Wish I could say that I have likewise. The best I have are my own scientists, who undoubtedly are watched." In regards to keep a few extra cards in a deck, he normally kept a sifter in his sleeve or at least some wild cards. He could never stand for playing fair, that simply was not a rule in life. Soldiers were taught to not play fair, always bring a bigger, better weapon to a fight. Animals didn't hunt fair either. Nature simply wasn't built on fairness, it was built on balances and the Force interrupted that balance.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
"Just so."

She nodded once. Skolnick would likely prove invaluable, if expensive. But then, if half the stories and legends were right.. a tenth of them even, this could be worth far more than he would ever dream of asking.

"How do you want to proceed? Shall we try and collaborate in any way or keep our research separate in the beginning to lessen the chance of discovery, even if it does slow us down? Speed or caution? I can see call for either."

His scientists might be as good or better than Skolnick, she didn't know. They might accomplish more working together, or they might not. Either way she'd have the inventor go ahead. He would likely have some ideas on where to start. She wouldn't pay him if he wasn't worth it after all. He might even like this new intellectual challenge.

As for Corruck.. This was going much better than she'd hoped. She'd feared finding something ruined by Dredge, a threat. Instead she found someone who could play on her level. Who was ambitious and ruthless. A little bit more idealistic at times than she was entirely comfortable with, but perhaps that could be mitigated if he was reminded of his roots.

[member="Corruck Kazen"]
Corruck thought on that a moment. Safety and security was something that he normally played for, sometimes missing opportunities other times traps. He was normally very patient, accomplishing in months what could have otherwise been done less carefully in weeks. He had often been told to be less cautious, however he had always countered that it was better to have a small fortune and an uncompromised system than a large fortune and being on the run. Part of his wish for security may have been caused by some early mistakes, however he wasn't certain of that. However, speed was also important, after all the enemy would find out, there were no ands, ifs, or buts about it. That was part of his goal, that everyone would know. But, he needed to time them learning so perfectly that they could do nothing about it.

In this case, Corruck was willing to make a compromise, take a little bit of both. His scientists, especially the ones who had been working on Ultimatum and Vigilant would require a break at some point. He could send the technologically adept scientists on leave for awhile, they had passed up on the majority of their normal leave anyway. The biological scientists would stay at ReCal working on the Ysalamiri projects and making some small side technologies at the same time. They could handle it, especially since they had had no serious projects within the last year or so.

"I would be willing to send some of my scientists, the most technologically brilliant ones to help. I will expect them to come back in usable condition though." He finished with a grin at the joke. "While they are away I can have my other scientists work on facade projects as well as more important ones. What do you think?"

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
"I promise I'll play nice."

She responded playfully. She had no idea how Skolnick worked in a team, but supposed she'd find out. Easy enough to have Kazen's scientist on holiday at her Casinos and either smuggle them out or have them working remotely with Skolnick.

"It sounds like a plan to me. Misdirection, never let anyone know where your focus really is. Ravens will continue being terrible criminals of course, people will be waiting for us to attack the Techno Union or rob another bank in a dramatic fashion. R&D is not generally expected of us. So, eyes on me and my lads working on the sidelines uninterrupted."

That seemed to largely sum that up. She considered him once more, before speaking frankly.

"You are not what I expected after that.. meeting. I am glad to have met someone who can operate on the same level and think as many moves ahead. That we are allies in this is even better."

The last was added with another grin. Often the capable seemed to be standing on the other side of the board from her, forcing her to play that much smarter. To have someone actually be on her side and independent, an equal.. This was no small thing.

[member="Corruck Kazen"]
Corruck felt good, much better than he had expected. It was refreshing to speak to a crime lord who wasn't self-absorbed, proud, or in any way similar to the holodrama stereotypes. It was amusing how correct some portions of the stereotypes were. Most of the time, working other crime lords was a pain in the backside. He had preferred working alongside lesser criminals or people with no criminal background because they were less difficult to work with.

Corruck grinned at the description of the Red Ravens, that sounded about right. Thanks to the fictions of the day, most people didn't see any large criminal organization as anything more than a large number of hitmen and thieves. That would play to their advantage for now anyways. The future was a difficult being to predict.

When [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] spoke of their previous meeting Corruck could feel a small amount of embarrassment rise to his mind. Speaking of Sith at that time had brought Dredge to his mind. Not really what he had needed at that moment. Corruck smiled, more thoughtfully. Yes, the experience with Dredge had been quite horrible, but he had survived and would grow stronger for it. Unlike his men... He had saved a number of men's lives and had saved those children, but he had betrayed himself and the Rebels at the same time. What made that worse was that a little of him had enjoyed it.

He had to pull himself out of those thoughts before he began another downward slide. He spoke soon after, "I'm glad that you were willing to speak to me after that." Then he smiled more humorously as he said, "And may we not end with infighting." Another common cliche within holodramas, the criminals, normally bad guys, begin fighting among themselves which makes them lose.
The Twi'lek laughed at that last.

"What didn't you know? We're destined to have a torrid love affair that will eventually go wrong, and at the height of our accomplishments, just when our goals are within reach we'll have a falling out and murder each other in a dramatic shoot out. Or explosion. The holos tell me explosions are also acceptable. Poison and quieter methods are only all right if we're using assassins, and then one of us still has to die in a loud messy fashion."

She paused to consider for a moment, seeing if she was missing any major plot points.

"Oh, and our ratings will likely go up if one of us manages to proclaim undying love regardless of all prior actions just before dying."

Not that she would particularly mind bedding him if it came to that, but a person had to have their priorities. Business first. Always business first.

[member="Corruck Kazen"]
Corruck had difficulty stopping himself from laughing outright. There was practically a limitless source of cliches for criminals or bad guys in general. Many of the cliches were based on real life while others were simply made for holodramas. It was also amusing that such things had happened in life, he could point to a number of points in history where such actions had happened. It was strange how life could be even more hard to believe than a holo.

"And if one of us has a sad history then at some point we might just be made into heroes rather than villains." He said, playing off the idea that a bad person is justified by their actions, another holo cliche that was quickly becoming a fad well favored by watchers.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

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