Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Sins


Iridonia. A planet found within the Northen Mid Rim and currently under control of the One Sith. A barren desert world that was covered in a constant strong breeze that blew heated and dusty sand into the faces of those that dared to venture out of the shelter of the odd city that sprang up spread out through the endless desert. But those that dared to leave the metal and unnatural habitat to live in the natural desert soon found themselves learning all of the secrets and the nuances of the world and could easily learn to survive.

Those that did choose to live inside of the desert storms were known as the Nomad Clans, or Mayel Meni Ru in the native tongue. Clans that wandered the world and learnt to embrace their more feral nature that resided within all Zabraks, developing a hunting and fighting based Clan. One of those many Clans were the Uiging Clan. A former member of that Clan, one who had had his Death Rights, the Nath I'ayuride, preformed prematurely currently stood atop of a cliff that he had trained at during his childhood.

Xavka Duquo, former Kep of Ru Uiging, stood staring out at the orange landscape, ignoring the searing heat of res'Kenivarken, the Sunlight, that bore down onto his naked torso. Curling along his muscles were extensive tattoos that told the story of his past in a way that only a fellow Zabrak trained in the art of Jat'i reading would now. Crossing through the Jat'i were a mass of scars which spoke of his battle experience. While his upper body wasn't clothed, the rest of him was, if only in light, silk, ankle length trousers as his feet were, like his torso, bare. Around his waist were two belts, one a chain and loose the other leather and fastened tight. Hanging from the leather belt hung a silk pouch and clasped in the Zabrak's lone hand was a wooden cane.

Sighing, Xavka turned to stare at the beacon that flashed beneath him, sending out a steady pulse of data that would be received as a signal resonating along a specific and pre-decided wavelength. The reason for this was simple, to guide the woman he was to meet to his location.

Recently, Xavka had been promoted to a Sin within the Sith Assassins, the Sin of Sloth, along with six others. He had approached one of his fellow Sins, a female half-Echani by the name of Nyte Ignis for a meeting in the attempt to get to know one of his fellow Sins, the Sin of Lust. The location he had asked to meet her was Iridonia as, in one manner at least, the Echani and Iridonian Zabrka culture crossed. To get to know someone it was expected to fight them, stripped naked so that only pure skills based on the body would be used.

Sighing and turning back to the beautiful view given from being on the top of the cliff he was currently on, Xavka stared out of his only working eye at the sight, yellow eye sharp in comparison to the cloudy image of his right eye. He would wait patiently for the arrival of Nyte, after all he had a fight to look to. A feral smirk crossed his lips at the thought.

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nyte approached from an abandoned Sith Temple, her mission on Iridonia could use a break as she came in on the speeder, aptly avoiding the little hidden rocks and such as she made her approach. She was unsure of this meeting. When she got the call, a naked fight sounded intriguing, reminding her of her days in the Eshan arenas, fighting for prizes and money.

She blinked to herself, it was rare for her to look back upon those days as a happy part of her childhood, but nevertheless here she was.

She stepped off the land speeder and walked now, her simple boots crunching through the heated sand. She wore a simple robe, with nothing else under it. As she stepped into view of him she nodded her head slightly, perhaps she had misheard?

She was naked, here and yet he had pants on. She scowled and walked up to him, "You've mislead me, here I thought this would be naked, what trickery is this Sloth?" She stared up at him, her solid black eyes stared up into his, as if she was looking through his soul and his presence in the very Force before she allowed the robe to drop, letting it hook against a bunch of rocks.

She stood, entirely bare in front of him. Her black and red tattoos marked each passage she went through on Eshan. Old wounds were faint lines along her back from whippings and then they were topped with fresher marks from when she was enslaved. The only item she kept was the slave collar bound to her neck. Her tattoos were not limited to the facial markings, as the pattern repeated at her armbands and at her ankles, the swirling pattern moved across her chest and her back in steady patterns as well.

She faced him, her eyes constantly watching his own, "No Force, no weapons, no clothes."

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
The speeding presence approaching his presence was the first thing to alert Xavka to the approach of Nyte Ignis. The female was making no attempts to mask her presence, leaving Xavka with two conclusions: one, she had no knowledge on this area of manipulating the Force; two, she felt no need to do so. Blinking, Xavka furrowed his brows in confusion. 'Why in I'Amina Tozu am I thinking that?' Shaking his head in annoyance, Xavka refocused himself in the present only to realize that the presence was now right behind him and the sound of footsteps. Reaching out through the Force, he applied pressure to the beacon and crushed it into a ball of metal, no longer having a need for it.

Turning around to be greeted with the sight of Nyte in a pair of boots and a robe. He opened his mouth to offer a quick greeting only to be cut of by her fierce tone which was accompanied by a scowl. Just as he had gathered himself to offer a reply, to robe was dropped and his attention, as would happen to nearly all other heterosexual males, was diverted to the beautiful specimen of female body.

The body of Nyte Ignis was clearly toned with lithe muscles which showed clearly through her skin. The scars he could see crossing over his skin showed the efforts of training and, from what his trained eye could see, corporal punishment much like he had suffered while enslaved. Mush like himself, Nyte's body was covered my tattoos that spread down from the face to cover the whole body, though hers seemed to be more bold, causing him to guess that her tattoos were administered in a manner alternate to the one he had suffered through. However, the thing that really drew his attention after the quick examination of the clearly feminine body was the collar fastened around her neck.

Stepping closer and ignoring her comment of the rules behind the duel, Xavka brought his 7" taller frame close to Nyte's body and reached down to grasp the collar, acting like he was in a trance. "A fellow slave, huh?" He rubbed his only thumb over the collar before shaking his head and stepping backwards, breaking out of his slight trance, he focussed his attention onto Nyte's face. "My apologies for that, Lust." His voice was gravelly but kept soft.

Holding out a hand, he caught the cloak that she had so recently discarded as he called it towards himself through the Force. Holding it out towards Nyte, he spoke again. "You may wish to wear this. As much as I would regret such a thing." He offered the female a quick smirk before continuing. "We will be duelling at an alternate location. And no," by now he was talking over his shoulder as he walked towards the edge of the cliff, "you were not wrong. I shall be removing my cloths within the arena." Jumping, Xavka flew down the cliff side, landing on and leaping off of random outcrops of rocks as he did so until he finally came to the bottom of the valley. Not bothering to turn to see if Nyte had followed him, Xavka strode into the old ruins in front of him.

The runes were of an old church where he had once prayer, although even then it had not been in the best of conditions. No though, what had once been a grand design lay in ruins with pieces
of rock falling from the walls and the windows shatter. No pews were left but marks on the ground showed where they once would of been.

Acting quickly, if awkwardly due to only having one arm, Xavka removed his belts, pouch and trousers and placed them off to the side along with his cane, leaving himself fully naked and exposing the fact that his tattoos covered his whole body apart from his hands and feet. Cracking his neck, Xavka turned to the entrance to wait for Nyte to appear.

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
She smiled after she seemed to chastise him, her body craned up to his own. She knew the reaction she would get from being exposed like this. The only thing that wasn't exposed was part of her neck because of the collar, which he seemed to notice quickly.

As he grabbed the ring, it made her tense up and pull away, causing her skin at the nape of her neck to feel warm, as if it were still active against her flesh. As he stepped away, she narrowed her eyes at him, not that he'd be able to tell. “I'm no slave.” As he backed away and apologized, shaking her head, trying to clear the memories before she pushed them away again, holding them down until they drowned inside of the Force.

She looked to Xavka and nodded as he spoke, telling her that they were going to go to the arena together. As he pulled her robed towards himself then held it out to her she raised her hand, catching it easily as she slid it back on, but not bothering to fasten it.

She followed him, walking easily off of the cliff and catching herself in the Force to slow herself from any fall damage. She landed, her hand catching her and stabilizing her as she returned to following the one armed man.

She came to help him disrobe, her body close to his as she tossed her own robe off once more, her chin resting on her bare shoulder as she looked back at him, watching him. Her eyes studied him, to get to know him even more than what they were at skin level. Her tattoos were forced upon her, but earned, she imagined a harsher reality for him as well.

As she came over towards him, she felt the tension grabbing at everything in the room. The last bare duel she had was with her father before she killed him on Eshan. Her eyes looked over to the Zabraki, locking on to them. Her jawline tightened as she stood, her back ready to be touched to his flesh. It was how all Eshan duels began, skin to skin contact, to feel your own opponent, she did not know if it was something that the Zabrak did or not, but she would wait there.

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
Cocking his head momentary at the actions of Nyte Ignis, Xavka's confusion was soon dashed as his mind pulled up the memory of his research into Echani fighting customs, which he had conducted upon learning that his fellow Sin was from Echan. This was the something that the Zabrak customs did not follow, despite how similar the Zabrak and Echani customs were. On Iridonia, skin contact was banned between combatants after a duel was agreed upon until the fight began. 'However,' Xavka thought to himself as he approached, 'it is fair that I follow these traditions. I asked to meet and fight Lust.'

Approaching the shapely woman's back on quiet footsteps, the one armed Zabrak went to turn around so as to present the back to back contact required for the fight to begin, when his mind went fuzzy and blank as an enticing, if barely there, smell reached his nose. Reaching out sharply to grab at Nyte's shoulder, he span her around and stepped close, pressing his chest to her own, initiating the chest to chest contact instead.

Feeling her breasts compress against his chest snapped him out of his daze and froze him solid. 'What in Amina's name made me do this.' The thought flew through his head at a speed that shocked him and his posture stiffened in shock at his own actions. He could feel the lithe and well muscled body of Nyte Ignis, Sin of Lust, pressing against his body, starting from his chin, where he could feel the top of her head pressing under.

For a long moment, Xavka was frozen in shock before his brain began to work again and began to register the feeling of a female body being pressed against his. His yellow eyes widened suddenly as he felt his body reacting as it would to any male that found a naked female pressed against them so much that their heartbeats could be felt. Taking a deep breathe, he focussed on calming his heart and body as he knew that to pull away before his and Nyte's hearts would 'beat together' would be an insult to her according to the Echani customs.

Waiting until the criteria of the body to body contact was met, his and Nyte's heartbeats synching, Xavka almost leapt away as if burnt when it was achieved, no sign of his embarrassment, awkwardness and confusion - at what had made him act that way, was shown. Instead it was kept blank and emotionless as he waited for the duel to begin.

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
She felt him coming towards him, felt her heartbeat pounding against her chest. There was that feeling once more, her body getting ready for the contact. She was ready for her back to feel the warmth of his own, but in her small amount of time she couldn't find much on Iridonian practices and knew little of his own customs. He had approached her, offering a traditional Echani duel.

It wasn't about proving fairness to Echani, they were about being connected through everything. Each time you faced someone, you learned more and more about them. She prepared herself for his back and rear to touch against her own but it never came.

Instead she was spun about, roughly. Oh how it made her heart pound harder, her blood shooting through her veins as she felt warm everywhere. She was roughly pressed into the warm flesh of the male. Her body reacting as any one else would, sending her pheromones into overdrive, driving her blood harder and faster the pump through herself. She hardly had time to react, trying to calm her heart down, trying to sync them together.

As he tugged himself away once the contact had been established, she actually felt naked now. It felt like part of her had been ripped away. She blinked and then looked up, staring at him, at his calm form and then she allowed a small smirk across her lips, “Are you ready then?”

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
The question Nyte asked almost passed completely through the mind of Xavka Duquo with it being recognised nor comprehended as he was lost in a haze of pleasure as what he would argue as the greatest and most pleasant smell he had ever experienced wash through him like a wave, stealing or mental faculties from and rendering him inactive. It was almost as if the feeling of pleasure and content had been given a physical form then condensed into a perfume which had been dumped all over his form. It was as if this wonderful smell was coming from everywhere. Unbidden, a low, rumbling growl began to echo from the back of his throat, causing his entire chest to vibrate as the baritone note echoed around the cavernous room. A subconscious reaction soon occurred as Xavka began to release his own pheromones.

Posture suddenly straightening, Xavka shook away the intangible fog that had invaded his mind, refocusing his usually sharp intellect and returning him to reality, one with an absence of the wonderful, wonderful smell. Xavka's eyes began to go blank as he began to loose himself in the surrounding scent before he recovered, this time shaking his physical head sharply as if that would rid him of the smell.

"My apologies, it seems I drifted off for a moment then. My apologies." Xavka made sure to flash a fake, but hopefully charming, grin at Nyte in the attempt to cover the confusion over his reaction as well as to hid the slight furrowing of his brows. "Yes, yes, I'm ready."

Indication the truth in his words, Xavka shifted his posture, widening his legs and bending his knees while placing his hand against the ground to steady himself. His whole body was coiled in preparation for a fight as he lowered his centre of gravity in anticipation of using his favoured hand to hands style. He paid the fact that this position would be seen as sexual by many if witnessed from behind due to his lack of clothing no mind and instead focussed on the fight. He also paid no mind to the fact that a shard of glass was resting on the wall behind him, serving as a mirror providing his opponent with a view of him from behind.

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nyte watched him with curiosity, watching him seem to freak out. Had he never been this close to a female, or maybe he didn’t like being that close to women. Suddenly her nostrils flared as she picked up on his scent, well, he doesn’t mind being near her. She could use this, flooding him to take advantage. Though, if what she knew was true, it might make him more fierce.

She watched, a smirk on her face as she noticed to small piece of mirror, admiring his body. He put it out there for such an effect. She bit her lower lip slightly, her own pheromones flooding once more in natural response. Both of them would be pumping full of each others pheromones, feeding off of them, though she registered them at a lesser degree.

As he was bent there, her eyes followed him, staring at him, her chest rising and falling from her breathing as she began to circle, staring at him as she cocked her head and then she pounced, trying to grab a hold of him, her nails grabbing into his skin as her leg swept up attempting to catch him and dive in under him to get him from his position.

This was something less elegant than normal duels or combat training. This was to win, to prove herself. This is where adrenaline and hormones would pump through her body, making her ignore the pain of fighting and only want to conquer here. She snarled sharply, her form pressed hard against his own. They were nearly matched on height, but he had a heavier weight. She could naturally use that against him. There was no more talking until one of them signaled that the duel was over.

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
When the oh so pleasant scent washed over him again, Xavka reacted differently this time due to the increase in intensity of the smell that seemed to curl around him. Instead of his eyes glazing over and his mind going blank, a loud and almost content growl rumbled from within his chest, carrying a deep tone as it seemed to echo from within his throat. His eyes stayed sharp and clear, focussing in on Nyte and noting else, particularly her breasts as they moved in time with her breathing while she circled around him.

It was this reaction that Xavka was familiar with and knew how to counteract. The J'ku Shan, the First Bond was the beginning stages of the Slari'shan, Life Bond, that would link Tai'shanen, Bond Mates, together as Mates under Zabrak customs. The J'ku Shan was, as its name suggested, the first stage of the Slari'shan and was more commonly known as the mating stage. During this stage the male and female would react to each others pheromones in a feedback cycle, increasing lust for the other until they snapped and mated. This could only be shared among compatible beings with compatible pheromone 'frequencies'. For Xavka to be reacting to Nyte in such a manner, that meant she was a possible mate for him.

In normal situations, this would of restricted Xavka, locking away his higher brain functions and driving him into a feral state, something that Xavka hated. Luckily, Xavka had spent hours in meditation before he even left Iridonia for the first time, his sole focus being on learning to combat this weakness. It wouldn't be until years later that he succeeded in finding a way on ignoring these instincts a time after he had begun to use the Force. Metaphorically focussing in on his inner self, Xavka began to strip away his emotions and instincts and lock them down deep in his subconscious. There, he would still feel them, but he would not be driven to follow them.

This method cost Xavka to do though, as as he roused himself, the lithe form of Nyte Ignis impacted into his side. Grimacing as he felt her nails dig into his skin and felt the force of her attack threaten to rock him over, Xavka reacted as fast as he could.

Xavka wrapped his arm around Nyte's back and pulled her to him sharply, his own claws digging into her back as he lifted his right leg to also wrap that around Nyte, this time her waist. Focussing as much as he could to ignore the feeling of the shapely body being pressed so close to his own and to prevent himself from showing any reaction, Xavka followed through with Nyte's momentum, falling to the side but carrying Nyte through the role so that he landed on top of her, his greater body weight pressing her down.

Pushing himself up with his arm, Xavka retreated a few metres after swiping against Nyte's stomach with his claws, leaving four shallow scratches.

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
[member="Xavka Duquo"]

Nyte called out sharply as those claws raked into her own skin, she could smell the blood beginning to well up but not yet burst.

She kicked him in the thigh, roughly to spring him off from her as he began his retreat from her. She came up to the balls of her feet and aimed a rough punch to his ribs, trying to crack them, to slow him down.

Nyte then shot backwards, moving around, never staying still. Oh it was on now!

She smiled though, this was how her people knew each other. How they settled disputes and disagreements. Fighting was more than just that though, it became the way to see how another person thought, how they reacted under intense pressure.

She held her own and then came at him again, turning quickly before she was right on him to deflect a move that he might make.

She growled roughly at him, feeling the blood from the previous wound finally open ad spill down her tight stomach. She let her hand touch herself there, and then marked her face with it, staring at him, coming back to him once more.

Her body was trained on him as she made a move to tackle him, but then swept her foot under his own to knock him back, her hand trying to close around his throat, her black eyes staring hard into his own, her mouth curled in a sneer. What now she thought as she stared down at him if he remained still...
As Nyte's foot lashed out towards his thigh, dangerously close to what made him a male, Xavka danced away out of range, offering a quick prayer to every God and Goddess of his Pantheon for his quick reactions and the fact that Nyte had not aimed to strike at him in the crotch. He was sure that if she had done so, aimed for such a vulnerable weak spot, he may not of dodged. He may have instead wound up curled up in a ball on the ground, trying not to bring back his latest meal from the pain.

The effects of the sudden workout Nyte's body had received coupled with the sweltering heat of Iridonia, had started the process of sweating and, while no sweat was visible on her body, Xavka was still reacting to it. The sweating was increasing the rate at which pheromones were being released into the air, mixing into a heady and seductive cocktail that stroked at his inner beast, the scent a captivation sensation that, once coupled with the scent of sweat, which to most would have been disgusting but to most Zabrak was a sign of a hard worker and something to be admired and was strangely enticing for Xavka, was rattling at the bars of the cage he had trapped his feral instinct within.

Reacting quickly once again as Nyte's fist came through the air, aimed at his chest, Xavka twisted his body while leaning back, a teasing smirk on his face as he made sure that the clenched hand stayed only a few centimetres from his torso, a taunt that he could read her movements.

As Nyte began to dance around him, Xavka copied her. Dropping to all three of his remaining limbs and moving swiftly across the ground, his yellow gaze, one eye sharp and seeing the other dulled from blindness, never leaving the beautiful figure of Nyte Ignis as he tried to read her body language, to understand, anticipate and neutralize her next attack.

The brief tensing of the lithe muscles in her legs gave away her charge and by the time she had reached him, one clawed foot was flying through the air towards her face as Xavka threw himself into a spin, supporting himself on his single hand. However, the attack missed as Nyte slipped to the side, his foot harmlessly sailing past her. Reacting quickly so as to prevent an attack of opportunity, Xavka slammed his foot onto the ground and pushed backwards. Landing a metre back from where he was, Xavka dropped to all limbs again.

Once again seeing her muscles tense to charge, Xavka allowed a brief sense of curiosity to overwhelm him. The last time Nyte had used such an attack it had not worked for her, instead it had lead to him drawing first blood, but here she was, attacking in the same manner again. Flattening himself closer to the ground so as to lower his centre of gravity, Xavka was prepared to resist a tackle, not a sweep, so when a hand closer around his neck and a foot caught his ankle, Xavka went back and soon found himself staring into the sneering visage and black eyes of his opponent.

Growling up at the woman atop of him, Xavka lurched his lower half upwards, wrapping his legs around Nyte's waist, trying desperately to ignore the feeling of her crotch against his own along with the physical reaction that threatened to accompany the reaction of pressing a private area of his body against one of an attractive female.

Using his new grip as leverage, Xavka bucked sharply, directing his centre of gravity to be over his head and sent himself and the body on top of him back into a flip, the end result of which was him atop of Nyte. Growling lightly from the back of his throat, Xavka swiped at the woman again, this time at her breasts, before leaping away.

The words them formed on his tongue before his brain could react. The close physical contact coupled with the heavenly smell assaulting his nose had weakened the lock on his instincts enough that he was subconsciously thinking of Nyte as a Mate and a Mate was to be strong, so it was his duty to direct her away from any flaws he may witness in a fighting style. "Stop trying to tackle me!" His tone was sharp as he spoke, surprising himself. "You leave yourself open to flips and full body locks while risking becoming predictable. Try something else!"

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nyte knew exactly what was happening. She could taste the pheromones and the heatedness between them, finally giving this tension a name. He was courting her through this, and she was courting him. She stared up at him for a moment before he attempted another attack against her then missed.

And then... His legs were wrapped around her waist, awkward at first given their height difference but soon it felt natural. She stared up at him, light reflecting back into his eyes from hers, though now the once intense blackness looked softer as she stared up at him, her own thighs moving, brushing and rubbing against his hips as he stayed on top of her for just a moment too long.

Then she felt the prickly sensations again, moving across her chest, though this time it didn't bring out any sounds, She laid there for a moment, staring at the ceiling until she heard his voice break the beautiful silence of the fight. She sat up, remaining seated against the ground as she watched him. Slowly she opened her own mouth, forming the beginnings of words until she threw dust up at his body, aiming for his face. She came up swiftly, "But it seems to work out so well Sloth."

She moved to him, her footsteps quiet, she wasn't charging at him, she wasn't moving with intent to hurt him. Once she got up behind him, her fingers moved to touch his back; her body trembling as she moved to brush the dirt away from his face. She stared up at him, her eyes trying to lock on his own. He had lured her here to him, in some deeper level that had no name in her knowledge. She was attracted to him. Being this close, the intensity of the duel still raging and then subsiding came in intervals. She didn't know what would come next.

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
Expecting immediate retaliation, Xavka found himself surprised when Nyte continued to lie on the floor where he had pinned her. Not that he didn't appreciate the sight of her, this single woman that had managed to incite a reaction within him that no other had come close to, all within the span of a few minuets. This woman, who was now splayed out before him, naked, covered in a fine layer of dirt that their fight had caused to form, her alluring black eyes locked onto his own form, a sight that caused his fight against his body's most base urges to become all the more fiercer as he tried to not allow the physical proof of his attraction show.

As she shifted, Xavka snapped out of the slight haze that he had fallen into. Nyte pushed herself up to sit, drawing his eye to her chest as she did so and making his mental fight all the more impossible. Her mouth worked itself open and closed a couple of times as she tried to form words before she acted.

Growling he jumped backwards, dust in his eyes blinding his sight but forcing him to stare at her visage all the same. Even as he felt that he should feel anger bubbling up inside of him, borne from the fate he feared that this woman had temporally cursed him with, the complete loss of sight, being forced to stare at darkness forever. However, he felt pride in her, admiring that she, by her inaction, had caught him off guard with the attack and that, if he did not have hearing far more sensitive than most, Nyte would have the advantage.

Twisting and turning his head constantly, Xavka sought to find Nyte's location while also to knock loose the dust within his left eye as his vision had now improved to a haze of watery brown.


Xavka stilled suddenly, hearing the slight scuff of Nyte's foot across the ground as she slowly approached his prone figure and finally managing to locate her. He stayed still as she came closer from behind, tensing his muscles in preparation for the continued fight. He strained his hearing as much as he could, waiting for the sound of a foot being rotated through sand that would signal the shift of weight accompanying a punch or kick. But it never came. Instead an almost feather-light finger touched his back. Slowly, Nyte circled around his frame, the pressure and number of her fingers increasing as she came round to his side, her fingers leaving a burning trail seared in his skin.

The close proximity of Nyte was driving Zabrak insane as he was being buried in the smell of her. The alluring, heady scent of her that flowed around him as she circled him and causing him to let out a purr sounding growl of content and lust. That stopped though as he felt her reach up to wipe the dirt from his face, finally clearing his vision. In that position her entire body was pressed against his own, allowing him to feel her every curve.

His growl started again, sounding more fierce than his previous soft purr, as he looked down into her eyes. In this position he couldn't escape her. The scent that was hers. The memories of her body against his during the fight. Both of them overwhelmed him and finally forced him to loose his battle against his body's reaction to the beautiful, naked woman before him.

Turning sharply, Xavka pulled Nyte against his front, keeping eye contact with her the whole time. Marching her backwards, he pressed her up against the wall that they had edged closer and closer to during their brief fight. He chuckled lowly, his voice thick with passion that the pheromones and heat swirling around the two caused. "Your title of Lust is well earned, I'shuree Doz."

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nyte gasped loudly as he seemed to be getting ready for another round of a fight, fine then, have it your-

Her line of thinking was flung aside as he grabbed her, pressing her tightly against himself, making her heart pound loudly in her chest. His voice seemed dulled by the sound of rushing blood flooding through her body, but she could make out a few of the things he said, until he spoke in his native language.

She panted hard, her mouth opened slightly, her tongue felt like it had swollen in her mouth as she felt his muscled physique press tight against her. As she slammed back against the wall, she felt her skin burn at the contact. “I...” she shut her eyes then opened them, staring hard into his own eyes as her fingers grasped his shoulder blades, her nails scratching hard into those thick corded muscles, her body needing him to be closer to her, “I think my translator broke” she whispered huskily.

She mewled under his gaze, her black eyes locked into his own yellow eyes. She caught herself admiring the duller eye, he had fought so well even though partially blind from what she could tell from the dullness of the right eye.

She moaned softly and then tilted her hips upwards, roughly, suddenly, grinding against him and then her nails dug into his back harder and she spun, her foot swept under his, pinning his back into the wall, growling a sharp challenge back at him.

She leaned up, her full lips becoming closer and closer to his, nearly grazing to his own until her nails raked down his shoulders to his chest, marking him as a worthy opponent. She clawed into his shoulder and thrust him forward then her knee came up to his stomach to anchor him into diving against the ground, circling him again as a predator stalking and playing with her prey.

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
Xavka chuckled huskily at Nyte's words, absorbed within the sensation of her nails running over the taunt muscles of his shoulder blades and the wonderful aroma that teased at the most primal part of his mind, captivating his inner Id, stirring his inner beast. Leaning down, he whispered into her ear, even as he soft cries threatened to distract him.

"My Feminine Warrior, so fierce and full of fire. I'Doz..." Whatever else it was he was going to say was interrupted as something that fell between a moan of pleasure and a primal growl of desire was torn from his throat as the lithe and tattooed body of Nyte Ignis rubbed up against the more muscled and just as tattooed body of Xavka.

His entire reality seemed to collapse in on itself at that moment, shirking to compose of only he and the woman he held trapped between his arms and the wall he back was pressed up against as he towered above her.

For a moment, Xavka's mind whited out as a haze of pleasure descended when Nyte's crotch rubbed against his own, robbing him of all restraint he had over his body, casting aside the already weakened chains he had forged within his mind, and forcing an obvious sign of his attraction to this woman to make itself known. When he came to, the wave of pleasure rushing to his body, Xavka found his back against the wall where he had been pressing against Nyte and the woman standing before him, leaning against his body.

A pleasure rumble formed within his chest as a challenging growl was thrown at him by Nyte, showing her true strength of character, even as she leant up, closing the distance between their faces. Leaning down himself, Xavka brought his lips closer to Nyte's full ones before a stinging pain raked itself across his shoulder and a knee found its way into his gut. Caught of guard by the move, Xavka ended up on the floor, staring up at the wonderful view as Nyte circled around him.

"I'Doz, indeed." He chuckled lowly, pushing himself up into a crouching position, his eye shifting to keep her in vision as much as possible. "Let the fight continue."

Lunging when Nyte circled in front of him, Xavka brought his arm around in a clawed swipe that seemed to be aimed for Nyte's eyes. Instead, it was a feint as he had aimed just in front of her and, when his arm carried on through the movement, he made to bring his elbow back around to connect with her temple. All before he had landed, causing him to maintain a collision course with Nyte unless she moved.

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nyte brought herself up to her full height, moaning and panting hotly as he stared at her, watching her. Her hands moved, tracing patterns into the dust on her body, her eyes locked on his own. She saw the muscle twitch as he came for her, brought himself closer to her. Then she lashed out her own arm, grabbing him under his arm, slamming her body against his own.

She could fight dirty, and here and now, she would. Whatever he thought that he knew of her was about to be tested. She was the Sin of Lust, she knew her effect on him now. And thankfully, her mind wasn't so clouded with the lust over him that she could fight and stroke him without losing concentration.

She stayed in close, her feet moving to topple him, get him on the ground. Her fingers wrapped tightly around his wrist as she grappled him, tucking her legs around his own, trying to knock him over, for him to make a mistake and allow his body to take over instead of his fighting instincts. She continued this several times, all while panting and mewling in seduction, to use her body, his male instincts against him.

She straddled him now, getting the upper angle on him. Her chest was right under his chin as she stared down into his eyes, her body trembling slightly as she softened. Her legs moved to wrap around his waist, her head pressing to his hair as she whimpered softly in his ear.

"Xavka..." she whispered, her hands moving to clasp his shoulders. She could try to deny the pull that he had on her but this, all of this, was too powerful. She stayed against him, her lips finally trying to find his as she slipped down on his body, her chest pressing to his own as she moved to kiss him, her eyes shutting in soft submission as she leaned to him.

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
Xavka tensed as he felt Nyte's arm wrap around his own, expecting an attack to soon follow, however, once again, the woman proved him wrong once again by taking a path of inaction when it came to fighting and a path of action when it came to toying with his, metaphorically, screaming instincts. Instead of attacking, Nyte had instead grappled his arm and pulled herself flush against him, her entire body moulded to his, her head tucked under his chin, her legs wrapped around his own.

The mewling and moaning that dropped from her full lips, dripping in pure seduction, struck directly at his libido while the steel was still hot. The result of this coupled with Nyte's constant shift across his body blurred his mind and brought all thoughts apart from claiming her as his Mate to a complete stop. As such it took him a good while to figure out that Nyte's movements had a motive hidden within them, to be used as a means to topple him to the ground while he was distracted.

Even if his mind had cleared enough that his fighting instincts had returned that did not mean that he was clear minded enough to listen to them. As such, he ended up on the ground, Nyte's lithe but powerful legs wrapped around his stomach as she straddled him, her naked groin pressed against his skin, burning a unseen mark onto his skin as he became highly aware of her weight against him as well as the feeling of what made him a man against her taunt kohju.

Growling slightly, Xavka stared up at Nyte, his gaze locked onto her black eyes that seemed to be filled with lust enough so that they seemed to be reflecting the light streaming through the windows. That sight was soon blocked as she leant over him, giving him a wonderful view of her chest. She pressed her cheek to his hair, luckily avoiding his hidden horns by pure chance. Slowly, with a whisper of his name, she slid her head down her body to bring her lips to his own, her eyelids fluttering closed.

With a growl, just before their lips touched, Xavka tangled his legs with Nyte's own before flipping them over so that he was on top, leaning over her. His growl increased within his chest as he brought his lips to her ear, whispering. "Be mine, I'Doz! Be mine as I swear myself to be yours."

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Nyte flushed hard as he managed to get on top of her. But this did not spark the fighting instincts that were forced inside of her like in the arena. She listened to him and craned her neck, trying to look into his eyes as she pressed her lips together.

Her breathing became unsteady, her chest heaving as she breathed, her body coursing with hormones and excitement. She nodded, unable to speak at first, lying there under him, feeling all of his weight upon her. She gasped out, "Yes, of course... I am yours."

She leaned up, her arms wrapping themselves around his figure as she closes in against him, her body arching under his then a smile crossed her lips as she whispered, "Do you feel up to seeing me again? Maybe next time we can have supper first, maybe talk first?" She chuckled and leaned up to kiss his lips gently...

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
Xavka chuckled huskily at Nyte's words, nipping gently at her neck before retreating to return his gaze to her own. As Nyte's lifted herself up to wrap herself around him, Xavka growled once again as his mind momentarily whited out. His consciousness returned in time to hear Nyte's words, her slightly husky voice stirring his lust further, and feel the pressure of her lips against his own.

Reciprocating the gesture, Xavka held the pressure for a while before retreating slightly after nibbling gently on her lower lip.

"Just name the time and place, I'Doz." After the short sentence, he immediately retuned to the kiss.

[member="Nyte Ignis"]

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