Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Crazy Minds Think Alike


The Insane and Drunk Sith
Drahztal sat lounging on a chair, waiting for his newest mentor (he hated the word Master for all it had meant for him when he was younger). He was wearing a black, tattered clock over a dark grey leather tunic and black, leather trousers. Crossing over his torso were numerous black belts with only one tied to where it should be. A standard lightsaber, that would emit a deep purple blade when active, was tied there along with a grey, blank, durasteel mask.

To the outside observer Drahztal was completely relaxed, however if one was to look into his damaged mind they would see he was anything but.

"Where is the kriffing woman, she should be here by now!" Rage/Frelek shouted in his usual standard tone.
"Aye, that she should. After all she should be honour to teach one such as I." Bragged Arrogance/Ingranta.
"N-now that wasn-n't a very n-nice thin-ng to say." Stuttered Guilt/Grutya.
"Grutya's right. She is giving her time up to teach." Compassion/Greska interjected, "We should be grateful."
"Who knows, she might be hot." Leered Lust/Lilanth, "then we could more power and have so much 'fun'." Lilenth accompanied the last word with a disturbing giggle.
"What does Lilanth mean by fun, Greska?" Child-like Innocence/Jeyla asked Greska in his usual childish voice.

Drahztal sighed and rubbed his forehead, he should of gotten tipsy before hand, it would of silenced the kriff-damned voices.

With the completion of her new lightsaber and various trips through the galaxy to obtain everything she needed done, the Sith Knight had returned to the comforts of the Sith occupied space. She didn't fear being out in the open, despite so many enemies of the Sith prowling about these days,she was ready to begin pursuing her other agendas. One was looking into this new Acolyte that had inquired about her being his Master, at least for now anyway. With her other two Apprentices working on lessons she put before them, she had time to observe this newcomer.

"So we are here," she said taking notice of him physically. She didn't need to impregnate his mind to gauge an understanding of who he was. He asked for her by name. So it was at the risk of his own life that he didn't waste her time. And her time was precious. Well, what time she had anyway. Between the adventures of lightsaber component hunting and the invasions by the One Sith, and the time training her Apprentices and teaching two more she had little time for her self. So this Acolyte better be prepared to state a air tight case why she should train him.

"Explain to us why you have called us here. And be thorough in your explanation...and choose your words wisely."


The Insane and Drunk Sith
[member="Darth Venefica"]

Standing, Drahztal went stop before the woman (She'll do.' Panted Lust/Lilanth). "I heard you were an expert in twisting the minds of your enemies to your own advantage." 'How dare she speak down to me!" Shouted Arrogance/Ingranta. "I wish to learn that skill from you." Halfway through what he was saying Drahztal twitched slightly as one of his voices shouted out. Shaking his head slightly he continued, all the while his hand twitched towards his pouch that contained ale. "I wish to learn how to take someone's dreams and use them to break them, over-ride the control they have over their own bodies." Drahztal bowed before the Sith, "As such I beg of you to teach me, M-m-master." The word "master" was almost spat as it forced out of his mouth.
Her eyes narrowed at the Acolyte when he bowed before her. Was this a trick? Did he try to insult her by this gesture? Only the Lords were worthy of bowing, something she would never resort to doing. " not bow to us. You may think it's a sign of respect...we perceive it as a sign of weakness...submission. They may teach equality in the temples...but a proper Sith...a true Sith is nobody's equal." All Sith despised weakness but none more than her. She had witnessed first hand what weakness could do to a Sith, and she killed him.

She thought about what he was asking her. He wanted to learn how to bend and break the wills of others, to dominate them completely turning them into puppets or a weapon to be used. And when they no longer served a purpose, cast them away as if they were nothing.

"To exert your will over another takes practice and a strong commitment. Weak willed targets are easy to control but we surmise you wish to control more colourful characters." She smiled. "Your first lesson is this. Inside this temple is a Twi'lek male that boasts one day he will be Emperor. Kill him and bring me his lightsaber as proof of success. Do this and we will teach you everything you wish to know, Apprentice. Fail us...and we will know that you were never worthy to wear the title of Sith."



The Insane and Drunk Sith
[member="Darth Venefica"]

Drahztal nodded in understanding to his (hopefully future) mentors words, accepting the task, although he did not doubt that he didn't really have a choice. Turning he strode from the room to go and complete the task. Entering the temple he made the attempt to blend into the crowd and shadows to listen for the boasting and rumours. He knew that at his skill level the Sith Lords and Knights could easily track him, most apprentices and acolytes were a different matter, his skills had been developed out of necessity after all.

I took him up to twenty minuets to finally track down his target, the arrogant twi'lek acolyte that boasted his 'assured' ascension to the title of Emperor. The hidden human observed the currently training twi'lek for a while, assessing his abilities and weaknesses. He was currently favouring his right arm and flinched every time he used the left, a possible injury. He seemed to focus on pure agility and pure attack, Ataru if he was not mistaken, and lacked strength behind his blows. Beyond that there was no blaring weaknesses that could be taken advantage of. 'Maybe we should leave him be and ask for his lightsaber.' Murmured Compassion/Greska, but she was ignored.

Calculating the odds of success would be greatly increased by taking his opponent by surprise, Draztal coiled his body up like a spring. When he believed the time was right he launched himself at his target, lightsaber cutting a purple streak through the air as it went to connect with the twi'lek's neck. As expected the twi'lek dodged but was forced into the defensive. Drahztal fought not to give an inch of in the fight, knowing that if his opponent was to gain the advantage he would lose. His full focus was on sending strike after strike at his opponent, one leading into the other. His strikes gained kinetic energy and momentum the longer the fight the fight lasted which, coupled with his surprise assault, ended up giving him the advantage. However he only managed to land a few slashes on the twi'lek, mainly on his thighs, before the flow of the fight began to change and stalemate. The twi'lek's advantages were his training while his disadvantages were his wounds and how tired he was from training, which hampered his form. The opposite was true for Drahztal.

The human felt anger welling up inside of him as the battle drew on and on, neither of the combatants gaining anything. He felt the Dark Side respond to this and grant him strength as his eyes gained a red hue. With the surge of strength he managed to break the deadlock and lash out at the twi'lek, forcing him to his knees. Again and again he struck, lowering the desperate being's guard, until his target changed and with a quick slash, head separated from body. Lowering his blade, he sighed and allowed the blade to turn off with a hiss. Bending down he picked up the still ignited lightsaber that had just been attacking him and extinguished that as well. Hooking his own lightsaber onto his belt and placing the acquired one in his pouch he turned and walked out of the room, leaving behind a cooling corpse ('I feel so bad.' Moaned Guilt/Grutya) to return to the Darth that had ordered the attack, to turn in the lightsaber he had won.
She stood in the training room engaged in a mental battle with the voices in her head. Two of them tried to convince her not take on another Apprentice, two tried to argue the pointe to the others that it was her duty as a Knight to train the Acolyte, while Darth Zero, as usual, was just babbling on and on about nothing important. She didn't need their advice and when she said as much, it only fueled them to argue more with her and among themselves. She hated them all but they were with her forever and there was no way to get rid of them. They had, as a collective, tricked her into thinking she could rid herself of them. In the end, they managed to take up permanent residence in her mind.

With the returning of the Acolyte and the lightsaber in his possession, the voices fell silent to observe what was to transpire. Holding the lightsaber in her hand, she said to the Acolyte, "Some frown upon killing another Sith for the sake of killing them. With every death only strengthens our enemies. Rivals...rivals do not count." She handed the hilt back to the Acolyte. "Keep've earned it. The reasons you were sent to kill the Twi'lek are as follows. One...we needed to gauge your fortitude in wishing to learn from us. The other, anyone who openly speaks against the Dark Lord is to be eliminated. Treason does not go unpunished."

She gestured for the Acolyte to sit on the floor. "First thing you will need to complete is training your mind. The more conditioned your mind...the stronger your ability to manipulate. All around us are several objects of various sizes. We will begin there. Using your mind, move all the small objects to the centre of the floor and stack them one atop of another."



The Insane and Drunk Sith
[member="Darth Venefica"]

When Venefica handed back the lightsaber he had won he attached it to his belt, next to his and vowed to learn how to fight with two lightsabers at once at some point. When his mentor gestured for him to sit slowly lowered his body to the floor, mindful of the wounds he had received from being at the end of his newest lightsaber. When he was told what his next task was to be he sighed slightly at his lack of training in anything beyond using the Force to sense. Bowing his head he cast his mind back to the countless theoretical lessons his parents had drilled into his head.

A minuet later he exited his memories with an idea on what to try. Slowly he stretched his presence out into the Force as if he was using it to sense someone. Focussing intently he tried to exert his will on the Force by allowing the emotions he held to flow through him in a chaotic maelstrom. Wrapping the Force around the objects in front of him he began to lift them, one by one, into the air. Some rose smoothly, others jerkily and a few dropped to the floor after climbing a short distance. The more he failed the more emotion he felt and the stronger his will over the Force became. After a few minuets he had all of the objects risen in the air before moving onto the next step. Taking care not to rush to fast he placed them down one by one, one on top of the other, stacking them.

A minuet later he snapped back to full awareness, scowling at how long it took him and that he couldn't keep focus on his body (something he vowed to fix). Sweat had gathered around his temples. He heaved himself to his feet, then turned to Darth Venefica for her analysis on what he had done.

"Telekinesis is an overlooked ability. Most just cast it off as a parlour trick power. However, they are can be used as a weapon and we will discuss that now. Force Choke is an aspect of Telekinesis and not a mind trick....hurling objects of varying sizes at enemies is an aspect of Telekinesis as well as Force Push and Pull. As Telekinesis grows inside you...other variations can or may reveal themselves to you."

She moved behind her Apprentice using his body as a shield, just in case. "Before you can dig into the realm of mind manipulation you must learn and control Telekinesis. Everything needs a foundation before being built upon. And the Force is no different. Now, we want you to push and pull those boxes using Telekinesis. Focus and concentrate. Do not rush it, failure will not earn you punishment...but not trying will. If it proves difficult at not be discouraged....success only comes with practice."

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