Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Two Cells, One Key

Drip... drip... drip...

Eyes slowly opened at the steady sound of water making a break for it, only to take the lonely plunge into a puddle somewhere off into the darkness. A beam of faint light shone through a tiny grated window up above, casting more shadows than actual light into the cell.

Well isn't this just perfect, he mused to himself, his eyes slowly adjusting to what little light the cell provided. It's design was antiquated - he couldn't remember the last time he had seen iron bars with a simple lock and key - but it was effective for the time being.

The floor upon which his rear was currently parked was cold and slightly damp. The air was a little musty, which between that and the incessant dripping water led him to believe he was below ground. His right hand rubbed his brow, and discovered dried blood in it's crusty, brown form.

A quick examination of the blood told him it was at least twelve hours old, and gave him some what of a time line; though it wasn't much to go on. In fact, he was a bit hazy on most of the details that pertained to the past twenty four hours. Most importantly, how exactly he got here.

A figure stirred in the cell next to him, though his eyes had not quite adjusted to the dim light yet.

He tried to muster a "Hey," but it came out rather hoarse and quiet, indicating he had not had anything to drink for quite some time... at least not of the non-alcoholic variety. Clearing his throat, he tried again.

"Hey," he said to the cell next to him, as he added no knowing whom was on the other side, "have you figured out an escape plan yet?"

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
[member="Jonathon Patches"]

What little artificial light there was down the narrow hall to the cell-blocks flickered. Or perhaps it only looked like they did due to withdraw of H20 from a certain prisoner next door. A familiar voice that sounded disembodied at the same time filtered to the raspy-man next door.

"I escaped a long time ago, Patches."
[member="Tahira Solo"]

A voice he had heard in another lifetime filled his ears, though his eyes couldn't make much of a figure out, as his eyes struggled to adjust to his surroundings.

"Greaaaaaaaaaaat...." he said, letting out a sigh, as he rubbed his eyes as if it would rub out the image he believed that was filling his head.

"Now I am hallucinating..." he said sarcastically, as his eyes struggled to fixate on the flicker of light.

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
[member="Jonathon Patches"]

"There's that tone I missed," voice would tilt as if she were smiling. A flickering image appeared before the cell to his jail before it walked through the door and bars completely. Perhaps he was still drunk.

The specter appeared with hands perched lightly on her hips as she surveyed the information-broker. Tongue-clicked against her glowing-lips. "Just what have you gotten yourself into, Mister Patches?"

The question was perhaps a tad ironic, considering the state of the jedi he once knew.
[member="Tahira Solo"]

Missed? he thought for a moment, a smirk drawing upon his lips. Now I know I am hallucinating...

He thought he would play along for the moment, as his eyes squinted to adjust to the... - whatever it was - as it approached.

"Neat trick," he said, as the figure passed through the bars, "Don't suppose you can teach me that, huh?"

He looked around the cell, surveying his current predicament, and then answered her query, "Well let's see... there is a faint hint of alcohol in the air - I"m assuming coming from me, because I am certain the ability to consume is lost on you at the moment - and the dry taste in my mouth shows that I was drinking the prior night."

He turned his attention to his forehead, rubbing his brow before studying his hands, "the dried blood on my forehead seems to indicate I was taken against my will; the bars between me and my freedom only seem to reinforce this theory," he said with a wry grin, then turned his attention back to the... casper?

"The dry taste in mouth and blurred vision seems to indicate dehydration, which means I have been here for at least one night, and the fact that I am seeing spirits only re-enforces this theory," he said, scratching his head.

"Which leads me to believe I am either dreaming - doubtful, given the amount of clothes you are wearing - or I am hallucinating, which seems much more likely, given my present physical condition," he quipped, his eyes finally adjusting to the figure in front of him.

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
[member="Jonathon Patches"]

Shimmering brows rose. A smile curved at the corner of her mouth. "Yes, too many clothes." Her specter's gaze lingered on Patches' form, up and down. "And that physical condition is such a shame."

She 'walked' in front of him.

"You and Ti'Cira not playing enough Twister? Too many love handles due to low physical activity?"
[member="Tahira Solo"]

He rubbed his eyes for a moment, as if it could somehow make the spectre in front of him disappear. It didn't work.

"Oh come now... are ghost's allowed to get jealous?" he asked with a grin, "No need... twister was always our game; I wouldn't dare take that away from you."

He let out a chuckle, then tilted his head to the side, as if eyeing up and down her spectre form, "Though I suppose if I am hallucinating, I don't see why we can't make this a party; if you'd prefer to invite Ti'Cira, I wouldn't dare get in the way of that..." he paused for a moment, as a slow grin crept on his face, as he added "Always knew you had a thing for witches," he said with a smirk, and snapped his finger as if that would somehow make the witch appear.

A few snaps later, and with no witch appearing before them like a genie out of a bottle, his shoulders slightly sunk. "Huh..." he said, with one final snap, then gave up, and gazed up at the bright form in front of him, "Well, I suppose if she doesn't want to join us, we shouldn't let that get in the way of our fun. What do you say, round of twister for old time's sake? Don't let my present condition fool you; I might surprise you. You prefer that small table there, or would you just like to hold on to the bars over there for dear life?" he quipped with an amused expression, quite certain he was still dreaming or hallucinating.

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
[member="Jonathon Patches"]

"Hm," a single-luminescent brow lofted. "I hope you added snapping skills to your resume of skills. You've been practicing. And jealous?"

Genuine surprise flitted across her facial features.

"Is that what you really thought of me when we all lived together?" Past tense. "And keep your strength, Captain," her dry tone was far too similar to the living Tahira Solo he was used to. "You'll need it to get out of here." Her fading form shifted as if she were looking out of the door. "No female guards to woo, I've already checked."

Her attention transitioned back to the information broker.

"So this is what happens to you when all your force-using crew disappears? You didn't really think you kept yourself out of trouble, did you?"

Could mirth play across a specter's eyes? It certainly did in this one's.
[member="Tahira Solo"]

"No female guards to woo, I've already checked."

"HA!" he barked out with a laugh, a smirk on his lips as he quipped, "I always knew you swinged that way."

He slowly rubbed his face, trying to gain a better sense of his bearings, still uncertain if any of this was real, or if he was just passed out in his bed on The Helm with a fine bottle of Corellian Ale.

"I don't even know here here is," he said, "Or if you are even real... or what, in fact, you are... other then clearly a sign of some severe dehydration," he said, still very skeptical.

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
[member="Jonathon Patches"]

Could specters still get flustered? Yes, yes they could. "I did not swing that...," she whirled on him, "you know what? It doesn't matter. Because you're right. I am just a figment of your imagination, Captain."

She waved her fingers eerily.

"None of this is real and maybe if you get out of this, you won't remember any of it."

She grinned and let her hands fall back to her sides. "Think you can walk? I'd offer you a shoulder or hand know." This writer really wanted to make some quip about a certain Kassey experience but it would be too far out of character.
[member="Tahira Solo"]

"I did not swing that...,"

"Did?" he asked, his head tilting to the side as he surveyed... whatever it is that she was, a raised eyebrow. "Interesting... you used past tense... which would mean that at the time you didn't, but now..." he paused for a moment, as if thinking about it for a moment, before adding, "Well, let's just say you have a new lease on life..." he quipped, the words stinging his own demons as much as he was sure it did her, but he feigned a smile.

He still wasn't convinced that he wasn't hallucinating, or at the very least dreaming, but decided to play a long. Though she was wearing far too many clothes than most of his dreams, he hadn't given up that it wouldn't end that way just yet.

He rose to his feet slowly, rocking on his heels as he did so trying to gain as his balance as he said, "right, spirits don't have the best motor skills; funny thing is, neither do hallucinations. I am supposed to believe you are some force ghost that is haunting the most midichlorian challenged man in the galaxy," he quipped with a smirk, as he steadied his balance on the table to his right for a moment.

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
[member="Jonathon Patches"]

"I don't know if I'd call it a new lease on life...," voice trailed off. Feigned smile matched feigned smile. She preferred he keep his beliefs about hallucinating. It would be easier that way for what was to come and for when she left.

"You're certainly the most challenged man I ever met. It's nice of you to finally admit it," feigned smile was replaced with something more like a smirk. She flinched as he struggled to stand, her old healer instincts screaming to do more than her current state allowed. "I can get the guards close and the key closer but the rest will be up to you. How are your skills at sweet-talking male guards, Captain?"

A single-brow lofted in challenge.
[member="Tahira Solo"]

He let out a chuckle at her quip, his comeback coming back effortlessly, "We both know that I am many things, but hardly the most challenged man in your long list of men you've encountered... I would even argue I'm the most competent... though we never did measure my skills on the beach, did we?" he quipped, this writer and character both well aware that they have no shame at poking fun at past events, and thankfully for this writer, is not out of his characters wheelhouse.

"What are you going to do, exactly?" he asked, as she said she could get the guards close, "flash them?" he quipped, though whether he was talking about the light from her "aura" or her other assets he let her decide.

His balance finally steadied, he fixed himself up, stretched his neck, and did his best "fighter about to enter the arena" impression he could muster, and said, "you bring them here... I'll take care of the rest," with his usual, cocky grin.

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
[member="Jonathon Patches"]

Ire flashed in her ghosty-gaze. (Yes, made-up words here). "I never saw you as a beach guy," she quipped. Hands drifted down to the hem of her ethereal shirt. "And if you must know, yes." In terms of flashing. "Please close your eyes, dear."

Fingers pulled at the material as if she were going to tug it upward. A grin as she drifted to the cell door. Instead of dimming, her internal light grew brighter and brighter until it lit up the jail area with one bright pulse. There was a disgruntled yelp down the hall followed by hurried footsteps as the guards came toward Patches' cell.

Tahira the specter disappeared.
[member="Tahira Solo"]

"You never took me to the beach to find out," came his quip, as he ignored the instructions to close his eyes; he'd never been good at taking instructions.

However, his hand rose to shield his eyes from the growing light as Tahira "flashed" the cell and then vanished, the sound of hurried footsteps following shortly.

Patches quipped to the empty cell, "I always knew you had an impressive set of headlights," uncertain if she could still hear him, but that didn't stop him from talking to himself... aloud. You're only crazy if the voices talk back, he had to reassure himself, but didn't have time to further speculate, as the guards approached the cell doors.

"You didn't happen to see an angel around here, did you?" asked Patches to the guards, who were clearly not in a talking matter, as the two of them extended some night sticks, opened the cell door and slowly approached Patches, without saying a word.

"Right about now princess would be a good time to show I am not crazy," he said aloud to the empty space, as the two guards quickly closed.

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