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Approved Tech Twisted Fate~The Blade of Nightmares

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  • Intent: To create a Sword that will rival all others, for [member="Kyrinov"].
  • Image Source: Link
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • Classification: Sith Sword
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy

  • The Rune of Blood: The first ability this blade holds allows the user to make use of the Adegan crystal embedded in the sword's pommel. It deepens the connection between the blade and wielder to the point where the user can practically hear sword's wishes. A special bond, on par with a Force Bond, is created which deepens the connection between the two and makes [member="Kyrinov"] the only person who may wield this hellish sword.
  • The Rune of Souls: The powers of the Dark Side are fed through pain and suffering. Every time [member="Kyrinov"] inflicts pain on an enemy his power will slightly grow and his connection to the Dark Side will deepen. If a life is taken, the threshold to the Dark Side is widened and his powers will receive that much more of a boost. However there is a limit, the sword cannot vastly increase the Force user's powers or give them knowledge to powers they do not know. Only minor boosts that could give them an edge or "second wind" in the midst of battle.
  • The Rune of Nightmares: The most fearsome part of this sword is it's ability to project fear upon it's enemies. All it requires is a sacrifice of blood. If the sword breaks the skin and the metal soaks in the blood of an enemy, it will let out a mighty scream through The Force which sends fearsome nightmares to the enemies mind.

  • The power of a Dread Lord: This blade's powers are founded in the Dark Side. They allow the user to gain minor boosts in stamina, focus, and ferocity. While these boosts are not significantly powerful they do compliment the user's overall strength for the better.
  • Power is forever: Alchemized Phrik is extremely resilient to most forms of assault. It would take considerable power for this blade to be shattered, and nothing short of maximum effort would succeed in this feat. The blade can easily hold up to a lightsaber in sustained combat and is notably resistant to blaster fire as well.
  • The Guided Hand: Force Lightning and electrical based attacks can be effectively grounded, via the powers of the Alchemized blade. If used to defend from such attacks they will be absorbed into the sword's base and effectively dissipated.

  • Heavy: Although it is made out of a lighter metal, Phrik, the blade itself is rather heavy due to it's larger size and the alchemization process has significantly weighed it down. Over time the user will feel the fatigue of utilizing a heavy blade for sustained combat, even with the powers it grants this exhaustion is an inevitability in longer engagements.
  • Force Nullified: Ysalamari fields and Void stones have the unfortunate effect of robbing this blade of it's runes powers. With the alchemization inactive the sword is slightly more vulnerable to an enemy attack and has a better chance of being broken or cracked. The effects of the runes will often require sacrifices of blood and violence to regain their full potential.
  • The Damage of Sin: The blade is a sentient being with it's own presence in The Force. It is completely composed of the Dark Side and wants nothing more than to drink the pain and suffering of the entire galaxy. If it believes [member="Kyrinov"] will has eroded it will try it's hardest to destroy who Kyrinov is and replace him with a blood-lusting monster of destruction. Because of this the sword's voice is often tempting Kyrinov to lower it's guard and allow this to happen.

Twisted Fate was the first blade hand crafted and forged by Darth Malphas. A fearsome blade of elegant design it was intended to be wielded by the Dark Lord. In the beginning Malphas found the blade was not compatible with him, it fed off of his own sorrow and dread in ways he never imagined and nearly destroyed the man. Malphas considered destroying the hellish sword so it would never become a threat to him. In the end he realized it would have been a tremendous waste of time and power. So he searched the Sith in The Confederacy, hoping to find an heir to this cursed blade. He found it was not suitable for [member="Srina Talon"], [member="Darth Metus"], or even [member="Darth Tacitus"]. In the end no Sith seemed able to resonate with this sword.

After months of searching it did appear Adron had found a being who could successfuly channel the blade's negative energy and maintain their sanity. [member="Kyrinov"] proved himself a competent match and was gifted the blade, for his service to The Confederacy. Darth Malphas would watch over the Epicanthix for many years to come, in the events the blade did get the best of him, the Sith Lord planned to end both the sword and the man.
Factory Judge
[member="Adron Malvern"],

Adron Malvern said:
The Rune of Souls: The powers of the Dark Side are fed through pain and suffering. Every time Kyrinov inflicts pain on an enemy his power will slightly grow and his connection to the Dark Side will deepen. If a life is taken, the threshold to the Dark Side is widened and his powers will receive that much more of a boost.
There is only one thing I potentially see with this weapon, is that this addition within the force is essentially giving him an Infinite power boost so long as he has the sword, and kills people with it. I am fine with the sword gaining more power, and thus give it to the user. However, Not at a nearly infinite possibility.

If there is some kind of cap to this power, Or a set time limit for how long this increased potential power could be used, then I will be more than willing to pass this off. What you could do is have the power with a half life where it deteriorates over time, and thus needs him to kill people to keep it "fed."

If you have other ideas, feel free to use that instead. My idea is only just off of the top of my head.
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