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Approved Tech Twi'lek Lorrdian Talisman [Usable by any Twi'lek PC]

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Image Source: Here
Intent: Another entry in an ongoing series of items designed to popularize alien characters
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Mara Merrill, Twi'lek consultants and craftspeople, Stargo Forge Works
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Twi'leks. Specifically, any Twi'lek PC, or any other PC who receives or takes one from a Twi'lek PC.
Modularity: Would require modification to be worn by non-Twi'lek species.
Production: Semi-Unique (Any Twi'lek PC, or any other PC who receives or takes one from a Twi'lek PC.)
Material: Lorrdian gemstone (a very cheap-looking variant), chromium, leather
Description: Pursuant to Mara's studies in crystallurgy and social justice, she reproduced the Lorrdian gemstones of her mother's ancestors. The resulting gemstones were set in chromium and leather headdress ornaments, suitable for Twi'leks. The Lorrdian gemstones proved to be a reasonable fit for the proclivities and daily needs of your average Twi'lek. The ornaments allow Twi'leks to get a better sense of others' moods and intentions, primarily through a greater awareness of body language. The talismans' minor Force effects are confined to quickening and reprioritizing the mental processes of the wearer. As such, these items -- like all Lorrdian gemstones -- work regardless of an observational subject's ability to conceal their thoughts, emotions and intentions via the Force, and work just fine when observing Yuuzhan Vong or droids. (Naturally, the wearer must have a certain level of familiarity with these species/groups' body language, like the Lorrdians becoming familiar with their slavemasters' body language.) These properties in no way exceed those of a standard, minor Lorrdian gemstone.

Through long-term Underground contacts, Mara distributed these ornaments to various Twi'lek populations, to allow underprivileged performers to get a better read on their employers and owners. The gemstone looks fake or cheap, to make it more likely that the wearers will be allowed to keep them. Fairly quickly, these ornaments were disseminated among the population, and Mara lost track of them.

Some notes on Lorrdian gemstones:

They originated during the Kanz Disorders, when the enslaved Lorrdians were forced to develop kinetic communication to communicate with one another. This gave the Lorrdians the ability to better predict the actions of others, including their Argazdan overlords, by careful observation of subtle changes in body language.

A few Force-sensitive Lorrdians imbued certain gemstones with similar abilities. When these gems were installed in a lightsaber, the user was better able to read the actions of their opponents.
In theory, these crystals could be used in lightsabre construction, as with standard Lorrdian gemstones. However, there's a 50% chance that they'll just plain melt down or shatter during lightsabre construction.

Primary Source: Not influenced by any Chaos submissions. The above quote is from this page.
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Factory Judge
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"],

I have one question for the use of this gemstone that is attached to the headband.

Mara D'Lessio Merrill said:
When these gems were installed in a lightsaber, the user was better able to read the actions of their opponents.
From this, the Lorrdian Gemstone can be used in lightsabers. However, as you mention that these cheaper versions are used inthe head band, could somebody effectively take one out and use it as a crystal within the lightsaber?
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