Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Tulz'ha'nuroudo
SPECIES: #ChissNation
AGE: Mid to late 20's by now
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 160ish
EYES: Crimson
HAIR: Obsidian/Short
SKIN: Sapphire



+ Above average melee/ranged combat skills.
+ Analytical
-/+ Drive- Once Zhan puts his mind towards a goal he will achieve success by any means necessary whether he has to walk through Hell or pull a sandwich from a starving Hutt's hand.
- Cold- Zhan tends to turn a blind eye to others in danger. His feelings and whether he can relate to the situation or not could change his actions.
- Absolutely untrusting

Voice Vocabulator


I. The End Begins
Originally a fairly ordinary soldier of Crystalsong, Zhan was worth little more than his serious attitude. Secretly he'd known he was capable of using the Force, but always hid his power in fear of what it could lead to. Zhan, whom was also married, wanted to be normal, live a great life with his family and die of old age. Zhan's wife was a politician and by nature, traveled off-world a lot.

He felt that if he learned more about the Force it would lead him to join the Wars erupting abroad. Its been long announced that the Sith had returned to the galaxy; stronger than ever, even. But Zhan cared as much about the Sith as he did the Jedi; which was little. It all seemed confusing and most of all dangerous. Since a youngling it'd always worried him, so out of his own fear and doubt, never spoke of his Force sensitivity.

One thing Zhan did speak openly about however was his love for Crystalsong. Being as much of a policeman as he was an actual soldier, Zhan shouldered a large responsibility in his community to uphold a good example. Yet, when he ventured into his planet's wars, he would fight and die for his Queen and her cause. Yet, Zhan retained his mortality throughout his military career. Few could match his speed, strength, and intelligence. The young Chiss, although blessed by his connection to the Force, was a wrecking ball on the battlefield. However, his blind dedication to his planet would lead him to give into the request of a mysterious source.

II Savior Self
The enemies of Zhan grew in desparity as they lost numerous battles over the course of the war. The common denominator to these losses was obvious in Zhan, so they contacted a Sorcerer and persuaded him into helping with the war. Although reluctant at first, the Sorcerer agreed to help them as he learned of Zhan and his efforts in the war. Creating a stage of deception, the Sorcerer appeared before Zhan in the still of the night. Zhan, confused by the foreigners' appearance didn't react violently and moreso had his interests piqued. His curiosity soon turned to horror however as the Sorcerer spun a web of lies, clouding the fragile mind of Zhan to believe that his beloved wife had been taken, was placed under a Force-induced Curse, and reiterated the fact that he was too weak to save her.


Came from his lips as the Sorcerer explained the kidnapping. Zhan failed to understand why they were interested in her as his grasp on a concept of rescue seemed to slip as his heartbeat sped up. Unbeknownst of the Sorcerer's Mind Trick, Zhan believed him. After telling Zhan that he could provide him with the means to contest the Sith, the Deceiver revealed himself to be Ruka. A rogue force user with a niche for deception, trickery, and pointless chaos. Zhan, followed Ruka back to his lair, which would result in him being completely transformed.

III False Gospel
Under Ruka's discreet tutelage, Zhan's combat prowess increased drastically. The price of the power creep bestowed upon Zhan would be payed for heavily as he found himself in Ruka's secret army under his direct control. For years, Zhan would continue to not only work for his Queen, but also his dark tutor. Enemies would be slain, as Zhan's allies would also mysteriously fall silent. The burden, although selfish in nature, buried Zhan under the ground. He had to believe that he was doing it to become stronger and free his wife from the Sith, however. There was no greater-good for Zhan's cause, and no way to actually see through Ruka's lies so he had to follow the plan. His wife was missing and he had to find her.

Following Ruka's orders, the pair eventually traveled off-world. Ruka took Zhan to a planet in the unknown regions.

"She's down there." Ruka would say, as his elongated finger pointed out of the view-port to the green planet below.

The ship loomed downward and as it descended, Zhan's heartbeat got faster and faster. This was the moment he'd been training for, for years. A spiteful glance shot to Ruka at that moment. For years he'd been under the wires of this wicked, evil being but he knew it would pay off. This would be the day when he would find his love and take her home, where these troubling times can be left behind.

A bumpy landing signified they'd touched down, and the two walked away from the ship and into the jungle. After days of traveling and resting, the pair finally came before a temple. It was heavily guarded though, forcing the duo to observe from afar.

"Your fair lady is being held hostage in that temple, Zhan." A moment of silence passed between the two, before Ruka prodded him. "Can you save her?"

Jumping, Zhan descended from his perched position in the trees and landed on the ground. Pulling his twin swords from his back, Zhan engaged them. He noted their choice of clothing, which had no particular color scheme. Most strange of all was their robes.

His first opponent snapped forward. He looked young, barely 20. In his hands he held a small, silver shaft and from it came a blue blade.


Reluctance over came him. Zhan was no jedi killer! But his wife was inside...

He'd come so far, achieved so much and yet his last obstacle was of one with great power. Raising his blades, Zhan clashed with the young Jedi, trading powerful blows as the weapons exchanged glances. Fury combined with anticipation overcame Zhan soon, and his drive and desire to find his lost love gave him the fuel to overpower the timid, inexperienced padawan. Zhan pushed past him, unleashed. His alchemical blades lowered and rose as steel found skin again and again.

When the Jedi inside the temple heard the outside commotions, they rushed out. Zhan's wife was among them and the sight of him slaying padawan after padawn while clad in black armor proved one thing: his wife wasn't the one who was cursed.

IV Turn it Back!
Looking up at the new Jedi, Zhan immediately spotted his wife.


Puzzled looks washed across their faces as they stared at Zhan. A hold of fear then gripped his heart as he looked at Neruka with bucked eyes, baffled by her ignorance. Then, he realized. Jedi are not to have mates.

But would she deny me? Here, like this?

Dragging his swords, Zhan moved to approach her. Ruka claimed the enemy to be the Sith, yet his wife was a Jedi and had lied to him about it. Now, before her peers, she denies her husband to uphold her status. A grim feeling came next. He cast a quick glance back into the trees and saw Ruka, simply watching. This was all he wanted. He simply wanted to orchestrate the meeting and see what would happen. Zhan ridiculed himself for being so foolish, but such a thing was pointless now.

A strand of hope remained however. Zhan widened his arms and as he closed in, the sound of a lightsaber whizzed to life and a smooth swipe befell Zhan's face.

His eyes locked onto hers as he fell backwards, hoping that even as he died she would show some kind of compassion or at least blink.

And she didn't.

Zhan fell backwards and tumbled down the steps where his consciousness began to fade and his senses dulled. He could hear a voice in the background. The words contradicted all that he'd speculated in the last few minutes. These people were neither Jedi nor Sith.

"All threats neutralized m'lord..."

Jedi didn't say m'lord..did they? She'd seared half of his face without batting a lash, and Zhan doubted they were that cold. His confusion wracked his mind as the darkness finally overtook him, his eyes lingering on her form before they finally closed.

Who are you?

I'm just now seeing this because I wrote this dude in the spur of the moment, but I had to reply and say I still like that song to this day xD

I should make it zhan's theme song

granted I ever take him more seriously lol

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