Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Try Try Again


It had been a couple days since their little training accident. After making sure, triple checking even, with D1-C3, that Braze Braze had been cared for and would heal correctly, they had eventually made it back to the Prosperity without worry. The woman felt awful about it, even if she knew it was all a bit of both of them getting carried away. She had gone off to mope herself, trying not to let it get stuck in her head. Now, she wanted to check on the boy.

"Hey." She said, knocking with a single finger on his door. "It's Jonyna."



TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Braze was not difficult to find. He had been confined to his quarters for most of his time recently. When he came to the door to answer it, his hair was unbraided and slightly fluffy, brushed but not styled as if he were ready for the day. He was dressed in soft, shiny silk clothes that fit loosely and resembled sleepwear more than anything Braze would typically wear during the day. His somber jade-green eyes were half-lidded, and he rubbed at one with a hand. "Hello?" he said, seeming out of it and rather tired.​


TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


"Yeah... I guess I'm fine,"
Braze said as he shut the door. "I'm trying not to mess with it too much. I want to try and help myself avoid ending up with a scar." He spoke slowly, yawning as if exhausted, and rubbed his eyes. His speech was languid, and he eventually moved towards the kitchen, shuffling about haphazardly as he fetched a few things to make some tea for the two of them. "Do you want to sit in the living room or at the table?" Braze asked lightly as he set about brewing the tea.

"Sure." Jonyna smiled, sitting down at the table. "So, what you been up to?"

It was a simple question, but it was Jonyna trying to show she cared. She could see it, the signs of depression setting in. The lethargy of just not wanting to do...anything.

Tag: Braze Braze



TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Perhaps predictably Braze answered her. "Nothing really...I haven't really felt like doing anything... I honestly just want to sleep... I kinda wanna curl back up now.... I just feel... tiered. " He stated simply as he gathered the cups and brought one to Jonyna. He took a sip from his own and settled down slowly.



TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


"I don't really want to do anything right now," Braze said quietly, his voice carrying a weight of exhaustion. "All I've done for the last several months is train, every day that I'm able to. And right now, I just... I don't have the drive or the will to dedicate time to anything. It's like all the energy has been drained out of me." He paused, looking away as if searching for words in the empty space. "I kind of just want to be left alone. It's nothing personal to anyone, I just need space to not think about responsibilities or training or... anything, really."

Jonyna stared for a moment, remembering someone long ago that had said much the same. She wouldn't fight him on it. She had fought the last time, and all it had led to was an argument.

"Alright." She sipped her tea. "...ya know, I like to rewatch my favorite show when I'm sad." She said with a casual tone, trying to keep the conversation going. "You wanna watch some with me? I got the old holo-tapes with me. Keep 'em in my coat all the time, good luck charm."

Tag: Braze Braze



TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


"In your coat?" He glanced up at her, his eyes bleary and unfocused as he peeked over the rim of his cup. "I don't mind watching some stuff with you... might pass out, though," he added in a soft, subdued tone. His words trailed off slightly, hinting at his struggle to even maintain the conversation. As he spoke, he seemed barely awake, as if he might slump over the table and fall asleep right then and there.​

"Alright. Come'ere, get comfy on the couch. I'll get things set up."

She pulled off her holo-comm off her wrist, pulling out what had to be an ancient holo-tape out of her coat, and putting it into a slot in the comm that Braze probably had never seen, due to how antiquated it was. They didn't make stuff like this anymore.

Suddenly, a hologram burst from the comm, displaying above it in all it's retro glory.

Last Time! On Bucky Stardust and the World of Tomorrow! Our Intrepid heroes were trapped on the alien world of Xaldar, where they were left without a ship. Crossing the Great Divide, they came across a tunnel where Rosa and Bucky were faced with the mind bending realization that they may not make it out, the maze of the tunnel trapping them in an endless labyrinth!

Tag: Braze Braze



TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Braze, unusually drowsy for the time, curled up on the couch and sipped at his tea before setting it aside on the coffee table. It wasn't long before he succumbed to sleep, drifting off as he watched whatever Jonyna had put on. Uncharacteristically, he slinked over against her side, resting there without a care or concern in the world. It was as if the weight of his depression had lifted momentarily. He was out like a light.​

Jonyna simply stayed there and watched. She could tell the boy hadn't been in the highest of spirits ever since they fought. Normally, he practically lived in the training dojo of the temple. She wasn't sure why, but she hadn't seen him there in days. It reminded her of Sevs, and when he went through his whole existential crisis. She hadn't handled that well, but she had learned how to through it. Now Braze Braze needed her comfort, and she was happy to give it.

The good aunt she was.



TAGS: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Braze remained in that somnolent state for several hours. Recently, he had consistently relied on sleeping pills to find rest, a habit he'd cultivated over the past few days. Although his physical injuries were healing well, thanks to the ample rest, there was an undeniable risk. If Jonyna were to snoop around or tidy up, she might discover the extent of Braze's detachment. By drowning his world in sleep, he was withdrawing from everything around him.​

She didn't seem to bother moving around. She was too worried about the boy to. Part of her knew she'd have to talk to Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el about it at some point, but for now, she wanted to keep close to him. Maybe she could go find his friends. Loomi Loomi or Ko Vuto Ko Vuto would be able to help, yeah?

In times like these, what he needed was someone he trusted to drag him out of the routine of sorrow.

Jasper. She'd call him first.

Poking at her comms, she took a moment to figure out exactly how-

And she called Loomi Loomi instead. Great.

"Uhhhhhhh....crap. Loomi? Hello?"


Jedi Temple
Tags: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si , Braze Braze


Loomi woke to a gentle vibration, situated just a few paces away on her desk. She stumbled her way out of bed, trudging over to the device. She fumbled about with her holocommunicator to answer the call, only for a very concerned voice to come from the other end of the call.

"Uhhhhhhh....crap. Loomi? Hello?"

"Hello..." Loomi muttered with a yawn. "Miss Jonyna?"

As she struggled to wake herself up, a chill down her spine properly did the job. A wave of sorrow washed over her that immediately made her want to crawl back into bed and shrink away. Her brow furrowed at this. It certainly wasn't caused by herself. She certainly would have known if she wanted to crawl under her covers and vanish. There was really only one other answer to what she was experiencing.

"Is... Braze with you?"


Braze shifted comfortably, stirring briefly before rolling over and curling up. Despite the ongoing conversation, he seemed perfectly content to stay resting, showing no inclination to join in. The dialogue didn't draw him out of his relaxed state; instead, he appeared to embrace the calm and quiet, completely at ease in his surroundings.

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