Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Truth and Consequences (Invite)

skin, bone, and arrogance
The black Townespeeder slowed to a stop outside the government plaza in Kuat City. Inside, a pair of pale blue-grey eyes stared up at the elegant spires and a pair of pale pink lips parted to let a sigh escape. She turned to her aide and said, "Let's get this over with. Call the Senator's office and let him know I'm on my way up." The aide nodded and withdrew her communicator before the driver pulled the door open and Avadreia stepped out into the plaza. "I don't expect this to take too long. I'll buzz Karin when I'm done."

"Actually, her name is Romera." Avadreia stared at the driver blankly for several moments. "Your new assistant. Karin is--"

"Tell Karin to expect my message," Avadreia said, squelching further discussion before turning towards the plaza. It was five minutes later that Avadreia was stepping into the office suites set out for the Senator from Kuat. It would all need to be redecorated -- she thought a controlled burn would do it nicely. The assistant looked up. "Avadreia Lacroix for Senator Brunswick. Coat." She stared at the assistant and then closed her eyes and sighed, then shrugged out of her grey fur coat and draped it on the desk.
Brunswick was lost in thought, his hands steepled. He closed his eyes as the mechanical whine of a Townespeeder stopping outside the government plaza marked the arrival of KDY's Director of Operations. A call from below also reported that Director Lacroix had arrived. Just thinking about their last encounter made the senator grit his teeth. It seemed as though the director seemed to always find something to criticize about him everytime they met. Sighing, the Senator of Kuat got up from his seat and went to greet the woman.

"Avadreia Lacroix for Senator Brunswick. Coat." Brunswick's assistant blinked as the woman draped her coat on the desk. The assistant was about to speak when the senator stepped out from his office. "Ah, Madam Lacroix! How nice to see you. Let's discuss, er, whatever you have to say inside my office." said Senator Brunswick, leading the director into his office, and gestured for her to take a seat infront of his desk.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Avadreia turned and fixed Brunswick with her icy blue gaze, then the corners of her mouth turned up at the edges in what the uninformed might call a smile. She followed him into the office and took a seat where indicated, crossing her legs and leaning forward intently while balancing her portfolio on her knee. "Thank you for taking the time, Senator," Avadreia said. She may have found the man's tenure as Senator laughable but it wouldn't hurt to be polite, after all.

"I'm pleased to see the Senate's return to form after the recent crisis. It will give you a chance to bring some of the concerns of your constituency to the Republic. I assume you have been briefed on the events at Kuat during the crisis?" She stared at him intently, her pale blue eyes boring at his. "I'd be eager to hear your thoughts."
Brunswick gave the director a half-smile and a half-frown as he sat down. As always, the woman started off talking right away. He lowered himself into his seat infront of her. "I'm pleased to see the Senate's return to form after the recent crisis. It will give you a chance to bring some of the concerns of your constituency to the Republic. I assume you have been briefed on the events at Kuat during the crisis? I'd be eager to hear your thoughts."

Brunswick nodded, his eyes staring back at the director. "Yes, Lady Lorelei has informed me of the damages that the Clockwork Rebellion has caused us. But under your superb rule as Director of Operations, I'm sure that all damages have been repaired. That's my thoughts on the matter, madam." said the senator. He knew, ofcourse, that the director was here just to hear his thoughts on Clockwork.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Avadreia felt a prickle of heated irritation at the back of her neck. A suck up isn't going to fix a f-- "As pleasant as it is to hear your thoughts on my leadership of Kuat Drive Yards -- and as you know, I welcome all constructive criticism -- my concerns are greater than the damage that has done. My technicians have spent weeks scouring the infrastructure that was repaired by Omni's drones, and so far everything looks to be fine. But I will not let a single ship pass through my shipyard until I am one hundred percent assured of its integrity."

She paused and opened her portfolio, then handed him a piece of flimsiplast from inside. "As you can see, the analysis itself is costing quite a sum, but the bigger issue is the amount of time KDY has been offline. And it's only just that because the Republic-led coalition caused the damage and then fled Kuat, leaving it open to invasion and subjugation, the Republic should help to shoulder the cost of the burden. Don't you agree?"
Senator Brunswick smiled somewhat drly as he saw irritation in the woman's eyes. "....But I will not let a single ship pass through my shipyard until I am one hundred percent assured of its integrity." "Madam, I am glad to hear." said the senator cheerfully, happy to have managed to annoy the director. He recieved the piece of flimsiplast from the director, which had the analysis of the damage on the KDY by Omni. He patiently listened to what else the woman had to say.

Brunswick nodded as she talked to him about the stuff he already knew: the Republic led coalition had caused damaged then evacuated Kuat, leaving it wide open for Omni to come in at. The way the director was staring at him, however, was as if it was he who had led the coaliton and caused damage to the KDY. "I agree, director. I shall bring this up on the next Senate session, ofcourse." said the senator. He waited for the chewing out to begin. After all, this couldn't be the only thing that the director had come to talk about...
skin, bone, and arrogance
Avadreia paused a beat, then smiled what was rather a menacing smile. "Forgive me, Senator, but you look as if I'm telling you something you don't already know. Which... it's just baffling to me, Senator, why is it so impossible to put together a decent legislative agenda? Your office has had hours and hours to prepare. It's just so confusing to me that your first legislative agenda is not to revitalize the lifeblood of Kuat's economy, but to attempt to hinder it with your latest bit of social crusading." She quirked her brows together to indicate this confusion.

After a moment, she went on: "Do you not understand what your role is, Senator? You are the Senator from Kuat -- all evidence to the contrary. Anti-slavery legislation? Really? So the Telbun system that has been the cornerstone of Kuati civilization since Kuati history began is to be... what? Sacrificed so that you can get favorable coverage on the cover of some mid-circulation holomagazine?" She scoffed. "The prison labor exchange and work placement that my shipyards use? Also outlawed under your legislation."
Yep. Here we go. It was Brunswick's turn to be annoyed. This woman was telling him to get a decent legislative agenda..? However, the Kuati senator put on his most polite smile as he listened to her speak. "...The prison labor exchange and work placement that my shipyards use? Also outlawed under your legislation." Your shipyards..? thought Brunswick to himself as he contained his annoyance at the woman.

He cleared his throat before speaking. "Madam, you are right, about me creating the anti-slavery legislation and me appearing on a mid-circulation holomagazine... And those are the only things that you are correct on. The use of Telbun as well as prison labor exchange will not be affected by my legislation. That, ofcourse, is if we pay these people. As the legislation states, if you pay these prisoners or Telbun just one credit per day, it will not be illegal... So what would be the problem?"
skin, bone, and arrogance
Avadreia could have laughed, but she managed to control herself. "Senator Brunswick, any Senator with half a functioning brain cell will see these loopholes and close them in committee. The bill that you introduced will not be the bill that is passed. Any middle-school civics student could tell you that. The only way this doesn't go to committee is if you withdraw your bill immediately." She leaned forward and put on a most charming smile.

"We seem to be continuously at cross-purposes, Senator Brunswick. It has made me wonder whose interests you are really representing -- Kuat's, or your own?" She leaned back in her seat and crossed her legs the other way, her fingers clutching at the edges of the armrests. "When is it your seat comes up for election again, Senator? Next year, isn't it?" She tapped her fingers on the edge of the armrest.
Brunswick just couldn't hold it. The Kuati senator burst out laughing. He laughed for about a minute before regaining control over himself. "Excuse me for that rude behavior, madam... But you, er, don't seem to be familiar with how things work in the Galactic Senate. First off, Madam Chancellor herself announced that my anti-slavery bill will only be in place as long as it stays in its original form. Also at this point in time, there are no committies whatsoever in the Senate. However, there is a law in place in the Senate that makes it not possible to edit a legislation after it is voted into an official law. Requests can only be made to vote for a repeal of the existing law. Don't you see, Madam Director? I have secured the future of Kuat's economy by making sure that another senator doesn't come up with another anti-slavery legislation that completely gets rid of Kuat's Telbuns and prison labor exchange!" he exclaimed. Brunswick smiled and gazed calmly at the KDY Director of Operations.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Avadreia watched Brunswick with a bemused smirk. It was worse than she thought -- he had obviously gone 'round the bend. When he had finished, she only smiled and spoke calmly. "I'm very pleased to hear you are thinking ahead. It really is important to consider what your legacy will be, isn't it? Especially considering how short your political career will end up being." She closed her portfolio and stood up, straightening her blazer fastidiously before turning back to Brunswick.

When she spoke again, her voice was conversational but firm. "Please be aware that if your measure becomes law, I will not authorize another sale to the Republic again and the KDY will be closed to its ships for repair. Perhaps Her Majesty will overrule that decision, but the publicity won't be good for you. And I will bankroll a challenger for your Senate seat with enough money to buy the Senate three times over, so perhaps it's a good thing that you work on your legacy now, while you have the chance. That's all."

The Director turned and left the Senator's office, barking at the assistant for her coat before heading for the turbolift. She buzzed her aide while waiting for the turbolift. If the car wasn't waiting for her when she arrived, she felt like she might have to fire someone.

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