Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Trug Zigash

Name: Trug Zigash
Alias(es): Mother Weaver, Sirius
Class(es): Sorceress, Spymaster
Birthplace: Dathomir
Force Sensitive: yes
Force Alignment: Dark Side

Species: Dathomirian
Age: Late 80s
Gender: Female
Height: 6'5”
Weight: 205lbs
Eyes: Orange
Hair: White
Skin: White

Rank(s): Spymaster, Pseudo-noble
Allegiance(s): The Tribunals (allegedly)
Language(s): Dathomiri, Galactic Basic

Personality Traits: Gregarious, Vengeful, Stubborn
Education Traits: Intricate Webweaver
Lifestyle Traits: Information Broker
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil

Trug Zigash is a Dathomirian sorceress, a respected member of The Mid Rim’s high society, and unbeknownst to most, the Spymaster of The Tribunals. She grew up a Nightsister in Dathomir. She however became infatuated with the Dark Side early on, and started to experiment on people. When she was discovered, the Nightsister coven exiled her from Dathomir, and she found a home in Yitabo. She befriended the Baron and started to work for him. Over time, she established her prominence in the Mid Rim’s high society, and grew to be an equal of the Baron, and other powerful people in the region.​
Skills and Abilities: Infiltration, Network building, Information brokerage, Niman lightsaber stance, Nightsister Magick, Dark Side Sorcery, Force telekinesis
Strengths: Excellent under pressure, Potent Sorceress, Social Chameleon
Weaknesses: Consumed by revenge, Relying too much on instinct, Stubborn

Dant Zeerno - Amicable, her spear to assert her dominance, her leverage over the Baron
Rom’e - Distrustful, useful ally in expanding her network, one of the few people out of her control
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