Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private True Mending

The Blight

"We have transferred the funds to your accounts on Nar Shadda for the time being. Those Aurodium bars being cashed in for such large amounts and to your new accounts was bound to draw attention. A... Fee was paid to ensure the discretion and protection by the ruling Hutts." The holo-image of the banker said.

Kentarch's eyes narrowed in agitation. Yet given his current situation, he could not afford to earn the wrath of the ruling Hutts.
"Your assistance is much appreciated. I will arrive within a week to handle my assets personally." Kentarch stated then promptly deactivated the holo-projector.

For years he had lived as a hermit in the wilds of Mandalore, after the Sith Empire invaded the planet, he was spurned to take up the fight against his worst enemy again. With his homeland Ession laying in ruins and his alliances dissolved, the rogue Sith Lord needed to rebuild both his network and power base if hope to survive and fight the Empire. In the events that followed the convocation at the Ascendant Hall, Kentarch sought out the disgruntled lord Darth Immortuos. He was the logical first choice as a new ally, Immortuos had sided with Kentarch during his Rebellion against the One Sith. And despite siding against the emperor in the current division gripping the Sith Empire, his past experience as part of the empire could give insight to its structure.

The clunky and small freighter that served as Kentarch's temporary transportation came out of hyperspace. It chugged along, slowly descending down towards the surface of Ithor before finding a suitable landing position in a place known as 'The Blight'. As soon as the freighter's drop ramp opened the entire ship was filled with the stench of rot and decay. It took a moment for Kentarch to recompose himself and with a slight use of the force hold back the smell. Stepping out into the green-gray miasma he was met with utter silence. He half expected to find some monolithic temple or hive-like structure to be Immortuos's base. Yet it seemed as if the undead jungle stretched on forever. After waiting a few moments Kentarch moved deeper into the blight. He made his presence in the force known and likewise used the force to shield him from the elements. Finally Kentarch came to a small patch of dirt that seemed able to support his body weight, and he wasn't ankle-deep in bone and branches, the Sith Lord came to a stop. He would wait here for his host to arrive.

Emperor Immortuos

Distant sounds echoed within the adjacent area of the jungle. Groans, growls and oscillating humanoid screams that seemed to stretch on for miles. Back and forth the sounds went, gaining higher in pitch with each "reply". Communication. The Blight belonged to the dead and those living were to be claimed. Gasps escaped the mouths of roughly a dozen infected corpses as they shambled out of the miasma and sprinted toward the new scent. Apon hitting the clearing the group halted after observing the figure of a man.

They did nothing. No hint of motion. Frozen like statues they remained in wait just as the man was. Each infected humanoid merely grinning wide and a gaze that hinted at little to nothing left of their own humanity. It was not till Immortuos levitated himself into open view did they all move and causally walked back into the jungle.

" A traitor of the Sith Empire. Twice over. In my domain? I bid thee welcome. " He uttered from the dark. Two red eyes glew dimly before Immortuos waved his gold armored hand gently. A subtle bolt with the force to bring the resident bio-luminescent flora to life. Shades of blue, purple and green were suddenly birthed into existence. Giving off a light that had been severly lacking before. Despite the appearance of the Blight and its state. There was a certain beauty and appeal to it in the Sith Lords eyes.

" It has been quite some time....Were you followed?" He suddenly asked.

Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch
"I thank you Darth Immortuos for granting me your audience." Darth Kentarch spoke as The Blight came to life in a riot of bio-luminescent colors. He watched as Immortous Levitated before him. Kentarch's shrouded gaze met his host's red glowing eyes. "I can assure you I was not followed." The Sith had jumped to several systems and waited for random periods of time

"Not that it matters however." His voice was deep and ominous as ever. "I suspect the Sith Empire is reorganizing itself as we speak. The Convocation of the Sith was no doubt a political disaster for the Zambrano regime. I doubt they have time to follow an outsider such as myself in their quest to reposition their most loyal followers in positions of power." He quickly continued. "But this why I have come. As they reorganize and prepare for secessionist uprisings, we need to raise a force of our own."

Kentarch had to make it sound like he was not begging. "I came to you because you were there on Coruscant that fateful day. The battle we won an event that I believe was struck from history and rewritten at the behest of the Emperor to favor him. We need an army, a functioning intelligence apparatus, income, and well a karking plan."

Emperor Immortuos

" One can never be too sure. Although coming here for most is an early doom." nodding my head at Kentarch listening to his proposal. Bringing up the past years with One Sith was a stroll down memory lane. Twice I followed the Mephirium . That man. " Of-course they will reform. Under the guise of a Kaggath as well? Sloppy execution." I commented.

" Ah that day. That fateful day." I scoffed. Mephirium's urge to end the current system of Sith leadership was a main reason why the future was as it is now. With Carnifex ruling with an iron grip. Too afraid to let go. " Did we really win though. In the end One Sith was utterly devastated, yes. Look where that got us now." I grinned wide floating closer slightly. " Before I indulge my deeper plans and your own on taking down yet another Empire. Why?" I asked stopping brief of a couple feet away.

" Ive never properly met you or have had the chance to know your vision. At the time Mephirium was the reason being or so I assumed. Mephirium is dead now. And while I have my own reasons and obsession for outright hating the Rule of Order. What is it for you? What is your why?"

Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch
"Did we make the galaxy a better place?" Kentarch reflected. "Yes, but we failed to seize the initiative and take power for ourselves. We allowed the current empire to grow and fester like a fungus. Their victory came at the time of a weakened Mandalorian government, a divided Jedi order, and a weak Galactic Core unable to protect any show of power or force."

"So Why?"
Kentarch's tone was irritated. "Our kind ruled over great cities, jungles, deserts, plains, commissioned great works of art and architecture, and ruled over all kinds and manners of peoples. The current Sith regime is nothing more than a Zambrano cult. Twisting whatever it touches to serve false gods. We as Sith Lords control the force, the force serves us. I fight to restore the natural order of the Darkside and our own kind, not a false god."

Kentarch pointed to Immortuos. "If you make a god bleed, people will cease to believe in him. When the Jedi and galaxy stand together, the empire will fall as it did before. Our sacred planets overrun by Jedi and Mandalorians, desecrating and destroying everything we built. I've seen it before in my unnaturally long life. I will not see it again." Kentarch lowered his hand. "As what's in it for me. I will take what I want when we are victorious."

Darth Immortuos

Emperor Immortuos

I considered his words carefully. What he was asking and explaining was no different than myself. This was not a reason to blindly trust, but it made Kentarch a likely ally for the soon future. " Unnaturally long? Time has been well to you." I cracked beating around deeper issues. " What you ask my friend is a puzzle. I can only offer what I will gain in time." Outstretching my arms I looked around the infected jungle. " Hungry. Filled with rage, they wander. Never sated, tired or expired. What are we? " I lowered my arms. It was a riddle. Yes and the answer was right in front of him.

I found it interesting to joke about all of this here and now. Now. The time when actions could be taken to further our own foot holds. It would happen. Part of myself was tempted to take Kentarch in to the Emperor myself if only to personally lash out later. Such tactics would be expected. For I was not a likely ally to the Empire as a whole. I walked a fine line or loyalty and betrayal.

" You have my attention. " I paused slightly. " My contacts may share similar goals as well. I can introduce them to person only though. No doubt they are doing the same as we."

" Do you have and semblance of plan as of yet?"

Darth Kentarch Darth Kentarch
Time has not been kind to me. Kentarch thought to himself. I was not granted the gift of death.

He did not like riddles or clever word games, his eyes narrowed at the question. It slowly dawned on him that his unpopularity among the ranks of the Sith could possibly jeopardize a position or alliance with these new Sith Rebels. There was a good chance they would not take him in. "A meet will be just fine," Kentarch said plainly.

"As for a plan. We start with ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics. Our numbers will be few, but we can use that to our advantage if we utilize the element surprise and choose when and where we want to strike. Our smaller forces will be able to move about faster, and more efficiently, coupled with a focus on strategic objects." Kentarch said keeping the details slightly vague intentionally. "I recommend hitting their armories and supply depots, the Sith Empire's army is large, too large to be effective unless it's properly supplied. That would be a good start."

Darth Immortuos

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