Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Troubles Twinned Mean Treasure for Me [Faction/Invite]

Mandalore - Keldabe Spaceport
Buruk squads last independent operation had been an overwhelming success. They'd managed to track down, capture and bring back an infamous ghost ship, the Gorgorror. Of course they'd promptly handed it over to become part of the Mandalorian Fleet where it would undoubtedly make several enemies of the Mandos very, very angry. That wasn't to say they hadn't turned a tidy profit off of it, they had, selling several of the older model vessels Gorgorror had captured over the years. Considering La's armour had been destroyed in the catching, this had seemed fair. Beskar didn't come cheap, and unless she had to, La did not fancy playing miner.

In any case, they weren't the kind of squad to rest on their laurels. You could only stay drunk for so long before it was time to go out again. Which meant that re-outfitted and resupplied, they were getting ready to go off-world again. The modest Corvette they operated out of was stocked, the five simply needed to board and take off.

Swaggering in, armed and armoured, appearing silently to those not privy to the comm channels most Mandos lived on, the approached the craft.

"What've y'got for us this time La?"

With her background in piracy, La was privy to all sort of rumors about possibly treasure or relic locations, a fact she took full advantage of. While not generally bother with research or facts, when a payday was on the line, La could get downright dogged. She was proud to fight for her people and her home, but since that didn't pay, side jobs were necessary.

"Is it another Ghost Ship?"

"Nah, this one's not quite so impressive, but that's 'cause it's the first of a string."

"What do you mean a string?"

"Werl, I plotted it out didn't I? Hain't efficient going out to one job at a time, particularly when they might not pan out, could just be rumors. So I worked out a route with a couple places t'hit. They're not all going to be major paydays, but if even half of 'em work out, we'll do well. Can maybe even find and keep a few trophies."
"You do have to do something about that armour.."

"Nothin' wrong with my armour."

"You got stock armour."

"Works fine. I'll slap some mud and blood on it, maybe tie a skull or two on."

"Then you'll be ready for the ball."

"Prettiest girl there."

"No one will tell you you're not anyway."

La grinned and made a vulgar gesture at her squadmates.

"All right, even if you're not telling us what we're after yet, do we at least get to know where we're going?"

"Ooh, is it Sith space?"

"The weird religious ones, the Primeval?"

"Huh, teach them right if we did rob 'em, they owe you at least a legs worth."

"Well, I reckon they do, but nah."
"Republic? I wouldn't cry about snatching something off their plate. Fair weather friends. No honour. Them few of 'em what have any they punish."


"The suits? Y'know, the ones who keep changing their name."

"Techno Union now I think, though I doubt they're in favour of unionization.."


"Eeeh. The Crims? Red Ravens or them new ones, the slugs?"


"I'm runnin' out of people here. Independent space? Hardly any of that left."

"This first go isn't exactly a raid, 'less anyone tries to stop us. It's more.. a salvage mission. We're staying in home space. Huh, Sasctayr, I reckoned you'd have figured that one out based on the light provision load we got to start with."

"Well I uh, I honestly though you might just not have planned very well."

"Pft, I been on ships what were running out of supplies. I like you lot too much to want to eat you. Besides, you eat your own species you go blind or something."
"I feel like that might be a made up thing."

"You're first on the list if we run out of provisions then."

"I'd cannibalize you last La."

"Course you would, that's just common sense. I got a legs less meat than anyone else."

This prompted some snickering. Most of their conversations did.


La continued as they strode up the ramp into the vessel.

"this bit is barely a hop. We're just goin' to Thustra."

Harampr wrinkled his nose unseen beneath his helmet.


"That really is right next door."

"What could possibly be on Thustra worth having that we're not gonna get spanked for taking and no other vod have got to already?"
"Maybe nothin', but it's right next door. Besides, y'never know until you look. Besides, I hear the campings good. Pointy-ears make you want to smack 'em half the time, but most people do and they tend to stick to the cities anyway. Not where we're going."


"Yep. I figured it'd make a nice change from the weeks on the 'vette we just finished."

"That's true."

"I don't even love camping, and the thought of more fresh air instead of canned again is still fantastic."

"It's not my fault okay? I think the rations we had were bad."

"Weren't optimized for humans, otherwise fine."

"There! See? Not my fault!"

"Well most of the good rations here are going to them on active duty for Mand'alor. It's the least they can do considering they don't pay y'for it. Means when we go off reservation we get what I can source though. That's the other reason we're swinging by Thustra."

"Ah, because they'll have a wider variety of supplies available."

"And likely for better prices, yeah."

"Makes sense."

"I do that some times."

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