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Approved Tech Trodes

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Intent: To make a wireless electrode that gave direct access to virtual reality systems that monitors lifesigns.
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: MandalTech
Model: Trodes
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: No
Production: Major
Material: Fibreplast, computer chip, adhesive.

Trodes are attached to the temple, back of the neck, on the chest over the heart and on the wrist. Via electronic systems they monitor life signs and also electronic signals from the bodies nervous system. The trodes when linked to a datapad through wireless signal can be used to access the holonet and virtual reality. The trodes monitor the users life signs while allowing them to navigate whatever virtual system they have access to.

For medical purposes a patient can be monitored while putting them in a relaxing dream like environment during minor procedures. This can help reduce shock to a nervous system during surgeries that are non-invasive or mildly invasive. The neural link can also be helpful for various test that involve monitoring life signs over prolonged periods.

Non-medical use is also possible as various virtual sites exist for those who want to visit different worlds but are prevented due to cost or time restrictions. In times passed the use of a Proton Chair was needed. The subject can access any Virtual holosites and receive audio-visual and minor physical sensations via the link.

Some dangers do exist for non-medical use primarily. A slicer could hack a users signal and cause a users experience to be ruined. Also the risk of losing track of time and forgetting to eat drink and use the refresher is possible. Datapads can be set to cut the link after a prescribed amount of time to avoid to long of stays in unmonitored use. Another danger is potential for over stimulation resulting in seizures, brain damage or death. Cases of this have not been seen but the possibility is worth noting. Several virtual games have been planned for this form of link specifically.

There is a 10 minute calibration time to use the trodes every time they are put on.
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