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Triumph Cybernetics Incorporated

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge

  • Image Source: Trophy, Gear Circuit, edited together by me.
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Triumph Cybernetics Incorporated
  • Headquarters: Ominov
  • Locations: Ominov
  • Operations: The main area of production for Triumph Cybernetics is the prosthetics, cybernetics, and synthetic organs in the medical field. If it replaces a part, enhances a part, and is made in a factory, then Triumph has you covered.
  • Parent Corporation: N/A
  • Subsidiaries: N/A
All across Ominov prosthetic limbs and cybernetic augments bear the symbol of Triumph Cybernetics proudly. The slogan "Products that make you Triumph!" is plastered on a wall in nearly every hospital on the planet and the emblem is adorned by many factories as well. While the products of the company are always of a good quality, and fully customized if one has enough credits, they reputation as an aggressive business has given them a dark reputation of bullying smaller companies and buying up factories in order to keep up their near monopoly on prosthetics and cybernetics. In summation of their work in the field of prosthetics and cybernetics on Ominov: Triumph sells good products, and unless you're willing to risk the black market or other underground sources, they sell the only products.

Triumph Cybernetics Incorporated began a couple decades ago as a simple project between some hospital staff and a local, small time manufacturer in the capital city of Ominov. Supply lanes to the planet, and to that hospital in particular, had been sluggish and lacking due to increased pirate activity harassing trade convoys. As such various stockpiles became scarce without being refilled, and the industry of the planet couldn't keep up with each and every product that was in need. The hospital, today known as 'Triumph Medical Center' worked with this small manufacturer to produce prosthetics and cybernetic repairs simply to keep themselves in stock.

As supply lines gradually stabilized though, the manufacturer became steadily more reliable and available for the hospital. Custom fitting prosthetics, all new cybernetic augments, and even the beginnings of synthetic organs such as pacemakers began being made almost solely for the hospital and high paying private interests. The relationship between the hospital and the manufacturer was symbiotic, the hospital gaining fame and renown with high quality and locally produced prosthetics, and the manufacturer gradually becoming a household name with the factory to match.

Finally, due to a loophole in legislation as well as general bureaucratic negligence, the hospital owner bought out the manufacturer entirely in order to have full control of the supply of prosthetics and cybernetics to the hospital. This merge was known as and espoused by the owner as a, "Triumph of business." The name stuck, and soon the new company was branded as Triumph Cybernetics Incorporated as they began to branch out and sell their products to more and more hospitals and medical centers in the capital city.

Whenever shortages in supply began to crop up, or other factories simply couldn't keep up the demand, Triumph Cybernetics would pull through to get hospitals the replacements and resupplies that they needed. Given the quality, availability, and the local production, many hospitals began to use Triumph products exclusively and several even allowed themselves to be purchased by the company itself. A whole new generation of medical personnel and engineers grew up under the shade of Triumph and the company's reach soon expanded all across the planet of Ominov as demand for a steady supply of quality prosthetics rose.

Eventually Triumph Cybernetics Incorporated had an office, a deal, or a supply line to each and every hospital and medical center on the planet. Given new trade disruptions and an increase in pirate activity, the company has essentially established a monopoly over prosthetics and cybernetics on Ominov. And based on their aggressive business policies and ambitions for interplanetary expansion, they certainly intend to keep up that monopoly.

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