Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trista Nemorra

In Umbris Potestas Est

NAME: Trista Rain Nemorra
RANK: N/A (Freelance)
AGE: 26
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 108 lbs
EYES: Amber
HAIR: Blond
SKIN: Caucasian/Tan
FORCE SENSITIVE: Highly force sensitive (but doesn't realize it yet)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Shock Boxer: Due to her training on Vortusa she had become a champion in the underground rings of combat, she had been trained to disarm her opponents while using armor but no weaponry, and was seen as one of the more skilled combatants, she won a lot of credits and fame in those circles.

Discipline: She is a very aggressive fighter, but has serious discipline where she is always on offense rather than defense, she is very skilled with being unpredictable in a fight.

Stealth: She is very skilled in doing stealth strikes as she was a former black ops combatant on the world of Vortusa, she is very sneaky and can sneak up on almost anybody taking them out before they know she is around.


Imperial Shuttle
The Imperial Shuttle is an older one from the ancient sith empire that Trista found in an old salvage yard and bought it, she had it repainted and refitted with new weapons to make it more able to run blockades and hold up to more damage.


Trista is the older sister to Caile, as she grew up be looked after her younger sister, the younger of the Nemorra siblings always got herself into rough spots that Trista needed to bail her out of, this would always become a burden to Trista but she felt it was her duties as an older sister and always helped Caile whenever she needed it, Trista was naturally gifted with kickboxing and often would kick the living crap out of others whenever they tried to test her resolve and patience, she always protected her younger sister and always disliked others picking on her.

As she grew older Trista started being used as an operative, she ended up being under the employment of general bratan and was employed to spy on and gain intel on the princess if the Vortek, Trista worked nights obtaining information on the princess, through infiltration Trista often had access to what she needed o obtain on the woman and was made to believe her employment needed to be secretive, if she was caught she would not be able to state she knew anything about the general or his spy network.

Shortly after the general was exiled trista left the planet and sough work as an Infiltrator, this is one way she obtained her ship; she found it in a salvage yard on a outlying planet and bought it, redoing the paint job and having the ship fixed with the credits she stole from the princess. The restoration of the ship cost a lot, almost all she had but it was worth it and she also hired an R&D company to refit it with better weapons and with upgraded shields and a better hull, including a patch job on the hull as well.
After restoring the ship she began to use it as her personal freighter and made her way to becoming a freelancer.


Sister: Caile Nemorra
Father: Trizton Nemora
Mother: Shania Nemorra

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