Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trioc 'Quickshot' Wel

Trioc 'Quickshot'

The Red Tied Smuggler
NAME: Trioc 'QuickShot' Wel
RANK: Smuggler
SPECIES: Bakuran Human
AGE: 35

SEX: Male
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Quickshot- Trioc's nickname reflects this ability, he can draw and fire in a quick moment, usually able to down an opponent before a prolonged fight begins.
Quick Reflexes- Trioc can respond quickly to threats, this is because of his experience as a smuggler.
Bad Pilot- As hard as Trioc tries, he is a terrible pilot and is just as likely to crash as to reach his destination.
Impulsive Gambler- Trioc has trouble denying a good gamble, even for very high stakes.


Trioc is a 5'9 140 pound human. He has brown eyes and black hair, he is caucasian. He tends to wear grey pants and a beige shirt. He also wears a red tie at all times for class. Sometimes he wears a hat or a cloak.


Trioc was born on Bakura to a loving father and mother, he was an only child which was rather sad because his culture embraced having two children. Though he was raised in the faith of the Cosmic Balance he was very cynical of it. He had trouble understanding The Fulcrum and later just gave up on the cosmic balance as a whole.
When Trioc was about fifteen years old, his mother was found, poisoned by a neighbor who had disliked her. Trioc's father had the neighbor thrown into prison, a couple of weeks later during a prisoner transfer she was found dead, killed by a fatal blaster wound. Trioc and his father sold their home on Bakura and began traveling the galaxy in the family starship. Trioc's father took up smuggling for some locals, usually only taking jobs that he felt were right or that wouldn't harm the general populace. On one job though, Trioc's father dumped the cargo, refusing to take it anywhere, in the cargo were multiple vials of poison. The crime boss who Trioc's father was working for placed a small bounty on his head, dead. One day, as the now seventeen year old Trioc and his father were catching a drink at a cantina on Tatooine, they were attacked by two bounty hunters, Trioc's father fought hard but a blaster bolt eventually found itself in his chest and dropped him. Trioc, screaming out in grief, quickly drew his
own blaster,a DL model, and fired two quick shots, both found there marks on the bounty hunters and dropped them. Trioc grieved over his father at the cantina and later buried him, taking whatever credits were on the bounty hunters. His father's credits were inherited into his account. Trioc tried to fly the ship away from the dreaded desert world but found that he had no real skill in it and instead simply sold the ship, taking transports off planet. For a couple of years, Trioc did nothing, living off his inheritance and gambling to pay for the rest. At age twenty-two Trioc began smuggling, following his father's rules on what was right and wrong, he has smuggled for various groups for several years. Every day, he thinks of his father and mother, and he misses them dearly. He eventually learned how to fly his own ships but although he can fly them, he still has very little skill with them and is quite bad at space combat.





Tatooine to Tython-[Private]

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