Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trinkets and Tangents

Falcon Rekali

Aboard the Postcognitor
Personal CEC YTA-2150 Light Freighter​
He sat in the pilot seat, turning what appeared to be only part of a trinket end over end with thumb and fingers, elbow of the opposite side of him perched on an arm of the fixed chair, face resting against fist. He was pensive, mulling over this little discovery which otherwise would have been of no consequence except for how it felt in his grasp before it had been carefully cleaned up. This feel was not tactile but of the other kind, the kind he had done his best not to embrace, not to even so much as touch for so many years. The temptation, of course, was at times too great. The attuned sense too difficult to not heed, and what his senses told him about this unassuming partial was of some interest.

It seemed as if it was doing a bit of searching itself... no. No, not searching, but calling, and to what? A mate, its mate, perhaps, was the thing on the other end of that line, but as to what it all meant? Something of a mystery, and mysteries of a sort were in his realm of expertise - a realm that he was uncertain as to whether it would have much application from the point he'd left things behind for the second time in his life. A soft sigh escaped him, the droid copilot-cum-assistant only turning 'his' head and blinking. Felix was a good assistant, and he couldn't bear to leave the droid behind, couldn't bear to wipe his databanks of the countless files upon files of data connected to his now-former line of work.

"Alright..." Falcon turned his head, looking at the metallic face, and gave a short and thin smile, swiveling in his chair to reach the controls, "...Myrkr, Felix. Let's go."

He had a feeling about this... he just wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad one.

[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
Onboard The Ardent
YT-2400 Freighter, Heavily Modified
Hyllyard City, Mrkyr
Aaralyn could barely stomach this place, the nauseated sensation it gave her was overwhelming – but for some reason, that damned alchemy stone that she retrieved from Vjun brought her here and stopped it’s thrumming. She couldn’t help but stare at it on the holo-chess table, her long-brown hair disheveled from the journey across Mandalorian space. She had barely slept and eaten very little. The meditation it required to pinpoint which direction was taxing and then to discover it was such a planet as Mrkyr – well, that wasn’t a pleasant feeling.

She had gotten used to it after a while, even thrown up a few times. For now, all she could do was wait and listen for it to start up again. Maybe it was calling out to the other piece – maybe it was summoning it to it. It would be interesting to see who had the other half.

Knowing her luck, it’d be some Sith – a nasty vicious female who wanted the Gun badly and would want to gut her like a fish! Aaralyn made a disgusted face and rolled back onto the lounge couch and kicked her feet up on it, crossing them over each other – left over right. They always wanted to fight, about something. They couldn’t just give up and behave like normal people. They saw themselves as superior beings to all those around them. Must develop complexes when you hit that pinnacle within the dark side…who knows.

[member="Falcon Gyndar"]

Falcon Rekali

It was as if something or someone had stripped away his undergarments without removing his clothes the moment he'd entered the atmosphere of Myrkr. His mark in the Force was not far and wide, rather it was minimally used for so many years, and disused in some cases. He'd actively set the majority of anything to do with his younger years aside and locked it away, going to an extreme to separate himself from what he had been raised to do, but the nightmares associated with his formative years were increasingly suspected of being memory, things repressed by... what, he did not know, but no matter what he did the Force still lingered and made him feel naked when it was effectively stripped away by the broad negation fields of the ysalamir. It gave him an utterly natural feeling of unease, but didn't dissuade him from disembarking from his ship with intent to head into the city, leaving Felix behind to keep an eye on things.

Once his feet were on the ground and the ship was sealed up again, he fished the half-trinket from a trouser pocket, feeling its form between his fingers before pulling it out to look at. Whatever it had been giving off before seemed to have stopped, leaving him with an uncertainty as to whether that was an effect of the negation fields or if it had something to do with being in close proximity to its other half. Or both. As a man that chose to spend his days digging about in the past while shuttering away his own, he was comfortable with a fair margin of uncertainty and method to arriving at a reasonable, supportable conclusion.

By the same token, he wasn't going to stick his nose in every nook and cranny of the small, dusty city in the attempt to be certain one way or another. What he was going to do was find a bite to eat and perhaps a drink on account of not being on the job (there was no job to be on, anymore!)... well, after he poked around the modest spaceport out of curiosity. Really, the cursory analysis of ship and lifeform couldn't be helped. You could often tell a little something about a sentient organism by what they flew, to an extent.

[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]
At this point, Aaralyn had become annoyed with the trinket and only recently had it started thrumming again – a bit more violently than before. She moved about the crew quarters casually, ignoring the vibrating piece of metal on the holo-chess board as she adjusted her hair, fixing it up into a tight ponytail. It was her intention to finish what repairs she could on her vessel and get off this damned rock. There was no more point in looking for that damned gun anymore – it was an evil device to which she was going to jettison into a black hole anyways. As her fingers interlaced strands of chestnut hair, she couldn’t help but wonder if it was calling out to its counter-part and perhaps it was closer, a notion she had earlier and believed it to be of some concern but quickly dismissed it.

Being unable to sense on this planet complicated the issue, unable to determine what was danger and where it was coming from would only ensure that she would meet a swift end if she walked down the wrong alleyway – then again, she wasn’t raised by idiots. Ember had done well to train her in the ways of the street in what little time he could. Hands would maneuver a white tank top over her upper body, adjusting it accordingly as she brought it down over her bosom while she moved towards the ramp.

It was time to get some fresh air.

Although Tyrena was destroyed, she never neglected to find a suitable replacement while a second was being built. For the time being, she had replaced it with The Guardian which was historically known as Obi-Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber – a gift from her father who was now buried away in the Lost City of the Jedi. For good measure, on this planet atleast, she carried a gift from her close friend November – a DiamondBack MA-HEX 20 pistol which was slung classically low on her right thigh. Traditionally, she carried her sabers in front on the chest plates of her armor, but since Reborn had been damaged heavily in the fight against [member="Matsu Xiangu"] – she had been getting it redesigned and replated for further use, so she opted to carry them on the rear side of her right and left hip respectively.

Interesting choice for weapon locations needless to say and sometimes a bit awkward as they would sometimes smack her backside and cause her to jolt a bit.

Her violet eyes shifted from Rowdy as he came up to her side to the ramp panel, a series of beeps and whirls echoed from her droid as she patted his head. “No, buddy, I think it’ll be just fine.” His grabber apparatus extended towards her with the Pendant in hand, to which she cautiously took from him. “When the time comes, we’ll find a place to secure these things.” She nodded softly as she put the necklace around her neck and secured it.

“Now isn’t that time.” She said as she pressed the panel, a hiss of atmosphere adjusting and gears whirling filled her ears as the ramp lowered to the landing back she was docked in. Her attention shifted from Rowdy to a figure standing near the edge of her ramp to which Rowdy let out a loud alerting beep causing her to snatch up her pistol and bring it to bear down upon him.

“Hey! Who the hell are you!?” She shouted as she marched down the ramp, both hands gripping the gun tightly – to the Force if he only knew how awkward this felt and really if she fired the damned thing, she’d probably be knocked on her fourth point of contact.

[member="Falcon Gyndar"]

Falcon Rekali

A little poking around never seemed to do any harm, and he'd been checking out the exterior of each ship, examining scratches and dings, fading of paint, design and more besides, without actually touching any of the vessels. Force forbid, one of them might have an alarm, and his curiosity was entirely innocent, driven by explorative, conjecturing mindset. He simply hadn't been expecting that anyone would be around, much less that he'd find himself face to face with a gun and... he blinked, eyebrows lofting, hazel eyes centreing on the partial trinket dangling from her neck. His gaze tracked up to her face before he spoke a single word. His hands remained in his pockets, and it would appear that having a weapon pointed at him did nothing to faze him.

"Someone that's here for the same reason you are," he replied, lifting his head in indication to the half-trinket hanging from her, "and he'd appreciate not being shot."

Then a small smile curved his lips. A beautiful woman with a gun - when was the last time he'd encountered one of those?

"Assuming you don't get knocked on your backside trying to do so."

[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"]
And like that - Aaralyn would squeeze the trigger and fire off a shot...but the shot would miss, by a long shot.

The HEX20 was a powerful gun, one that she wasn't used to. The damned slugthrowers as it were - weren't something she was proficient at like [member="November Sinclair"], no, they kicked apparently. And with that kick came a sudden movement of the aim and with that - she was off target by a long shot. The bullet would impact off the hull and then off the ground - maybe a meter behind [member="Falcon Gyndar"] and echo off into the distance. Aaralyn, however, would fly back and fall flat on her back onto the ramp with a harsh thud.

A loud wail would emit from Rowdy as he came flying down the ramp and hit his boosters at the last second to avoid tumbling over his Master - instead he miscalculated and tumbled anyways. It was a bit of a comedic moment as Rowdy would tumble into crates and Aaralyn remained motionless, a bit stunned on the ramp of her YT-2400.

With a groan, she'd attempt to move, her left hand coming up to her forehead while her right held the weapon firmly still. Down she may be - but only for a moment.

Falcon Rekali

Well, that pulled a hearty chuckle out of him, but an 'I told you so' was nowhere to be heard. He was never that kind of man, the kind that shoves it back in your face. No, he firmly believed that sometimes you could only learn from experience and the experience this woman just had was one he had went through at a much, much younger age. He had been a child, and the weapon used was not so nearly as forceful as a slugthrower. Still, he didn't assume that getting knocked flat-out would dissuade her from trying to shoot him again - that was a judgement made on her attitude when she shot at him for not being at all threatening.

"If you're going to insist on shooting me with a slugthrower, you're going to want to adopt a better stance so this doesn't happen again... or pick a more suitable weapon."

Still feeling a bit humoured, he wandered over and walked up beside her. He didn't at all move to take the HEX20 off her hands, instead holding a hand out in an offer to help her up.

"I can wait while you make up your mind. I'm sure Manda'yaim won't mind if I take a little longer in arriving."

[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"]
Aaralyn's hand rubbed her forehead as she slid the HEX20 away from her and the now free hand would slap his extended hand away from attempting to help her up. "No thanks..." She grumbled as she sat up and brought the left hand through her hair, rubbing the back of her head. There was a warm feeling oozing down the nape of her neck that caused her to wince slightly, and as soon as she brought the black gloved hand around - she saw the crimson liquid between her fingertips. She rubbed it together and frowned, slowly pushing off the ramp with her right hand, coming up to lean against the compression rod to the ramp.

Rowdy would chirp and emerge from the crates and then in some sort've R series battle cry - would charge [member="Falcon Gyndar"] with his electric probe extended. His intention was to shock the intruder away from his wounded Master - amusing wasn't it?

Falcon Rekali

She slapped his hand away, rejecting his offer, and he let it happen, "Alright, fair enough," he said, slotting the hand back into the pocket it had occupied before, while his eyes followed her movements as she discovered a ripe wound at the back of her head and made to right herself somewhat. He was about to ask if she was alright, if he could give the wound a look, but the scream of a charging droid coming at him made him retreat off the ramp and back several paces from the ship, hands raised.

"Whoa, little guy, whoa," he exclaimed, "I'm not here to hurt anybody."

He glanced at the woman again, keeping a corner-of-eye watch on the R-series in case he tried anything else. He lowered his hands, posing them on his hips.

"I don't know what you think I am, but any weapon I have, I haven't used in..." he had to think about this one, "...roughly sixteen years. Until a few days ago, I was a professor of anthropology and archaeology at the University of Corellia."

A rueful smile cropped up on his face.

"I'm only here because professional curiosity got the best of me on the way to Mandalore," a small, wistful laugh came from him, "hard to quit what was my life's work, to be honest."

He gestured to her.

"Something tells me you were expecting someone quite different."

[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"]
She groaned softly and twisted her neck to the right, cracking it loudly as she let out a sigh of relief. Her non-bloodied hand would come down to pat the purple, white and chrome dome of Rowdy before she turned back towards the entrance of the ramp. "Come on buddy..." She said, clearly ignoring the Professor.

'Oh come on Aara, don't be like that' A voice said in the back of her mind - inner monologue was a killer and hers was running rampant. 'You know he is kinda cute...'

Hers was causing her to groan and in turn her shoulders would drop low and she'd turn, her facial expression out of sight. "Why? Why? Why?" She mumbled.

"Oh that's interesting..." She said, clearly disinterested in what he had to say, more interested in the throbbing headache she was developing. "Why don't you come aboard my ship - Force knows you can't really hurt me there..." Sacrasm, smartassery and just plain Aaralyn at it's finest - especially when her pride was wounded. She hadn't been like this in a long time, and it only seemed to happen when men came around.

A defensive mechanism? Perhaps. Daddy always said watch out for men - they got one thing on their mind.

[member="Falcon Gyndar"]

Falcon Rekali

He didn't move, but his shoulders did stiffen - funny thing, one of them had been a bit stiff for years. His hands went right back into those pockets. Sarcasm? He didn't do sarcasm. Oh, that was a pet peeve. It made him suck his teeth at her, but he bit any words about it right back. Surely there was a reason for this attitude that had little to do with him directly, considering he hadn't done the slightest thing untoward. He sighed, a heavy action that washed away the annoyance he felt. He let it go.

"I don't want to hurt you," he said, as if it were some admission and he still didn't move, "I just..."

...want to know I didn't come here just to get shot at and mouthed off... the thought made him shake his head. No, that wouldn't help anything. He looked up the ramp at her, utterly refusing to set foot on it again unless she genuinely wanted him to. He saw the slump of her shoulders, how she looked not just physically wounded, and somehow that made him feel bad? Huh.

"...why don't you let me take a look at that head wound, and in exchange..." oh, he had to think on this one, but he had it after a moment, " exchange I won't breathe a word of what happened here to a single soul. Ever. Cross my heart."

[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"]
She paused for a moment at the top of the ramp - having turned around and proceeded further up it. A slender eyebrow would peak in interest, a unique offer he had thrown her way but what would that matter if he did tell someone? She brought her left hand behind her head, keeping the gloved hand pressed against the wound as she marched down the ramp to gaze at him - being almost level with his height due to the ramp's offset. "Now that is an interesting offer..." She said, narrowing her eyes. "There isn't anything that happened here that you could go tell in a Cantina to draw a crowd..." She'd give him one of those - 'I have zero karks to give smiles' - before she laughed softly.

"I suppose since you're being genuine i don't see an issue with it..." She sighed and gazed behind her at Rowdy. "And he's terrible at patch jobs..." She turned away and moved back up to the ramp, using her right hand to manipulate the lock and open the vessel, a groaning droid following behind her - potentially complaining about her comments.

[member="Falcon Gyndar"]

Falcon Rekali

Seeing and hearing the mood he was greeted with melt away into something slightly cordial lifted much of the brewing tension. Much more of that mouth and he might've started thinking to do something less than kind. Chances were that she could have landed a shot on him with a little luck (as none of how she had done it did her any favours in the act) so there was always that to consider. With the hostility appearing to have been done away with, he tailed her up the ramp with only a very brief pause at the top of it to take in what he could see of the inside from that position before following her in.

'If you could sit wherever the light's best,' he glanced at her with a faint expression that couldn't exactly be called a grin, much less a smile, and posed his hands on his hips, 'and if you could point me to where the medkit's kept, so I can get you fixed up... if not, I'll have to improvise,' the words came, in the least adverse manner possible. They hadn't gotten off on the right foot, and the first impression wasn't fantastic, but it was far from the worst first encounter he'd ever had. At least this one had some courtesy to ask who the 'hell' he was before trying to kill him (old occupational hazard, that was). Speaking of which... 'I'm Falcon,' and whether she gave hers in turn was entirely up to her.

[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"]
Aaralyn stopped as she walked past workshop and headed through a doorway before coming upon a second doorway with a medical symbol on it. "I'd rather you do what you'd care to do, in here, if you would be so kind..." She said flatly, ignoring his introduction - but only for a moment. In that moment, she'd keep a smirk on her face - letting him stew a bit. She had to play it cool, let him believe that she was some hostile individual, otherwise she might be easy prey.

Force knew what he desired, these types around here could have wanted anything and Dad always warned her against charming guys with a smile that could melt durasteel. She gazed over her shoulder as she keyed in the code, nodding softly in acknowledgement - the door snapping open with a hiss. She'd turn back towards the small medical room and step inside. It was a rather nice setup, considering the age of the ship. Aaralyn would seat herself on the examination chair and gesture to the various cabinets infront of her - the ones above the stabilization bed. "Go for it...Doc..." She chuckled softly and looked to Rowdy. "Go ahead and move that portable light over here for Dr. Falcon..."

The droid would beep and whistle as he moved the adjustable lamp to the side of Aaralyn, and with that - she'd gaze at the floor, taking a deep breath before she finally said her name. "I'm Aaralyn."

[member="Falcon Gyndar"]

Falcon Rekali

He tipped his head at the droid, a gesture of thanks for bringing along the light, and walked up behind the woman so that he could take a closer look at the wound. While eyeballing it, he heard her give her name; to this, he said nothing for now, instead making for the cabinets in search of gloves. While the first cabinet didn't yield what he was looking for, he took note of what was in the cabinet. Old, old habit, and you never really knew what might happen. After the first cabinet, he looked back at her.

"So, Aaralyn," he said, before returning his attention to the cabinets and continuing his search, "what brings you to Myrkr?"

Harmless question, really. Finally, he found the medical gloves in the third cabinet, and altogether came away from his search mildly impressed. She was better kitted out for injuries than he was, but then, he'd bought the Postcognitor for a different life. Picking out a pair of large-size disposable gloves, he began to pull them on while listening for a response and thinking over his bemusement at her calling him 'Doctor Falcon', considering the fact that he had been just short of attaining his doctorate when life called him with other plans. Not that she knew that, so the amusement would be his, alone.

[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"]
Aaralyn kept her head forward, her right hand pulling the strands of chestnut colored hair up and over her shoulder to prevent him from touching it too much or pulling it in the wrong direction. She sighed heavily and took a moment to look briefly back over her shoulders at the man who towered over her. "I came looking for an artifact..." She said bluntly before turning her attention back at the wall infront of her. "It wasn't until you showed up that it started acting weird." Her right hand remained on her hair, gripping it tight.

It was odd that the other piece of the artifact started acting weird once he came around - could it be possible....? "Tell me, have you ever seen an object that looks something like this?" She'd look over her left shoulder at Rowdy and gesture with her left hand, and in turn the droid would project a holographic image before the two of them. It was the piece that she carried with her - clearly missing the other half.

[member="Falcon Gyndar"]

Falcon Rekali

He went about cleaning up accidental, self-inflicted wound, while she spoke of why she was here; her words only confirmed what he had deduced already, as he too had notice the half-trinket he had on his person act up with increasing intensity the closer he had come to her ship, and to her. His was a mind that was well-used to the chase of a mystery, the past and the unfamiliar being subject to conjecture. He ignored the blunt tone, the largest measure of his attention being commanded by binding the wound shut after cleaning it, while taking care not to mess with her hair. After all, she was defensive, touchy to begin with.

Be careful, give respect.

Before he began to close up the wound, Falcon looked over the projection of a half of the trinket that was the fitted opposite to his own. He smiled at the image, and went back to tending to the thing that had him on the Ardent at all.

"I have," he said, making sure the sides of the shallow cut would align, beginning to bind it closed, "It's why I'm here, Aaralyn. I felt pulled."

He didn't know if she would have any idea what he meant, but it was honest. It was the simplest explanation.

[member="Aaralyn Rekali-Gyndar"]

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