Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trial of Flesh


After realising that he had so openly displayed himself as a Jedi on a planet full of criminals, scavengers, bounty hunters and what not, Fletcher pulled his hood over his head and kept his eyes to the floor in order to avoid further exposure. He knew there were people on this planet that despised Jedi and their teachings but he was unaware of the bounty on a Jedi's head.

The Padawan walked down back streets and through less public places to keep concealed. It was extremely hot and humid on the planet, something he wasn't used to. He finally pulled down his hood and stopped in the shade of a building, in the unbearable heat, trying to navigate a way back to the ship. He used to Force to seek out anyone nearby.

Swiftly pursuing a young boy through a mid-sized, downtrodden starport on Tatooine felt like something that had been done before - a little deja vu. Be that as it may, the cooling systems of his armor and the the rather generously placed tarps covering the marketplace provided enough cover and comfort of concealment for the Gen'Dai. While he was sure his hulking frame wouldn't been seen from space, a low flying vessel might've been able to spy a single armored titan just charging past beggars and traders in hot pursuit of something invisible.

However, about half a dozen DRK-1 probe droids were in the search as well. Only a single droid had been maintaining a constant visual and the target had just rounded a corner when the feed was blank. All dead ends, but at least there were more than just a pair of eyes in this manhunt.

Xalus only hoped nothing else got in his way. He hated wildcards.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
Fletcher walked back out into the open and saw a probe droid directly ahead. He wasn't sure if the droid had seen him or not, but he immediately ran in either an attempt to lose it or to not let it see him. The Padawan ran through some sort of market, probably illegal, and dodged crowds of people as he did. His reflexes may have been quick but the heat was certainly debilitating.

Oh lucky him! Another blip flashed on the screen with the alerting signal being moved to the forefront of his HUD. It displayed the young boy once again, face smeared with the hot remains of sand and plastered with sweat and anxiousness. His little chest was heaving as well, probably tired. However, there was still that lightsaber of his to worry about. Xalus was a little uneasy about that part as even the most lightsaber resistant armor still had gaps in its plates and he wasn't really in the mood to lose an arm.

"Stay on him," he growled, shoving past an older woman. All of the probe droids were zeroing in on his position, sending plotting coordinates directly to the bounty hunter's helmet just as he came into the market, catching a glimpse of the boy's tan tunic before it disappeared behind the flaps of a vendor's stall.

There he is.

Pulling the BTI blaster pistol from its holster, Xalus made for the boy in hot pursuit.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
Fletcher slowed down after coming to a dead end. He attempted to climb over the wall but knew it was too high and he simply didn't have the energy to jump to such a height. He turned around and ignited his lightsaber and stood in the common stance of Soresu, a combat used to counter weapons that weren't lightsabers, typically guns and blasters. By now he knew the droids were onto him.

The Padawan was exhausted and scared, probably not in the best of conditions to fight. Nonetheless, he stood ready to defend himself, though he wasn't sure what good it would do.

It was besides him why people would want to hunt Jedi, much less Padawans.

Only narrow glimpses and signs of movement were the few traces of the boy. While he may have been scared, tired, and nervous, he shot off like a Womp rat during hunting season. If that was the case, he felt a little ashamed as a hunter to be drawn out so much by a mere child. Xalus had nearly a thousand years of doing this kind of thing under his belt and a single little boy had made him charge through the streets of a starport on Tatooine after his hide.

However, the tide was turning greatly in his favor. This time, the bounty hunter had a clear sight of the boy just as he darted down an alleyway with the cylindrical form of a saber within his grasp. Barreling past yet another vendor with effort, Xalus zeroed in on the alleyway just as his probe droids scoured the surrounding area to see if the boy had made it through.

He hadn't.

An armored hulk blocked the only entrance of alley, both feet planted firm on the dusty ground. The blaster pistol was raised with both hands, entering his firing stance just as the Jedi drew his saber up and assumed a defensive posture of his own. Smart. He had to admit it - this boy wasn't just some Womp rat, he was a tenacious Krayt Dragon.

"I'll give you one chance," he snarled. "Drop it."

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
"No." Fletcher said stubbornly. He wrapped his fingers around the hilt, though they were slick with sweat. Retreating as far back as he could, almost against the wall, he was determined not to give in, at least not without a fight.

The Padawan was breathing heavily and was clearly not going to be able to hold this off for long. He had almost as much physical training as a Knight but mentally he was exhausting his options. He wasn't that good at deflecting bullets either, which was never a good thing.

Fletcher thought that if he could get the first attack, maybe that would get him somewhere. He ran at the bounty hunter and attempted to slice the blade clean through the opponent's weapon. Though it left him undefended and open to shots, it was a risk he was willing to take.

Xalus knew cornering something was always a bad idea. When a womp rat or an akk dog got pushed up into a corner, they always struck out first. They knew defeat was inevitable but it was always their intention to go down with a fight - even if it meant their life. While the bounty hunter respected that notion in the sense of a warrior's death, this boy was worth more alive than dead and he had bills to pay, deadlines to meet.

Bad choice.

The hunter snarled in anger as the blue lightsaber snapped on and came whirling at him. The glowing sword wasn't aimed directly at him and was more so directed at his blaster pistol, gripped tightly with both hands. Xalus reeled back, pulling a single hand away just as the saber cleaved his pistol right in half. Jedi had a tendency to destroy good weapons - most likely because of their insistence in preserving life in all cases and merely disarming.

Still, that wasn't cool.

Xalus snarled, dropping the half-melted remains of the pistol while throwing his free hand forward. Both hands of his were covered by Mandalorian Crushgaunts, things that could crack Vonduun Crab armor by themselves and quite possibly topple a building with a single, well-aimed punch. Rather than destroy something, he intended to either grab the boy by the throat or an extremity. It didn't matter which one, he just wanted him caught.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
Fletcher smiled, triumphant in the fact he had disarmed his opponent. Though it was short lived as he felt a cold hand grip around his throat. He immediately dropped his lightsaber and brought his hands to his throat and tried to pry the fingers open but he had no chance. Whether it was because he was just too tired or if he just physically couldn't do it, he didn't know. The Padawan swung his leg towards [member="Xalus"], though it probably only hurt himself rather than effect his opponent. Despite the odds against him, he still refused to give up fighting and held out one hand towards his opponent, attempting to grip the Force and use it to help.
As the roaring heat of Tantooine settled upon my mask, i strode anxiously towards the presence of force in the area, walking through the bustling illegal market toward's it's source, bumping over people in the process, whom to which began following me but quickly lost interest after spotting my light saber, ending up seeing @"Xalus" holding @"Fletcher Lorcan" by the neck. I slowly withdrew my saber from my side, however I do not turn on the blade.
Zarkath said:
As the roaring heat of Tantooine settled upon my mask, i strode anxiously towards the presence of force in the area, walking through the bustling illegal market toward's it's source, bumping over people in the process, whom to which began following me but quickly lost interest after spotting my light saber, ending up seeing @"Xalus" holding @"Fletcher Lorcan" by the neck. I slowly withdrew my saber from my side, however I do not turn on the blade.
@[Xalus] @[Fletcher Lorcan] ((Sorry still getting use to this.))
This was getting a little fun now. While he target squirmed in his grasp, he relished the thought of simply crushing his esophagus and tossing the body in a bag. It was a simple way to get paid and allowed him to merely tote a corpse rather than a ferocious little boy who thought kicking beskar'gam was a smart option. The pang against his knee was fairly strong for his size, but it did little to shake the three hundred pound Gen'Dai and his even heavier armor.

Another heartbeat was detected - yeah, Gen'Dai could feel those. Xalus figured it was time to kick things into high gear rather than keep his client waiting. The hunter simply pulled his arm back, throwing the boy towards the wall before quickly drawing the net launcher from its holster. A quick draw followed by a slight aim was all he needed at this distance.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"], [member="Zarkath"]
Fletcher desperately tried to fight back with the help of the Force but his mind wasn't clear enough and he couldn't concentrate. He completely gave up an attempt to fight back and instead only tried to loosen the hand around his throat so he could breathe.

The Padawan hit the wall and groaned as he landed on the floor, flat on his back. He saw [member="Xalus"] draw a gun-looking object, one of which he'd never seen before. Whilst he caught his breath back, he turned onto his front and got onto his hands and knees, breathing in short, ragged breaths. His opponent was a lot stronger than he had calculated. Fletcher reached for his fallen lightsaber whilst on his hands and knees, knowing it was the last chance he was going to get.
Nothing else mattered in this moment. Not the probe droids hovering silently overhead, not the milling bouts of passerby in the next street, or even that lone wanderer who had happened to stumble across the hunter's affairs with this lone Jedi. What really mattered was getting this shot right. The net launcher was firm in his hand, the HUD's targeting systems had already linked in with his weaponry and missing at this range was like missing the broad side of a barn with a shotgun at point blank.

It was impossible to miss.

So, Xalus squeezed the trigger as the young boy scrambled on hands and knees for his saber. Steel-coiled wire along with stun beads and alchemy to back it up. There was nothing he could do to save himself.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"], [member="Zarkath"]
Fletcher saw the net coming towards him and quickly pulled his hand away from his lightsaber to protect his arm from the net. After the net had encased itself around him and the stun beads had set in, his arms and legs gave way, leaving him lying on the floor, stunned. The Padawan muttered something unintelligible, though not looking at Xalus and rather straight ahead. He made no effort to move and was far too exhausted to fight back. Besides, there was no point without a lightsaber anyway.

His gaze slowly lifted back to Xalus, clearly glaring.


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