Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tremors (Lucien Atika)

Mrrew's sleek freighter flew through the lower atmosphere of Blenjeel, piloted expertly by his seasoned astrodroid. Meanwhile, the Togorian stood in the armory, getting ready. He had come straight here frrom Yavin IV, to fufill antheother order for the Beast Hunter's Guild. The contracts had gotten backed up latley, and since his hunters failed to, Mrrew was filling the orders himself. With the help of his new accomplice, that is. He'd left [member="Lucien Atika"] in his own quarters to rest from the battle with Nexu on Yavin IV. He was hoping that the human would be rested enough to fight Sand Burrowers... The client was not very specific. She wanted as many Sand Burrowers as possible. And at over a million a piece, there was a lot of money in this. If all went well, that is...

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
Lucien was in the quarters that had been loaned to him. However, the boy was not sleeping. He had helped himself to one of the books on the shelves in the room. As he read through the bestiary of sorts he plotted how he might prove himself to [member="Mrrew"] and efficiently capture these monstrous worms alive. His shoulder was sore from his scrap with the Nexu, but some much adrenaline still pumped through his veins that it did little to bother him.

From what Lucien had gathered the guild was kinda at a stale point with many hunters' hands tied in many other affairs. He hoped that he might be some assistance at easing the burden on Mrrew's shoulders. Diligently, Lucien thumbed through the pages of the book.
Mrrew slid open the door to his quarters abruptly, wearing his usual variety of weapons. His heavy blaster pistol and blade both hung from the bodo bass gunbelt at his waist, like a Chiru rifle hung from a socket specially made for it in his bodo bass bandoleir. In his hands, he held what looked like a little remote control toy truck. A child's toy. Without giving any explenation, Mrrew looked [member="Lucien Atika"] from head to toe for a moment, his eyes settling on his shoudler for a fraction of a second, before speaking.

"I'm hunting sand burrowers. Are you well enough to come?"

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
Lucien had jumped to his feet before [member="Mrrew"] had even finished his question. Of course he was coming! Lucien quickly wrestled his way into the large shirt on loan from the Togorian. It was quite the ridiculous sight.

"The toy, is it to attract them through vibration?"

The boy had read some people had used mild explosives to combat the vermin. Lucien grabbed the cloth wrapped sword that rested against the bed and tied it to the braided rope he doubled as a belt.
(Oooh... you've seen Tremors. XD)

Mrrew watched at the boy dressed himself, and had to restrain himself from laughing. A shirt about twenty sizes to large, and a belt made of rope. The Togorian smiled, and after a moment nodded to his question.

"Smart. I told the astrodroid to land on a rock formation- he's looking for one now. I'll drive around the toy until some worms come... then I start shooting. And you start hacking them into little bits."

As if in acknolwedgement, the ship jostled slightly as the droid landed it on a rather large sandstone formation.

[member="Lucien Atika"]

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
((Of course lol))

Lucien's face turned red as he sensed [member="Mrrew"]'s amusement with his clothing predicament. Quickly seeking to find a serious subject he asked his new mentor,

"Do we not need them alive?"

He hoped not as that would prove a far easier endeavor than having to lug the buggers back onto the ship, and, well, Lucien was not exactly sure how he would render a monstrous worm unconscious with a vibrosword. He very much wanted to learn to shoot the Chiru rifle that seemed so convenient for Mrrew.
The Togorian's smile faltered. Well, duh... Mrrew raised a hand to his face, frowning.

"Yes... They need to be unharmed... And as far as I know, vibroswords are not good at 'unharmed.'"

Mrrrew reached onto his back, and removed his Chiru rifle with a slight smile.

"Which means.. You get to learn to shoot."

The Togorian's smile widened. He could, of course, use Lucien as bait but he had to learn to shoot eventually... It would be best too teach him against an oppenant that will be to busy attacking a toy car to fight back.

[member="Lucien Atika"] (Forgot we needed them alive... *Togorian facepalm*)

Lucien Atika

Beast Hunter's Guild
((I wondered lol))

Lucien shivered with excitement. One could not hand a slave a blaster as he would certainly rectify himself being a slave, but Lucien was no slave. Lucien was free, free and eager to learn to shoot. And not being bait felt somewhat like a promotion so there was also that. The boy tucked the excess of the shirt into his trousers and replaced the book. This was bound to be an interesting endeavor.


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