Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trappin' Vermin

The jungle planet of Indoumodo

Gnasp, the yellow and black freighter of belonging to Frederic Juusk and Bobawwa, jumped out of hyperspace over the swampy planet of Indoumodo. While Frederic prepared the ship for descent through the type II atmosphere of the planet, Bobawwa rummaged around in the central room of the freighter, stacking boxes of the traps they'd bought. The Wookiee peeked in to one of the crates, glancing inside to make sure that the gungan merchant they'd bought the traps from didn't scam them. He didn't dissapoint. Inside each of the four crates were a dozen traps, metal cages with a door at one end rigged to drop closed when the trigger inside was activated. They'd be perfect. The ship jerked slightly as it entered the atmosphere, and the crates toppled over on to the Wookiee's feet with a clattering crash. "Sorry!" Frederic yelled from the cockpit, hearing the annoyed roars of the large Wookiee. Bobawwa sighed, and started stacking the crates again, grumbling and barking under his breath. This was going to be a long trip.
The yellow and black freighter landed on a large rocky ridge that protruded from the muddy bogs and swamps that stretched out in all angles, as far as the eye could see. The noise of insects was almost louder then the ship's engines, and came from every direction around the rocky outcropping. The ramp of The Gnasp lowered to the rock with a slight creaking sound, and Bobawwa quickly stepped out, donning a large breaht mask that barely covered the Wookiee's mouth and nose. He grumbled under his mask, and set the first of the four crates on the rock, glancing around the endless swamps. The Wookiee growled again at the endless bogs. He'd had enough of swamps the last hunt, on Felucia, but of course Frederic had to drag him to yet another mudhole of the planet! Bobawa continued to grumble under his breath as he loaded the other four crates out of the ship, and Frederic stepped out, also donning a breath mask.

"Right..." The young human glanced around the muddy swamps, then reached in to the ship to pull out a large coil of rope.
"We best get started."
Bobawwa trudged through knee deep mud and water, with four crates strapped to his broad back with braided rope. Growling constnatly under his breath, the Wookiee marched on through the swamplands, while Frederic walked on ahead carrying both of their packs. Hearing Bobawwa's complaints, Frederic called over his shoulder to his partner while they walked on. "Why're you complaining? I'm carrying your back for you! Be grateful!" Bobawwa growled under his breath, but kept marching on nontheless. This is how his life had been since Frederic saved him from the Wyyshokk. Woul've almost been better if it had eaten him... At least he wouldn't have to put up with the idiotic antics of the young human. Bobawwa was torn from his thoughts as Frederic held up a hand, glancing around the swamplands that had began to become choked with tall gnarled trees. "This is perfect! Time for us to start placing the traps!"
Bobawwa grumbled as he had to unload the crates off his own back, and place them on a mass of gnarled roots that stood a foot above the stagnant water, so they wouldn't get wet. Grabbing the crate's lid with one massive paw, he flung the lid off, missing Frederic's head by a few inches. "Pay more attention, you nerd herder! Are you trying to kill me here?!" Bobawwa growled something in Shiirywook, but began unloading the traps nontheless, handing a few to Frederic. The Human glanced at the traps, and frowned. "You expect me to place the traps, too? I'm already carrying your pack for you!" Bobawwa narrowed his eyes, and the human sighed, snatching a few of the traps. "Fine, fine!" While Bobawwa began to bait the traps with some meat he'd gotten for this very reason, Frederic took some bantha jerky out of one of the packs, and began to place them in the traps. Bobawwa barked at his human 'partner'. shouting in Shiirywook. That was his rations! Frederic didn't seem to notice, and just continued to bait the traps.
Bobawwa grumbled to himself as he sulked through the swampy forests, placing a trap every ten meters or so, and keeping an eye on his path so he could remember where they were. He'd convinced Frederic to go place some in the other direction, as to get away from the idiot. He couldn't believe the way Frederic treated him! Like he was some bantha! The Wookiee growled loudly as he went to put down one of the cage traps, barely noticing that the metal had become bent and useless in his hand. Bobawwa glanced around the forests as he went on, continuously grumbling under his breath. On top of all of this, Frederic had used all of his lunch to bait the traps! The Wookiee's stomach growled like an angry rancor as he walked on, placing traps here and there, some half submerged in the mud. He was almost tempted to eat the half=spoiled meat he was setting the traps with... No, he better sure looked good, though.
The Wookiee had just placed the last trap down, on a little root that curved out of the mud, as he heard a loud high-pitched scream. The Wookiee instantly spun around, and snatched his bowcaster off his back. It was already loaded with a quarrel, and ready to fire, when he began to bound through the swamps. He was slowed down, of course, by the mud and water, but nontheless he ran extremely fast through the swamps to where he had heard the yells. As Bobawwa broke from the gnarled forest, he heard another scream, and quickly ran around the rocky ridge where the ship was parked to see the source of the high-pitched yells:

Frederic ran in frantic circles around the swamp, with a Kouhon on his arm, trying to shake it off, and screaming like a frightened child.

"Get it off, get it off, get it off!"

The Wookiee raised a huge paw to his face, and grumbled under his breath. The idiot was afraid of bugs. Bobawwa calmly walked over, scooping a stick off the ground as he walked, and whacked the Kouhoun off the human's cyberneti9c arm, where it was trying to sting the durasteel. Afterwards, while Frederic brushed his entire body to make sure it wasnt' stil on him, the wookiee snatched anb empty crate from the rocky ridge and scooped the Kouhon up in it, placing the lid on it to keep it trapped.
Frederic spun around and ran up the rocky ridge and in to the ship for a shower, while Bobawwa sighed, glancing around the swampy climate with a frown. Kouhouns were known to scavenge carrion if they couldn't find live prey, so the traps would be filled soon. Now.... he just had to wait. The Wookiee stood still in thge knee-deep muddy water, looking around the swamp, when he saw something move out of the corner of his eye. Bobawwa spun around quickly, raising his bowcaster, but nothing was there. It happened again, to the left, something in the trees. He spun again, and saw a black tail disapear behnid a tall tree. The Wookiee stared to where the thing dissipeared, just in time to see it leap out form behnd the tree, and jump at him. The thing was about the size of a dog, all black, with huge sharp fangs displayed by it's open maw. Bobawwa didn't have enough time to shoot. He dropped the bowcaster, and swatted his hand across the creature as it came at him, sndning it splayed in to the mud. It quickly rebounded, despite the thick mud, and snarled. Bobawwa glanced around for a weapon. His bowcaster was int he mud, he didn't have time... He grabbed a quarrel from his bandoleir, just as the creature jumped at him again. The wookiee sidestepped, and stabbed the long quarrel in to the dog-like animal's side as it flew past. It landed on it's side in the mud, whining pathetically, but quickly got up. The Wookiee snatched a stick off the ground, and swung it like a bat as the creature leaped at him again, hitting it in the muzzle and sending it smashing in to the rock face. The creature whinedheavily, with a visibly broken leg, as it lay pathetically in the mud next to the rock face. Before Bobawwa could react, a balsterbolt came in to life at the corner of his vision, and hit the creature in the chest.

"That was a close one! Lucky I saved you, eh?"
Bobawwa grumbled and growled under his breath, and bent over to fish his bowcaster out of the mud. After finding it, he placed the soaking and muddy weagon on a rock,. as Frederic stepped in to the swamp. "Good thing I was here, or that hting would've gotten you! Did you see me? It was right at you, about to rip out your throat, and I saved you! You'd be dead if it wasn't for me!" Bobawwa just stared at Frederic for a moment, and threw up his arms in defeat. He barked something in Shiirywook, which, of course, Frederic didn't understand. The cyborg did reply, however, after exhaling on his hand and rubbing it on his chest in a bragging matter. "I was going to help gather the traps, but, I think i'll be nice!" He smiled, and started back up towards The Gnasp. "I'll let you check them, sinc ei'm such a nice guy!" Before Bobawwa could protest, the young human stepped into his ship, and shut the ramp.
Bobawwa stomped through the swamps of Indoumodo, carrying one of the wooden crates, and stopping every thirty feet or so, to check the traps. He was right about one thing, the Kouhouns were definitly attracted to the half-rotted meat. Almost every trap had one of the small insects in it, which Bobawwa collected by shaking the trap open the crate while holding the small metal cage with a stick, to avoid being stung. Afterwards, he would quickly shut hte lid over it, to avoid them crawling out. He continued on like this, trudging through the swamps, for the better part of two hours, only stopping to beat one kouhoun to death with his stick when it managed to get out of the cage, and almost sting him on the leg. Soon, the Wookiee was walking back to the swampy area where the ship had parked, carrying a crate filled with squirming venomous creatures.
Soon after Bobawwa returned from the humid jungles, Frederic pulled out his comlink, and contacted the signal that Mrrew had told him to ring, once they'd finished collecting the Kouhouns. As soon as the Pharmatech reciever awnsered, Frederic began talking his ear off. "Hello? Oh, there you are! This is Frederic Juusk, hunter extrodinaire, I just finished killing a monster with my bare hands, and collecting the kouhouns you asked for! Huh? Yep, I caught all thirty-two--" Frederic paused as Bobawwa interupted, holding up his fingers and lowering them several times, to signal that there was fourty. The traps were plenty sucessfull. "Ah, sorry, fourty Kouhouns! Yep, I caught them with nothing but a stick and my trusty toothpick!" Bobawwa groaned and set down the crate, the lid secured tightly, as Frederic droned on and on to the poor Pharmatech employee. "Oh, the coordinates? Oh sure... there you go, sent them to you! And if you show up quick enough, i'll even give you an autograp--" Juusk frowned at the comlink at the Pharmatech employee hung up.
"How rude!"

When the Pharmatech ship came to pick up the Kouhouns, Bobawwa carried in the crate while Frederic droned on and on about how he caught the Kouhouns with his bare hands, and got stung sixty times but didn't succumb to their venom.

Soon after Bobawwa returned from the humid jungles, Frederic pulled out his comlink, and contacted the signal that Mrrew had told him to ring, once they'd finished collecting the Kouhouns. As soon as the Pharmatech reciever awnsered, Frederic began talking his ear off. "Hello? Oh, there you are! This is Frederic Juusk, hunter extrodinaire, I just finished killing a monster with my bare hands, and collecting the kouhouns you asked for! Huh? Yep, I caught all thirty-two--" Frederic paused as Bobawwa interupted, holding up his fingers and lowering them several times, to signal that there was fourty. The traps were plenty sucessfull. "Ah, sorry, fourty Kouhouns! Yep, I caught them with nothing but a stick and my trusty toothpick!" Bobawwa groaned and set down the crate, the lid secured tightly, as Frederic droned on and on to the poor Pharmatech employee. "Oh, the coordinates? Oh sure... there you go, sent them to you! And if you show up quick enough, i'll even give you an autograp--" Juusk frowned at the comlink at the Pharmatech employee hung up.
"How rude!"

When the Pharmatech ship came to pick up the Kouhouns, Bobawwa carried in the crate while Frederic droned on and on about how he caught the Kouhouns with his bare hands, and got stung sixty times but didn't succumb to their venom.



Professor of Alchemy

Despite the rude and gloating nature of Frederic Juusk, hunter extraordinaire, PharmaTech Representatives soon came to Indoumodo to pick up the Kouhouns. Frederic and Bobowwa were compensated in credits, smartTranq loaded Ballistic Syringes, a Chiru Rilfe for the guild(as every two jobs earned another rifle), and a request for another job to be added to the PharmaTech Backlog, the might Corallus beast of Dxun, alive. PharmaTech also sent a letter to the Beast Hunter's Guild leader Mrrew, thanking him for the work he did and inviting him to the next holiday party at PharmaTech.

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