Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Training, and a Test

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe

The ship dropped from hyperspace over the planet Centares, on the border of Imperial space. This would be the perfect location for this test. He looked back to the man who sought to learn under him for a moment before having the cloaked ship touch down in a small clearing near an old town. He could see a few Imperial troopers about the town as they landed, but not much of a showing. It wasn't a very important world, but one they possessed nonetheless.

He disembarked from the ship, motioning for Zaiden to follow. He made sure to mask his own presence in the Force. That's not what he was here for. He was here to see what could be. As he approached the town, inconspicuous in his garb, carrying no obvious weapons, he motioned towards two troopers standing guard. "Here is my task for you. The trooper on the left? He is going to see fit to kill every trooper he comes across, by your will. Well, that or he's going to get some shots off and get mowed down. Either way, I need you to get him to go on the aggressive."


Well-Known Member
Zaiden was weaving himself into the man's consciousness before he was even moving. As he reached the man, he grabbed his arm. When he looked down at Zaiden, Zaidden murmured, "Your comrades are plotting against you. Don't you hear they're hushed voices? They plan to stab you in the back as you sleep. Kill them. All of them."

The man stared at Zaiden for a long silent moment, before drawing up his blaster rifle and letting loose. The murders in Zaidens opinion were overbearing, and he was an assassin! Stepping back to @[member="Reyven Samoth"] he asked, "Will they always be so aggressive?"

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
He shrugged. "Violent murders usually are done quite aggressively? It's fairly simple to get people to kill one another, though. Especially among the Sith. Paranoid bunch. Far more difficult is getting them to work together in spite of past differences if it benefits you. Or getting a Jedi to do something for you. You must practice convincing people to make rather tough decisions in order for you to figure out how best to work someone over. Not to mention that, as I said, it really only works on those vulnerable to mental attack."

He rubbed at his chin, wondering who to target next. It was fun, getting to watch the chaos for once.



Well-Known Member
Zaiden stepped forward towards young Twi'lek, "How old are you youngling?" Zaiden inquired.

She met the Dark Knights gaze, "21 sir." She said, missing teeth. He smiled, perfect age plus attitude. She would be a challenge.

Digging inside her thoughts, Zaiden began apllying the urge to kill. Her thoughts fought back, denying the idea. Adding more influence, he battled the young woman's will. He would prevail...

"Kill." Was all Zaiden murmured, and the young girl stared for a moment. Then took of at a nearby bartender whom was locking up shop. She began beating him over his head with a rock.

@[member="Reyven Samoth"]

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