Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Train Kept A-Rollin' (Galactic Alliance Dominion of Vandelhelm)

Objective : c
Posts : 4/20
Allies : [member="Aeron Kreelan"]

Still speaking, the shuttle was already moving. Bastlon moved deftly through the vessel, leading them to a small sitting area. The flight wouldn't be long, maybe five to ten minutes, but if one was standing and they caught fire it would be head versus durasteel plating. Buckling himself in, Judah pondered the question from Miss Kreelan.

"See what they demand and go from there. Bastlon, have any idea what your higher ups will be asking for?"

"Even if I did Sir, I think it may be wise not to chat about it while flying...little dicey out here today."

"My apologies."

Judah fell into a silence as the shuttle made its journey to the mysterious green zone. As promised, the flight wasn't long at all. However the battles seemed more distant than their previous location. Most likely due to a more secure defensive zone around the perimeter. He wasn't all too sure about the Vandelhelm military forces but more than likely most of them were in a perimeter around the green zone. The shuttle came to a smooth stop with Judah immediately unbuckling himself from the seat.

"Lets see what the planetary leaders want. Hopefully things I can actually promise them."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Objective: Ground

Her attention was on the things around as more alliance troopers and their jedi were making the way. It gave her time to move off to the side and Matsu brought her hand up as she pushed a barrier out to protect herself and the one with her. "Keep moving." The medics they had brought to help the alliance were moving carefully and erecting small shield towers over their location. A tent with doctos using the mobile medical centers and healers with synthetic fire crystals as their skills were working harder and harder towards clearing the area. Matsu joined them and put the things down as she was going through the satchel for information and anything that might help . She was going over the datapad and withdrew a triangular pyramid she could feel the darkside flowing from it while she pointed. "Bring me a case with nullification resin and start coordinating with alliance soldiers on where to send medics and healers as needed."
Objective: A
Location: Somewhere in the middle with a Jedi surfing an X-wing
Allies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"]
Enemies: Star Destroyer...
Post: 6/20

“From this range they can destroy us with one shot.” Dex smiled as he spoke, flipping the X-wing over in a more elaborate barrel roll to escape from the incoming battery salvo from the Star Destroyer that was slowly starting to fill his cockpit view. “Of course their accuracy is lacking and we’re a touch faster than they expect.” He flipped back the other way knowing that in zero gravity Tionne should be able to hold on through. “They are also probably shocked by the lone Jedi riding X-Wing trick, I mean it’s not exactly something you see everyday now is it.”

He was forced to shoot wide of the star destroyer and released a series of shots towards the behemoth. The bridge was so painfully close, yet a large amount of guns were keeping Dex too busy in order to get close.
“I’ll turn for another pass.”
<“Red Five.”> A husky voice came through the comm channel. <“This is Red Seven I’m pulling second team to send you through.”> The second group of X-wings that had been attacking the destroyer moved into formation behind Dex’s X-Wing. Each releasing shots at will towards the Destroyer itself.

“Okay Tionne.” Dex gritted his teeth as the X-Wing approached the destroyer with speed. “I’m going to be able to get you a window, a real good one…but only one and we’ll probably die but that’ll be the easy part.” The X-Wing turned on it’s nose as Dex shifted all power into other systems trying to release the power to the throttle.
The star destroyer’s bridge loomed large, shadowing everything that the small Galactic Alliance pilot and Jedi Knight were trying to do.
“Hold together…” The X-wing shook violently as it was brought to touching point with the powerful deflector shields of the huge capitol ship. Green laser lances flying around them like angry bees, Dex knew they were safe however, no capitol ship would fire at it’s own bridge. “Any second now…”

The X-Wing drifted sidewards and soon Dex found himself face to face with the bridge viewport, faces of confusion were amok among the final order. He couldn’t help but smile.
“It’s all you now Tionne! It’s all you!”
Objective: A
Location: Just infront of SD command room viewport
Allies: [member="Dex Bastion"]
Enemies: Star Destroyer...
Post: 4/20​
Fragments of Bastion's voice still reverbated in her earpiece when her grey eyes settled on the command bridge now directly infront of them. The viewport was massive enough to provide a clear image of the entire battle, spanning across almost the entire breadth of the ship. One could say it was quite impractical to have a bridge with such a large portion covered in duraglass, but heavy frontal shields reassured whoever was commanding this mammoth vessel that nothing would ever get through. When Dex steadied the ship, Tionne rose from her half-crouch to stand tall, titian blade still gleaming in her gloved hand. It was a sight to behold, a lithe human standing atop a diminutive starfighter, infront of the bedazzled bridge crew who hid behind collosal firepower and million tonnes of durasteel. Yet in their eyes one could see genuine consternation, mixed with confusion, disbelief, bewilderment. Dex had landed the fighter close enough so they could see Tionne's face, just enough to make out she was no man. Commander took a step forward, hands clasped behind his back. His perflexed gaze met Tionne's, a few idle moments passing between them as he tried to comprehend what exactly was she about to do.

Gray eyes drifted to another officer, one sitting behind controls that kept the shield active. He was young, in his early twenties, with this job probably his first post after the academy. He was a handsome fellow, with expressive brown eyes and neatly trimmed black hair, the kind of boy every mother would want for their daughter. He was merely executing orders, nothing else, and now found himself in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Suddenly, his warm orbs widened in terror, as he realized what this woman was about to do. Stories of mind-controlling Jedi swarmed into his mind and just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, Tionne rammed a mental spear right into his neocortex, forcing her own will over his. She did this without a flicker of a doubt, without any second thoughts, violating his persona through a potent mental attack through the Force. His finger was then forced towards the screen, albeit with much internal resistance, to disable the shields. The boy squirmed, as if trying to shake off this intruder and regain control of his body.

Thanewulf's face remained expressionless, with no visible signs of emotion as she slowly conquered his will. A Jedi would never do such a thing, to brutally sever an individual from one's free will. No, a Jedi would never try to prevail at any cost. Finally, the shield was off, the generators wailing like wounded animals as power supply was cut, leaving the entire ship vulnerable to blast fire, albeit for a few seconds. The officer she manipulated fell to the floor, the breaking of mental link knocking him unconscious. All eyes were on Thanewulf, with nobody on the bridge having time to effectively react or let alone counter the malady that befell them.

And there it was, the point of no return. Only one logical move, only one permissible future for those souls, but also for Tionne. Once she would cross that line, she would no longer be a Jedi. The millenial legacy of meek, measured peace-keepers would sublimate instantly, like dry paper in blazing fires of a hearth. Hand gripped the electrum hilt of her lightsaber, the muscles of her arm and hand flexing to perform the Saber throw.

Us, or them.

The titian blade spun across space and towards the bridge, landing in a swing across the duraglass of the viewport. The damage it did was minor, but a small crack was needed to let the negative pressure make the bridge explode like an overheated pressure cooker. The entire duraglass wall collapsed, air gusting out of the bridge at torrential speed, scooping up bodies and flinging them to space like pellets in a slingshot. It was a horrid sight to behold, the instant death of more then a dozen of souls, who choked to death from instant alveoral collapse. Expelled air pushed the Xwing away from the starship and back into the crossfire. A laser bolt came flying right into Tionne's back, heavily grazing the power cell of the suit, together with the oxygen pack. Magnetic clutches failed, effectively detaching her from the starfighter. Tionne drifted sideways and away from Dex, together with remaining debris from the bridge. Another laser bolt lanced next to her, grazing her left side. The redhead let out a loud grunt into the helmet, hand instinctively placed on the wound and pressed to prevent her blood from boiling in her veins.

"Man down." she reported into the comm, not quite sure if anyone would hear her anymore since battery back was now fried. Before her eyes, several minor explosions flashed against the hull of the Star Destroyer, planted by the laser bolts of her squadron that flew by. She then caughed, spitting out blood onto the inside of her visor. Not good. Alarm on her wrist monitor began beeping, signifying her oxygen levels were critically low. Even worse.
Objective: B

The sound of the blades clanging as she continued to fight the sith. Across the rooftop and his double blade was able to spin before she caught it pushing him back with a scream as the blade was on the roof sliding with sparks appearing. The sounds of a thud as she looked from behind the shield and he had tossed the blade to the side to save himself from a cruel fate as gravity took over letting his head meet the ground at an odd angle as she looked over the edge and secured her sword. She was looking at the thing laying on the ground while her hand picked up the silver and black while she was holding it with the strangeness of the weight in her hand. She might not be able to use it like a saberstaff but she could feel its energies while holding it and reading the hilts engraved words. "I am that which grips the heart in freight, harkens night and slices the light." She said it outloud and the air seemed to almost drop several degrees while she raised an eyebrow moving.
Location: Leaving

Allies: [member="Rook"]

He did absolutely nothing. All the years of being hardened by both the supernatural and the metaphysically unsound had still left a soft center inside of Kelghast. He wanted to pull the trigger on his brother, but why? What purpose would that serve other than to leave no reason at all? That was exactly the answer. There was no reason. Why had Kelghast come back from the depths of the Netherworld? No reason. Why or how did he come to find Rook at this very precise moment? Still no reason. The man that stood before the Dreadguard was very much a ghost; a construct of militant excellence without a soul. Kelghast lowered his rifle as Rook embraced him, nodding in silence to his comrade's statements.

No reason often has much reason to begin reasoning, but would Kelghast find this reason? Perhaps, perhaps not.

Off he went with his past and luggage into the stars.
Objective: A
Location: Just infront of SD command room viewport
Allies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"]
Enemies: Time and air.
Post: 7/20

They said this mission was suicidal, that they probably wouldn’t survive and the events that happened in the minute after the shields were dropped by the red headed Jedi riding on Dex’s X-wing only managed to backup that theory.

His sensors, which had gone berserk with the disabling of the shield were used by the Alliance pilot to activate everything he had, quad-lasers, proton torpedoes and even counter-measure launchers and punch it right through the window that had been cracked by the Jedi’s lightsaber. Just as the pressurised gas released from within and ejected the living out his deadly payload created a thermal explosion within that carried through every major system they had and began to chain down through the Star Destroyer. What effect it had immediately he wouldn’t know as the X-wing with no control other than the force of the expelled air from the bridge of the crippled behemoth.

“Hold on Tionne!” Dex stuttered as he tried to gain control again, but the fighters systems were all out of sync from the sudden force of the blow. Just as he would gain some form of balance something from the bridge would hit him and send them spinning again. A green lance of energy shot past them, Dex’s eyes opening wide as he realised they were back in the killzone of the cannons, each firing blind and dangerous as the Sar Destroyer rippled in its death throws. “Maximise shields! Maximise shields!” A shot pierced through the wing of the X-wing sending it spinning again and another missed by a fraction.

“Man down.”

“NO!” Dex tried to get an eye on the Jedi that had fallen from his craft as another laser shot pierced the back of the fighter and sent sparks shooting across the cockpit. “Screw this.” He flipped several switches and grabbed a helmet piece from under his seat that strapped across his face before connecting to the emergency life support on his chest. “Red Five going EV, report red five going EV. Co-ordinates as follows.”
<“Negative Red Five. We can’t assure rescue…”>
“Then I’ll see you in hell.”

Pulling hard on the lever to his left the cockpit of the X-wing exploded off in a shot of pressurised gas and Dex himself felt gravity depart as the internal air escaped into the upper orbit of the planet below.
“I know you can hear me you crazy red head.” Dex aimed towards Tionne’s motionless body as it floated away. “Just you keep breathing.”
He remembered her words, telling them to not extract if she was to die. Like everything it meant nothing to the hotshot pilot. Only the mission.
His body was going cold, his muscles moving like jelly as his blood struggled with the gravitational disappearance around him.
With one solid push he moved himself through space and managed to grab hold of Tionne and pull her close, almost bear hugging her from behind as he struggled with his other arm to grab hold of the hose within his own helmet. “It’s gonna run out twice as fast but it’ll give you a shot.” He released it from his own helmet taking a huge breath as he did and plunged the hose within the air socket of Tionne’s own suit pumping air into her system.

Behind them the Star Destroyer continued to have sporadic explosions pierce it’s hull as the chain moved closer to the inner core.
“You know we’re probably gonna die here.” Dex smiled as he held Tionne. “At least we have the best seats in the house.” The Star Destroyer exploded in a spectacular blue and red display as the internal power core was met with the flames from Tionne and Dex’s previous attacks. “They ain’t so tough…” Dex’s eyes began to close. “I mean…look…what…weee…”



Objective : C
Allies : [member="Judah Dashiell"] dat homegrown hunk
Yag'Dhul Green Zone

With the Galactic Alliance and Pyre forces coming about to secure the planet, their flight path was a bumpy right, but at least they didn't get blown out of the skies.

A grunt came from Aeron as her armored hand caught hold of the overhead latch, gripping tight to keep her balance once they hit atmo. A shudder would rumble throughout the shuttle, and Aeron's bright blue gaze would latch upon the Salacia Consolidated CEO.

"I know why I'm here," she said bluntly, an arch of her blonde brow still inspecting the man. Yag'Dhul was vital and an important world to Omega Pyre. One of the trade worlds with Pyre defenses that had become a training and defense area for the company. "But why are you taking an interest with the Alliance?"

Another shudder ran through the aircraft, the sound of ordnance in the distance. The shuttle would cut through thick clouds, sweeping down towards the green zone where the Yag'Dhul delegates awaited.
Objective: A
Location: Floating in space
Allies: [member="Dex Bastion"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Enemies: Time and air.
Post: 5/20

A gust of oxygen woke Tionne up, as she drew in deep breaths, trying to catch a lungful of air. She started gasping, blood still flowing from her mouth, as the blaster shot that kicked her off Bastions' X wing surely caused some internal bleeding. She felt his arms clasped around her waist, holding on tightly like she was the most precious thing in the universe. The Star Destroyer began disintegrating into parts, in a series of now already distant explosions, a celestial spectacle rarely witnessed by even the best pilots.

"No... No." she mumbled and turned to face Bastion, holding him by his helmet. She pressed her visor against his, just the duraglass separating their faces. His eyes were closed, and the redhead took him by the shoulders and began shaking him.
"No, Bastion! No! You will not die here!" she said, as tears began to form in her eyes. His face was serene, as if he was just peacefully asleep. There was even a semblance of a smug smile on Dex's pale face. Her fingers scraped against his visor, in a manic attempt to touch his face. The oxygen she was currently consuming was his to breathe. Shaking out of shock, the redhead began to cry, deep sobs rattling the very foundation of her being. Thanewulf told him not to pursue her, but to leave her behind. Why didn't he follow both her orders and the orders of his superiors? Why did he jeopardize his entire squadron just to save one person?

"Starchaaaaaseeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr!!!!!" the Jedi woman shouted into the dead microphone of her comm, grief ripping her heart into pieces. Her agony echoed across the Force, like a ripple on an otherwise serene surface of a mountain lake. She had no way of contacting allies, other than wailing into the thinning air filling her helmet. Tionne then extended her arms around Bastion and drew him into a close hug, their bodies literally intertwining in a tight embrace. Maybe if she would keep him so close, she could prevent Bastion's soul leaving his body?
Objective: A
Location: Trying not to add to the friendly body count while covering dying people
Allies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"] [member="Dex Bastion"]
Enemies: Whatever didn't die in the explosion of a Star Destroyer
Post: 5/20

Kurayami had done as he had told the psychotic Jedi and less than sane X-Wing pilot he would. He had stuck around and provided covering fire which had allowed them to pull off their little stunt with...could it be called success if both of them were dying here? Sure the dude had chosen to share his air supply, but he had been forced into EV by the shape of his ship. Man that thing was kriffing wrecked by the Star Destroyer going boom. Then again it wasn't as if he had gotten off easy either. He had lost the bottom S-foil completely, the top third of the top S-foil, and the tip of the main wing. Thankfully his life support systems were functioning even if he was without shields in a warzone, and most of his weapons.

He had promised cover and he'd be damned if he went back on his word, plus if he made it through this it would be a hell of a story to tell. War stories were fun to share, well least until certain memories decided to resurface. Things from almost two decades ago, things that he thought he had let go of, left forgotten. Still they were there in the innermost recesses of his mind, waiting for just the right words to surface again, unbidden. He shook his head to refocus himself as best he could in the moment. Opening a comms channel to any friendlies in the area he repeated the message sent by the Jedi.

"This is Kurayami Bloodborn. My ship took a beating when that Star Destroyer exploded. We have two friendly casualties, slight life sign readings. I am providing what support my fighter is still capable of, not sure how long I'll be able to keep the area secure. Get a shuttle or something out here stat, these two need extraction and medical attention immediately. Ping will show up as 'Yellow 13' on IFF transponders. They are at my location, all I can do is keep any enemies at bay. Send a couple fighters with that transport would ya? I need to limp outta here as soon as I get visual that they are to be extracted. Bloodborn out."

With that he cut his transmission and switched on a homing beacon, parking his ship over the two. Hopefully just the sight of his fighter would be enough of a deterrent or they would assume that he was simply adrift and at least target him first.
Objective: A - Completed!
Location: Med-bay, Hope
Allies: [member="Dex Bastion"]
Enemies: Bland hospital food
Post: 6/20

[member="Kurayami Bloodborn"]'s plea did not remain unanswered; as soon as the Alliance got the message of survivors, ships were sent to collect the stranded duo. Shuttles had arrived just as last molecules of air were inhaled by Tionne, the next breath filled with carbon-dioxide making her lose consciousness. The last thing she saw was debris of Star Destroyer floating around them, a single feat of heroism turning the mighty ship into a floating scrapyard. She hugged Bastion even tighter as her eyes rolled back in her head and her being slipped into an asphyxiation coma. If help didn't arrive when it did, the two would've easily be proclaimed KIA. Thanewulf and her pilot were dragged into the shuttle and immediately peeled from their environmental suits, giving way to much needed resuscitation. A medical team was waiting on board Hope, ready to work on restoring vital functions for both casualties. Over the comms, the chatter regarding destruction of Star Destroyer spread like wildfire, the news reaching the furtherest parts of Alliance fleet.

Almost half a day later, Tionne woke up in the bed of Hope's medbay. Grey eyes sprung open only to be closed again when bright, white light shone from above. The Jedi woman blinked a few times, trying to restore normal vision.
"Damn..." she mumbled, then tapped down her chest to her abdomen. A bacta plaster was covering a good portion of her side, where the blaster bolt had grazed her. However, there was no pain, so she assumed a formidable dose of painkillers now percolated through her blood stream. On the other bed lay Bastion, still asleep. Over his mouth was an oxygen mask, delivering much needed air to his almost collapsed lungs. Tionne rose from her bed and made her way to Dex's bed. They were both wearing white scrubs that melded with the pristine interior perfectly.

"Hey..." voiced the redhead quiescently as she sat on the bed beside him, her hand instinctively holding his.
"I told you not to go after me, remember?"
Objective: Completing A once and for all
Location: Med-bay, Hope
Allies: [member="Tionne Thanewulf"]
Enemies: Injections...yuck
Posts: Who cares

The fact that Dex was alive had baffled most of the Galactic Alliance medical experts, every stated professional opinion was that to spend as much time as he did in a vacuum was death, death and death. Yet here he was, still very much alive even if slightly broken.
Collapsed lungs, muscle deprivation and a splitting headache had been just some of the effects of what many were dubbing heroics beyond the call of duty. Dex just called it tiring, in fact he had slept most of the last few days away dying to let his body recuperate.

Occasionally he had looked over to Tionne’s bed that was positioned not to far away from his own, just to make sure she was alright. The doctors said she would recover, but for some reason Dex just didn’t trust them at all in this matter. He’d seen first hand what state she had been in.
So day after day he slipped back into unconsciousness facing her, assuring that even in sleep he would watch over her.

The touch of a hand on his began to make him stir. Words that were muffled and faded to the head. Yet even his unconscious self couldn’t hide the smirk as he made sense of Tionne’s voice.
“I also happen to be reckless remember.” He mumbled, his words raspy through his throat that had taken damage as well. “Plus I had to save you, I really want to see your face when they hand you a big shiny medal. I can imagine the disgust will be quite hilarious.” He opened his eyes and let them fall on the red head.

“Damn…” He grimaced through a smile. “It’s good to see your alright.”
Deep down he wished they could just sit there forever, away from everything and explore this strange connection that was formed while both dying in space. Some would call it a romantic stint, Tionne and Dex wouldn’t. It was more, something beyond physical and mental. They were joined now, respectfully attached by some unseen power.
All he could say was that it was just a huge relief in every way.

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