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Traigo Kendes

Traigo Kendes

Name: Traigo Kendes
Faction: The Galactic Republic, Havoc Squad
Rank: Lance Corporal
Species: Human (half coruscantian half mandalorian)
Age: 34
Sex: Male
Height: 1.88 m
Weight: 93 kg
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Skin: Caucasian
Force sensitive: No (force resistive)

Strengths & Weaknesses

Force resistance: Ability to resist effects of the force are quite rare among republic soldriers, but this special advantage also unlocks special place in republic commando. It doesn't make Traigo completly immunite agains force, but force users have to try much harder to get him on the knees.

Commando drill: Life in the special commando is hard. You need to be sure your body and your mind are in a great condition and ready for anything. If your performance will be worse then great, you have no place among these elite soldiers. On the other hand, those who managed to pass are tougher, faster, stronger and smarter.

Perfectionist: Always plan your way and leave nothing for ma'am Fortune. If Traigo would have second name, it would be Cautious. Some may get annoyed by his attitude, but only thing he wants is to be several steps ahead of presence.

Cold blooded: Years on the battlefield, mostly seeing blood and gore, hunger and terror. Many soldier won't survive this experience, without a mark in their minds and Traigo is no exeption. His mind built a wall, to deal with unstopable physical terror of battlefield. Problem is, that his mind blocks his emotions as well. He hears a joke, but he doesn't find it funny. He sees a tragedy, but he doesn't feel sadness. Somewhere deep in him might still be a light, somewhere deep...

Lack of ambitions: Being in army almost whole life will make you a good soldier, but that's it. If you study as soldier, work as soldier and live as soldier you won't be anything but soldier.


Traigo is anything you would expect from soldier. Muscular and studry body with short hair all over it. Face makes no difference in his appearence. Black short hair and short full beard, brown eyes. visible cheekbones and big chin.


34 years ago, Traigo was born on Dantooine. His mother was a traveling merchant from Coruscant and father was unknown madalorian.

At the age of 18, Traigo managed to get into army academy, where his intrests in war has well grown.

Reaching age of 22 was accompanied with finishing the academy with great results and many recommendations. 3 months after finishing academy studies, Traigo was recruited as member of Havoc squad.

23 years passed of his born, and they were almost his last. While defending his post on Byss agains Imperial army, he acquired a serious body damage, but managed to survive. He was captured and tortured by siths, whose founds their force powers uneffective as an instrument of "interrogation" and were interest in this anomaly. At last he was saved by rescue team and has been honored with a medal of sacrifice, which he later refused.

He spend next 3 years in medical facility, recovering from his wounds. They also discovered his uncommon ability to resist some effects of the force powers. Almost immediatetly after his recovering, he received invation among special forces.

6 years ago at age of 28, he managed to pass special forces academy and joined Republic commando as a squad leader of elite soldiers, specialized in eliminating high importance targets of the Empire (generals, politicians and siths).

Nowadays, squad exists no more. It was dissolved after mission failure on planet Corellia year ago. Whole squad was betrayed by one of their contacts on planet and ambushed by Empire soldiers. Most members of squad were killed and Republic had no capable replacements for the fallen ones.

Traigo was offened and recomended to take funded retirement. Nowadays, he runs a small bussiness with outdated army equipment, hoping his days as an soldier are not gone forever.


SVT-38 "Karanak"

Class: Heavy escort/transport
Length: 74x45x21 m
Weigth: 580 metric tons
Weaponry: 6 repeating heavy laser turrets
Defence: 80mm durasteel hull, light shielding system
Engines: 1 main with hyperdrive, 2 support, 5 landing.
Cargo hold: 90 metric tons
Crew: Up to 6 members. Small living quaters.
Description: It was mainly used as an paratrooper ship and vehicle transporter in Republic army. It has been replaced with newer and lighter version, because Republic finds it's defence and weaponry systems unnecessarily heavy for the transport ship. It is still great, multifunctional ship and it is still very popular among cautious traders.


Bounties Collected

Credits: BIG THANKS to jdeberge, for his awesome trooper drawning.

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