Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Trading Aggreements (setup for posts)


Information On The Cartel

The Hutt Cartel is an organisation circling around the infamous Kessel sector, spice lords, slavers and fuel barons, the Hutts of the Kessel run are the Midus of the galaxy, what every they touch turns to gold or at least credits. The cartel however, leans heavily on all types of races and professions to function. Trade agreements of the most lucrative kind, sponsorship and favours.

-Where you come in-

The Hutts are looking for trade agreements, whether that be from the major factions to large companies or investors in a fledgling adventure. We're your slug, look favourably when you think Hutt, don't think slime think credits.

-What's for offer-

Spice, need something to perk you up or maybe get your army greased up on the spacers dream, make that killin' all the more easy, spice contracts can be yours.

Slaves, need more hands, well with one easy payment you'll never have to pay your workforce again, contracts for slaves.

Fuel, where would we be without it, need that pick up for your starship or fleet, need that little extra boost to your wagon, contracts for fuel.

Loan, need credits to get that business venture up and running, well look no further an open hand awaits you with the Hutt Cartel, future fees may be incurred but think of the present we won't turn away anyone, contract for loans.

Unkown, maybe you got something else in mind maybe your the man with the plan, and we're cool with that we like someone with a bit of control, so throw it our way.

You may follow the application, but if you do not feel it meets your requirements don't hesitate to alter or not use it, or simply ask a question.

Name of Company/Faction:
Role-play Transmission(message, it can be sent privately if preferred):
(My ic applications!)
Name of Company/Faction: Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc.
Type: (Believe this means type of deal) Arms and rounds for slaves
Location: Val'hala
Role-play Transmission(message, it can be sent privately if preferred):
This is owner, and proprieter, of Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. I formally send my greetings, and respect, to such an illustrious faction - one that has spanned the cosmos and time! In the next few days, I will contact with the finer details, but I have a contract planned for you wonderful creatures!
Mara Tibx currently has a vast amount of fuel productions and facilities in Hutt Cartel space and several fuel stations along the Mara.

If you would like to reaffirm said contracts for fuel, could do that too.
Role-play Reply:
//Message From The Cartel//


//Hello Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. We've reviewed your request for ammunition and slaves and found it acceptable, we will meet on Val'hala to negotiate the details, we will be sending one of our representatives.//

OOC: If you'd like to start the thread, or if you'd prefer us to start it that will be acceptable, we'll move at your pace and when you're ready to post please bump us.

[member="Baron Deathmark"], I'll contact you privately to further discuss this.
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

I will need about five average slaves and a few pieces of strength spice to replace old staff members.

Fuel and ammunition would also be nice if I can fit it in the week's budget.
[member="La'kuus Quelin"]
//Message From The Cartel//


//Hello. We've reviewed your request for ammunition and slaves and found it acceptable, we will meet on Val'hala to negotiate the details, we will be sending one of our representatives.//


OOC: If you'd like to start the thread, or if you'd prefer us to start it that will be acceptable, we'll move at your pace and when you're ready to post please bump us.
Transmission destination: [member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

Warforged Inc.
Weapons contract.
Location: Atrisia

On behalf of the administration we would like to extend a cordial greeting. The newly growing company of the Lord Tenno is branching out into the galaxy with a desire to supply new lines of weaponry,ammunition and military training for any interested parties. New batches of military grade weapons are ready to be mass produced and cargo freighters are prepared to make routine trade routs with desired destinations. We are more than capable of escorted and armed delivery to hostile territory. If there is anything else you would prefer, a specific mission you would like done. Do not hesitate to ask.

- Respectfully. Galicus Sagious. C.E.O.
[member="Lord Mythos"]
[member="La'kuus Quelin"]
This message has been sent to the both of you, we'd like you to join the thread and further discuss relationship or send good natured regards.

//Message From The Cartel//


//Hello representive of interested company or party, we've reviewed your request and found it acceptable, we will meet on Kintan to negotiate the details, we will be hosting a social event, you may bring retainers with you.//


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