Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Tracking The Sun

Rhia Kesyk



From the snowy tundra to the desert. Say what you will about Vero Shif, the man knows how to pick them.

Ideon and Rhia had been dropped on world earlier that day, with express instructions to seek out the Enclave buried there amidst the dunes and red rock. Another test of their endurance and survival skills, one of many they'd faced as of late. It was almost as though their Master was preparing them for something, but whatever that was he hadn't seen fit to share it with the rest of the class. Still the girl had little reason to mistrust him, and excursions such as these were actually a lot of fun she'd found.

Even the little boy at her side seemed to cheer up whenever they were let loose like this.

The pair of them trudged through the sand, Rhia shouldering most of their supplies in her own pack while limiting how much Ideon had to bear. Still his fair share, in so far as age and experience were concerned, but less all the same. Every now and then she'd open the guard for the navigational device she carried. It showed only lat and long coordinates, leaving her to figure out the rest. No map, no compass.

Still she'd managed with it before. She was beginning to get particularly good at reading it, too.

"Alright, this way it looks like," she said after figuring out which direction would push her toward their destination. Silent as ever, Ideon simply glanced at the device then nodded his head. She closed the guard and pressed on, pausing only to take small sips from the water flasks they carried.

Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire

As the sun beat down on the sands, Julius stood outside his beloved enclave, head wrapped in a gauzy scarf, shirt discarded, bloodstripe trousers, and Aing-Tii tattoos glinting in the sun from the metallics as an old vox unit blared out feebly warbling cantina jazz. His movements, if observed, matched the tempo and notes of the music with almost eerie precision, despite appearing utterly chaotic and without reason at first. It was a new idea, but one that worked. Vapaad was the inner darkness reflected, but not taken in. So his kata became outward chaos spawned from inner structure and order.

Suddenly, he felt two small tingles in the web of his senses, and halted a step before resuming his routine. They were young, with no violent intent he could sense, and so he moved again to the melody with the silver-green blade of his lightsaber, the hilt shifting from shoot to light-pike and to dual-bladed staff and everything in-between as quickly as his feet and forms shifted.

To be a master of all forms required being a student of none. Or so he told his trainees. In lieu of waiting, he trained.

Rhia Kesyk

Ideon Taldrel



It was always an interesting day whenever Vero let them loose. Having been sprung free onto this sandy world, Ideon had immediately sought to improvise a veil of sorts which could cover his mouth and keep out loose particles. No goggles, sadly, they hadn't exactly been briefed ahead of time, but thankfully the linen scarf often found around his neck could remedy part of the issue he had with worlds such as these.

As one who was very much unaccustomed to talking, it didn't even stand in his way when it was pulled up over mouth and nose. He squinted against the sun.

At least an hour had passed since Rhia last spoke, though in between she'd opened and shut the guard for the navi-screen multiple times. Adjusted their path slightly this way or that. It was only a recent development that a smattering of red rock could be seen on the horizon, jutting upward from the dunes, and judging by the coordinates on the screen it seemed that such was to be their destination.

The device was returned to his companion's belt, and their pace had picked up.

As they drew closer, the boy became all too aware of the presences within and around it. Specifically the one who stood outside, practicing kata's beneath the sun. Ever the stronger when it came to sensing between them, the boy pulled Rhia to a slow crawl and expressed as much to her through the Force. Gestured to the western face of the rock, wherein the dancing man took roost.

"How many?" Rhia inquired. Ideon held up one finger. "Alright. Do you think this is who Vero wanted us to find?" The boy squinted for a moment, brows furrowing together as he reached out to deepen his senses. Head rocked side to side as he considered it, then he shrugged. Sent a loose sense of 'maybe' through the Force. They definitely held a strong presence in the Force, though without any real descriptors to go by the kid was at a loss.

He made another gesture, to the rock itself, and left an impression on the girl that there was more there than there seemed.

"The enclave... You think this is the enclave?" Ideon nodded. The pair made their approach, coming around to the west while making sure they were in full view of the one training there. The last thing they needed was to sneak up and cause alarm... Not that one could ever truly sneak up on those who were inherently strong in the Force.

The girl stepped forth, giving Ideon the chance to step behind her and observe from around her arm as he was so often want to do. Rhia bowed deeply, and at her back Ideon mimicked.

"It is a fine day to train," he heard the girl state, though for his own part Ideon could only imagine just how miserable the heat would make him if he also had to practice his forms beneath it. Force, Rhia was strange sometimes. "I apologize for disturbing your practice; I am Meri, and my brother here is Gelf." Ideon's gaze drifted toward the rock, searching for any sure sign of a doorway or something held within. Something to denote it as more than just a visual landmark on this side of it.

"We were sent to seek an Enclave," he heard her reach for the device on her belt once more, heard the click of it's cover opening as she glanced at the coordinates on the screen. "I was told it would be here..."

Sometimes Ideon wondered why the girl couldn't be more to the point. They knew this was their destination, yet she was always so afraid of putting all of their cards on the table insofar as trusting strangers was concerned. Had he much of a voice himself, Ideon might have just claimed their business there outright, but he didn't care enough to do so.

Gelf today then, was it? Best he set that new name among the all other moniker's she'd thought up over the years.

Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire


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