Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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TotG:Ordo VS. Vorhi Alestrani

A world of fire, flame, and death. The planet was known as a world of constant volcanic activity, massive erupting flows of lava and huge spurts of magma were not an uncommon sight upon this world. Its polar region were naught but massive volcanic fields that stretched for miles and miles. Black rock etched with red rivers went on as far as the eye could see. Danger and death lurked around every corner, and it was here that the first leg of the tournament began.​
The Tournament of the Gods, the Opening of Moross space. Twenty Four people had been rotted from hundreds of thousands, each one exceptional in some way, each one chosen to provide entertainment for the masses.​
The God of Moross had created this tournament to turn the eyes upon their people, to show the galaxy what Moross had to offer, both through the beauty of its worlds, and the eccentricity of its Tournament. These battles were composed of everything, from deathly bouts in fields of lava, to the sands of a billion credit Arena. The Tournament of the Gods would be broadcasted to every home in the galaxy, and would be seen by all.​
The First world was Demonsgate, the unrelenting Hell Hole of a planet so coveted for its ores.​
It was here, in the northern volcanic fields that the twenty four contestants had been transported in pairs. Camera Drones hovered around them as they slowly gained their footing, and the match began.​
[member="Ordo"] VS. [member="Vorhi Alestrani"]​
A gigantic tournament of warriors. Good way to gauge one's strength, good way to handle major things. Maybe he'd meet some cute girl eager to kick his sheb across the galaxy. Or, maybe he'd find some new prospects for the Seala Kasi. Or maybe he'd just extinguish some evil. Still, his first fight was a blind draw--well, they all were for eyeless sage. Some lunatic named Ordo. He remembered the name as being Mandalorian, but not much else. Spiffy.

He smiled and sat upon a rock, dress ins simple green robes over his rather basic brown tunic typical straw hat. The lava-bugs skittered about cheerily. This place was easier on the lungs than Mustafar. Something in the local flora, he guessed. He smiled, standing on a rock, waiting for his opponent to arrive. At least the weather was nice.

[member="Vorhi Alestrani"]

The dry volcanic expanse lay dotted with larger igneous formations wrought by lava flows in the world's past. He had come to this tournament against his better judgement and his riduur's wishes, not for glory, fame or eealth. He came to prove to himself he was more than the tossed aside sock puppet of a twisted mind. He had been discarded as quickly as a blaster bolt from a cold metal aperture and went on to be forgotten as easily as the flavor of the week and he would have it no other way.

Cold boots of black iron crunched a small insect against the black rock and sent a conglomeration of hues spraying from its exoskeleton as he stepped into the designated area for the bout. His dark beskar armor reflected the arena itself as he stood across from the robed monk-like being he had only heard of once breifly quite sometime ago. His black metal beskad rested on his hip opposite his ripper MK II, as it always had and his seldom used lightsaber rested at the small of his back. He kept his buy'ce im place and said nothing as he stood regarding the man. A single inclination of the chin his only act of greeting as he began visualizing the coming battle.

His hand twitched by his Ripper as the thought of ending the match quickly crossed his mind. His thick guantlet covered finger flicked the button on his holster to release the weapon and pulled it sending the energy wrapped slug at the man with his left hand and waited for the impending movement of his opponent that would with out fail come.
Vorhi gazed upon his opponent. Heavy armor. lots of weaponry. Definitely trying to make and impression. Vorhi was a little impressed--anyone who had that kind of scratch to blow on an outfit wasn't a total putz, after all. Vorhi waved, smiling like an idiot. An idiot with the mastery of close-ranged abilities and absolute lunacy on his side. An idiot who was about to be shot t relatively close range with a slugthrower. Neat.

Vorhi's timing was arguably his greatest and worst virtue. He could crash any party, anywhere. He could drink enough to fumble heaven and earth. And no, he faced a might madman in Mandalorian armor on a volcanic world. It was time to do what he did best.


Vorhi clapped his hands into his sleeves, spinning low, his robe billowing under his hat like a dervish, or a blooming green flower in the lava. He chuckled as the slug grazed his hat, smiling warmly. "Come now, you didn't think I'd be that dull, did you?" He said as he continued to spin, placing a hand behind back, almost flirting with the strange man. "Am I so lacking in beauty you cannot dance with me, young one?"

[member="Vorhi Alestrani"]

The smell of sulphur and superheated ozone filled the air as the combat began abruptly with the shot he had fired. The other man moved as anyone worth fighting was wont to do. He tracked his spinning dance like maneuver. The man spoke, but whether he was trying to accomplish anything by it was anyone's guess. His HUD bathed his scarred face in blue light inside the helmet as he listened to the man and shrugged inwardly.

He kept quiet as his Ripper bucked in his big hand and fired again. Green glowing energy encased the slugs as they leapt forth twice more at the man leading him slightly on one side with the first shot then firing the second to opposite side. He may not hit him this time either but he would be able to gauge the reaction. His hope was to drive the enemy away from the first shot so he would dance his way into the other, but anything was bound to happen.
Vorhi smirked as two more slugs cam towards him. Cripes. This guy was gonna just keep shooting. Fine. Deep breath. You get just one breath before the slugs come. Stance widened. No time to fly upward, just gonna have to let gravity do its job. Both fist out of the sleeves and clenched.

"GORAX BEATS THE MUD!!!" He yelled, both fist landing earth ward, cracking the ground as a plume of lava burst up. The slugs harmlessly melt away. He sighed. "Not bad." His fist were still clenched, his mind still looking as he hopped over the lava. He put his hands behind his back, waiting. Slowly advancing. No need to waste energy on charging him, after all.

He wondered if the man would come closer. If he did, it just meant showing his hand a little earlier.


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