Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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TotG:Naimes Ahn-Dross VS Malik Rodarch

It was the face of the second of the rounds of the Tournament of the Gods. It was a planet that didn't hold much air about it, small, filled with rocks, canyons, and and not much else. It was a world that many would consider absolutely barren, a world that many would consider worthless. Lumyia had once made her home here, though she was now long gone. To the Crusade it was nothing but a small outpost, but to the Tournament of the Gods, it would be the second round.​
The fights would be staged miles apart from one another, each one taking place simultaneously but at such a distance that one fight would not interfere with another. Why? For the enhanced effect of course.​
In the skies above Kinooine sat dozens if not hundreds of starships, filled with watchers, party goers, and tractor beam operators. These ships were tasked with creating an enhancement of the fight, they would induce an artificial meteor shower. Pre-planned and pre-arranged the ships would sling a variable endless amount of rocks onto the surface of Kinooine, dashing the nearly empty worlds with pelting cosmic stones.​
The rocks would range in size, though all would be big enough to cause an impact somehow.​
It was all to the add to the field of battle.​

The First of the stones began to fall just as the matches began.​
[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"] VS [member="Malik Rodarch"]​
...Kinooine was a far cry different then Demonsgate. Canyons and plateaus, a rocky expanse, dominated the landscape while the capital ships of the Moross Crusade, their guests and those who came to cheer the fighters lingered above in the low atmosphere but within fully visible sight of anyone bothering to take a moment to appreciate them. A different match and a different opponent awaited Naimes on this world where he would fight for the entertainment of those watching from above. Truly the Mandalorian didn't even consider it an issue when he saw the first meteorites begin to plummet to the surface of the world...

...he'd come to Kinooine view a drop pod fired out of one of the numerous starships above ndn after a heavy landing he'd exited his ride, which was like a bumpy roller coaster for the duration of his flight, out onto the barren desolation of a rocky ridge that gave way to much of the same. The Beskar'gam he wore was black, a byproduct of the dark matte finish of the shadow skin polymers covering it which wouldn't offered him much assistance in this scenario, equipped with numerous upgrades ranging from different enhanced visual modes to a Jet Pack which had been integrated into the armor. There was also a pretty neat Diagnostics system integrated into the right forearm of the armor which would allow Naimes to monitor the damage he'd received...

...well now what else, anyone could see the -Kath Hound- Shotgun he was holding in his right hand, a shoulder strap slung over his arm ensuring he could hang the weapon there leisurely, but what about the MM-27 -Charging Rhyno- holstered over his left hip and the Fett Kal Trenchknife sheathed on the outside of his right calf. He also had a total of three, count em, grenades on his purpose which would serve a variety of purposes. Nothing else to see here...

...ascending the ridge to the top Naimes climbed over the rocky terrain until he could stand at the summit of what was, essentially, only a small climb but with his right leg sliding ahead he would lay his Shotgun across his thigh, head tilting backwards as he watched the artificial meteor shower. Doubtless it would provide a lot of entertainment for the crowf of party goers and some danger for those fighting on the surface as well but it seemed a small matter at the moment. Naimes wasn't even sure the first of the stones that began to fall would hit in this area though some would; it was only a matter of time...

...where was his opponent? Go look for him? No need. The Soldier knew that eventually he would happen along while he enjoyed the view...
[member="Malik Rodarch"]

Malik Rodarch

[Sorry, had surgery on Saturday and I've been out of it for posting.]

Drum roll, ladies and gentleman. Introducing the more poorly armoured, less well equipped and darker version of Naimes Ahn-Dross. You don't know him, you don't love him but you do think he's kind of cute. After all, what man who has such a darling bond with a large panther could be a bad guy? I hope he treats me like he treats his feline companion. Well, no, I don't mean that I want him to feed me raw meat and scratch the underside of my chin, no, no, you misunderstand I....I....oh, never mind.

Stun gauntlets on, 8-gauge slung around his back and Mullet pacing by his side he was ready for the second round.

His green and white durasteel helmet had been repaired in what was a very obvious do it yourself job with the wielding line very apparent from where a large Gen'dai had sliced it off in the previous round. He didn't mind, gave him some character, you would look at that armour damage and think, 'what in blazes happened there?!' well, if you were the type to think in phrases such as 'what in blazes'.

As the stones began to rain down he surveyed the field, only setting sights upon his opponent when he glanced upwards to the small summit. Likely his foe had already spotted him, having the higher ground and all that. Was this the theme? Were all his enemies in this tournament to come down at him from a great height like the heavens were throwing these giants and well-armed men at him?

Malik folded his arms across his chest, waiting for his opponent to come to him.

“I'm not climbing that.”

[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]
...he had noticed Malik's arrival from where he stood on the summit of the small ridge but continuing to stand, his right leg forward and braced as he leaned ahead, Naimes would show no sign of rushing down towards his opponent from the high ground. He stood there, a fairly average five feet and eleven inches tall, regarding the fabricated meteorite storm a moment longer before righting himself and swinging around to look completely down the ridge he'd climbed and regard the man he was facing. Another Mandalorian as far as he could tell too which struck his fancy to some extent...

...regarding Malik he saw the basics, his armor and maybe the barrel or butt of the shotgun he'd slung across his back, mostly he focused on the animal that had accompanied the man though. He weighed his options briefly, considering the Panther, would the creature be able to penetrate his Beskar'gam or would it serve, primarily, as a distraction more than anything else and which of the two he should focus on. Tipping his head eventually Naimes would have offered a fight...
"Fight well, Warrior."...before he started his descent... he went Naimes wasted no time in taking his -Kath Hound- Shotgun and slinging it back over his right shoulder via the strap and then reaching for the -Charging Rhyno- Revolver holstered over his left hip. The Charging Rhyno was a ten shot revolver, firing a .454 slug tipped with tungsten alloy for extra kinetic punching power, that was basically built to pack a big punch that someone might not expect coming out of the gate. Once Naimes had unholstered it he started into a brisk jog towards Malik, and his Panther, down from the summit of the ridge...

...the Charging Ryhno was lift, aimed ahead and its trigger squeezed before it began to unload on Malik. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Lets be clear however that Naimes was not a good shot, he was a bad shot, which meant that the further away from Malik he was the wider his shots tended to go however his accuracy did get better the closer he came to his target. Up close or at a distance he shot at Mailik's center mass, the largest target on the man, so that even if his aim went wide there was the chance he might graze or skim his body. He didn't shoot at the Panther at all... looked like Naimes was charging ahead fairly brazenly. Almost foolhardy in his attack. Unless he had a plan. As he ran descending down the ridge towards Malik small meteorites would begin to rain down across the area as the first of the fabricated meteor shower made it land side and began to pelt the earth all around....
[member="Malik Rodarch"]

(Sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better. :) )

Malik Rodarch

Beneath his helm Malik breathed a sigh of relief, the prospect of having to climb the admittedly small summit wasn't one that really appealed to him. He was getting to that age, the age when going up stairs looked less and less appealing, I'll take the elevator, please, my knees are starting to go. Okay, that is a slight dramatisation but all knees have to go some day. A small whistle and Mullet went pouncing off to the side, inwardly he hoped that the fierce moggy wasn't about to get twatted by a rock.

Then the shots came firing forth and in some ridiculous display of bravado for the cameras Malik stood still like the wall of the man he was as the wicked slugs whizzed past becoming more and more accurate the closer his opponent got.


Once again Malik Rodarch was thankful for his brown pants.

A slug impacted hard against his right shoulder plate, sending him stumbling backwards a few steps and causing a crack of pain as durasteel was dented and flesh beneath was smashed by the sheer force of the blow. That was some cannon, he'd have to ask where to get one of those after the fight.

His retaliation was to take the shotgun slung over his shoulder into his hands, grunting in pain at the movement involved to do so. Standing his ground still Malik remained and began to fire his own pellet storm in the direction of Naimes. The rate of fire was slower, but the spread was greater.

Also, pump action, ladies.

[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"] inkling of satisfaction was felt when Naimes heard the impact of one of his slugs against the armor of his opponent and saw Malik as he stumbled backwards from the impact. Despite this brief sense of satisfaction it was quickly dispelled when Naimes saw Malik reaching back to retrieve his shotgun and return fire. Regardless the Mandalorian did not cease his approach towards his opponent, his legs actually pumped faster and he broke into a harder run so that he could cross the remainder of the distance in no time...

...a Shotgun was a rather blatant weapon, Naimes could see where it was aimed as soon as Malik had brought it around in his direction and the fact it was pump action gave him some idea when it would be fired. When Malik pumped the shotgun initially Naimes would veer to the side, strafing so that he made himself a harder target for the spray of pellets that were about to belch out of the weapon....

...strafing did little for his accuracy. The Charging Rhyno was still levelled and aimed at Malik, its trigger squeezed, who became a larger target the closer that Naimes came to him. Another shot was fired and another after that until....


...the Shotgun ripped into Naimes over the left hip and side as he went strafing. He stumbled backwards, his momentum meant with an equal raw amount of firepower, then regained his footing and started forward again. The Beskar'gam was exactly that, beskar, it was made of what was considered by many to be the most durable metal in the universe which meant it would absorb a lot of that blast. It might not have event dented though the pellets would have scratched the surface at the least. Underneath all that armor blunt force trauma would have been further mitigated by an Armorweave underlay resulting in what would be bad bruising on the skin after all was said and done. More shots would, of course, equal, more damage...

...Naimes had no intention of allowing Malik to unload his shotgun on him all day though and after that initial hit the Mandalorian took to the skies. Activating his Jet Pack he went up, well above Malik and out of his frontal arc of fire, and over where he intended to land behind the other Mandalorian. While he was blasting off...rocket man style...his left hand went to his belt, clutching one of the grenades there and as he went overhead he would have thrown it down towards Malik...

...this particular grenade was somewhat thin however it made up for this with length, it looked similar to a baton, and when it detonated it covered a small blast radius with supercooled chemicals that did a multiple of nasty things. The CryoBan Grenade as it was formally known used chemicals that leaked the heat out of the atmosphere, as well as targets, causing pain but more importantly creating ice that would freeze those caught in the blast. Organic material could suffer nerve damage and this could result in amputation, think extremely bad frostbite, there was also the pesky possibility of being absolutely frozen in place for a time too. Equipment didn't fare much better especially electronics which the cold could damage as well...

...Naimes would set down behind Malik, outside of the blast radius of the grenade, before beginning to turn around back towards him. Now where was that pesky Panther; the Mandalorian kept a close eye out for his as well and...ohmygod meteorite...DUCK!...which is exactly what he did as one of those flaming pieces of rock passed overhead and made quite a large crashing sound in the background followed by the eruption of earth upwards and so forth...
[member="Malik Rodarch"]

Malik Rodarch

Big Rhonda's blast didn't do much to the Beskar'gam, understandable given that Mandalorian forged iron produced arguably the finest armour in the galaxy. However Malik was not disheartened, in the previous round he had looked through the holes in the chest of a Gen'dai, his shotgun only causing the nigh-invulnerable Sith to become enveloped in rage.

Then his opponent flew.

Eyes widened beneath the helm and Malik pivoted around as Naimes flew straight over his head, catching glimpse of the man just as he was reaching for his belt.

“Oh biscuits.”

His immediate instinct was to flee, turning on his heel and beginning the not so swift run away from whatever the other Mandalorian had just unclipped from his belt. Unfortunately durasteel armour doesn't provide much for accelleration, and well, those knees. Gettin' old. He expected an explosion, a frag, to be disoriented and torn to shreds with internal injuries that could have ended in death but with his back to the grenade the first thing he felt was cutting cold.


Was it to happen again? Naimes the Great Incapacitator? Taking out every opponent in the tournament with non-lethal force? Malik managed to get some distance but not enough as a gleaming layer of frost encased the back of his armour and even some of the front. Funnily enough, it burned but on the bright side probably did some wonders for the swelling that was occurring on his injured shoulder. However bright side or not, Rodarch was trapped, temporarily rooted.

The point of view changed.

Four sets of paws padded across the dirt as large rocks and small pebbles began to dash and dent the ground around him. Mullet may have been a non-sentient creature but he knew that the booming cracks of revolvers and shotguns didn't do much for his companion's health. He had circled back at the sounds of thunder, fronds twitching as he watched the flying tin of meat land behind his friend.

Like a dog in a heart-warming viral video Mullet could sense the peril that Malik was in and began the sprint towards the other man in a ferocious big cat sprint. He would aim to pounce upon the man and knock him over, although it was doubtful that tooth and nail could pierce this armour.

[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]
...the tremor sensors implanted in his feet would due Naimes little good in this environment what with all the meteorites crashing down around the area however it was fortunate he had been turning around, hoping to come around to face Malik's backside, and had kept an eye out for the Panther. Not that it did him much good. Naimes had caught movement from the corner of his eye, fast movement, and he had turned to face it just as the animal was in mid flight pouncing towards him. Nothing to do except attempt to brace for impact...

...when the Panther collided with Naimes, pouncing on him and dragging him down, the Mandalorian fell hard and while it was true, his Beskar'gam would be very resilient in the face of teeth and claws, the impact alone was enough to rattle his bones. As he hit the ground the Charging Rhyno fell out of his hand and skidded across the ground out of reach, it was almost out of ammunition anyways, leaving Naimes at what would appear to be the mercy of the creature on top of him however the Mandalorian was a crafty sort and had his fair share of tricks up his sleeve.
"Damn cat!"...was uttered loudly though Naimes saw at least one benefit from all this, if a meteorite were to come crashing down he had a good, thick, meat shield overtop of him now...

...jerking his left arm upwards Naimes would press it under the Panthers neck, into the bottom of his jaw, trying to lift his head high and keep him at bay to some extent. While the animal probably couldn't tell the difference it might come as some surprise as to how strong Naimes left arm was and that was because it was actually a Mark V Cyberarm. Mark V models were noted as being stronger than many of their organic counterparts. As he lift his left arm upwards Naimes would bring his right arm across and take one of the two remaining grenades off his belt before his arm snapped outwards, extending further to his right... his right arm came out, activating the grenade, it would roll across the ground to a halfway point between Naimes and the Panthers he was struggling with and the still, possibly, rooted in place Malik. It was the one two punch. No, not another CryoBan Grenade this one was almost similar to a hexagon in shape. It was better known as a Sonic Detonator... a little known fact was that Sonic Detonators came in two types, lethal and non lethal, which were both possessed of their own unique qualities. This was a non lethal Sonic Detonator. A non lethal Sonic Detonator was best described as a grenade which released a sudden squeal of high frequency sound designed to incapacitate foes. It would literally render a person temporarily deaf and could actual cause the head of a Bith to explode, making it more lethal than non, against an animal, like say a panther, it would probably have quite debilitating effects which is what Naimes was hoping for as it detonated...

...Naimes himself had a sound dampener system built into his helm which meant the Sonic Detonator would be an annoying inconvenience to him at most. It would be the same if Malik had a similar system and if not who knows. As for the Panther Naimes fully expected the animal to react poorly to the detonation of the grenade if it wasn't completely incapacitated which is why he planned to take advantage of the situation to the best of his ability. Bringing his right hand back around he'd aim a crushing blow into the left of the panther wanting to add discomfort to anything else then his right hand would make a grab to take hold of a handful of skin. He'd shift his left hand then, attempting to bring it around under the panthers neck again and onto the right side before rolling...

...his aim was obviously to roll the Panther off of him and he rolled towards Malik so that if the man recovered his pet would provide a nice barrier between the two of them and any gunfire that might ensue...
[member="Malik Rodarch"]

Malik Rodarch

Mullet collided with the man, effectively knocking him down and engaging in what would be known as Slobberfest 3000. He was nothing but claws and jaws, snapping and clawing at the man but ultimately not doing any damage, it was more for a factor of overwhelming, could you imagine how difficult coherent movement or thought was when you had a large cat wildly snapping atop of you?

The cybernetic arm at the very least kept those violent jaws at bay, even with Mandalorian iron wrapped around your head you still wouldn't want to put said body part in an Asharl Panther's mouth. Unless you're into that, of course. You like that? Putting bits of yourself inside the maws of moggies? Pervert.

Unfortunately big cats don't have much for defenses against explosives, and definitely not enough sentience to be able to identify and react correctly.

The sonic detonator went off, and the pained screech that came from the mouth of Mullet was one that put Naimes Ahn-Dross on the hit list of animal rights activists all over the galaxy. Incapacitated the creature grew limp, becoming nothing more than a very heavy weight atop of the man in Beskar'gam as he tried to roll the panther off.

It wasn't just the activists that were concerned. Malik Rodarch had his back to the entire scene, so when the sonic detonator went off behind him (also temporarily deafening the man) he was concerned. No, concerned was putting it lightly, he was downright terrified that his best friend had been killed and that he hadn't fought tooth and nail to prevent it.

“MUUUUULLLLLLEEEEEETTT!!!” he roared, upon his own deafened ears. Side note: Have you ever seen a man scream mullet before?

The slowly weakening glaze of ice began to crack and break off of his armour, as Malik through pain and gritted teeth furiously flexed his back, and shoulders, freeing himself from his trapped state. The shotgun was dropped. Mind rompin', legs stompin', immediately he tore off his own helmet and threw it to the floor, whirling round in a panther-infused rage.

“YOU SON OF A BITH!” he shouted, noting his companion's paralysed state. Fists up he began to dash towards his opponent (who had presumably shifted the big cat off his form and was back to his feet). Malik! Malik! You haven't even turned your stun gauntlets on! He didn't care, evident by the enraged expression upon his strong face as he sent a big right hook to rocket off of the side of Naimes' helmet.

[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"] Naimes rolled the panther off of himself and started to rise back to his feet, bones still aching from being jarred after the animal had tossed him onto the ground, he'd have heard that terrible cry that was a mixture of fear and rage. He knew that man and beast must have been bonded on a higher level then, true companions even, and to be honest the Mandalorian felt a twinge of regret for having harmed the beast. Usually Naimes would have rather avoided using the tactics he had against an innocent creature like majestic Mullet. Looking across the relatively short distance however Naimes would have seen Malik break free of the ice that had trapped him before he rushed ahead full of rage and fury...

...rising to his feet Naimes right hand would have slid down the right side of his leg, fingers wrapping around the handle of his knife, the Fett Kal Trenchknife being jerked free of its sheath within a breath. He was standing by the time Malik had come at him and shouted that rather stinging insult though with his helm still covering his features he would have never seen how Naimes reacted to being called a Son of a Bith. Rude...

...when Malik came in, swinging the big right hook for the side of Naimes head, the Mandalorain responded by moving closer. He would shift his left side forward, trying to bring his left foot up between Malik's feet, while leaning his head towards his attacker. That strong right hook would still hit but it would glance off the side and back of Naimes helm as he moved to slip it and minimize a blow that still jarred his head to the right a bit and left a ringing in his ear...

...once he had shifted into Malik his left arm would move inwards, up and over in an attempt to loop back around Malik's right arm and entangle it, effectively trapping it and sucking his forearm into his left side. If he was successful the increased strength of the Mark V Cyberarm would likely come into play here as well...

...immediately following his attempted trap Naimes would make a quick one-two attack. He'd snapped his head forward in an attempt to smash the beskar helm covering his head into the now unarmored face of Malik. It was one of those things that would hurt like no ones business if it worked. Second to that but following almost in complete concordance Naimes swiped his right arm up and attempted to dig it in underneath Malik's left arm; the Fett Kal Trenchknife came up too and sought to sink itself into that soft spot so many suits of armor had in the armpit region...
"Sleep friend. Your fight is done."...he'd urge Malik from beneath helm, his comms activating as he spoke...
[member="Malik Rodarch"]

Malik Rodarch

It wasn't the most satisfying blow ever delivered but it was still a hard skelp that would have at least rocked the man's head slightly.

Close quarter combat was his speciality, albeit he was generally not knife fighting in such a personal distance. This was Malik's jam, his oft broken nose and cauliflower ears spoke for how much time he spent up in the face his his mark, fists flurrying. Half-deafened, cold and with a very sore shoulder this was still the realm of combat that gave Rodarch the most advantages.

With his arm now tangled, leg in a precarious position the head of Naimes came rocketing forward, helmet and all. Snap shock boxing response came into play and Malik tilted his head upwards and leaned as far back as he could, leaving his opponents head sending in the course of his armoured collarbone.

Unfortunately he was vulnerable to the blade, that sank into the unprotected armpit region like a cocktail stick skewering a juicy burger (because butter is such a passé reference). The sudden sharp pain brought a panther like snarl forth from the man as his opponent said something surprisingly soft and succinct.

Which ultimately fell upon ears still ringing from the sonic detonator.

“WHAT?!” he shouted back, like the proverbial teenage son listening to dubstep with headphones on while being spoken to by his mother who was downstairs in the kitchen. Whew, that was a long one.

Malik's physical retaliation however came in the form of his untangled fist, spiked gauntlet shooting upwards to try and catch the throat of his opponent, much like the armpit it was another lesser-protected area in the realms of heavy armour. Thankfully he had forgotten to actually turn the stun gauntlets on although the spiked knuckle guards made the offensive dangerous enough.

[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]
...Naimes felt his Fett Kal Trenchknife sink into the sweet spot of Malik's left armpit and it gave him a serene sense of satisfaction though this was particularly short lived considering that Malik retaliated shortly thereafter by lifting his fist to hammer home a blow on the end of spiked knuckles. With his left arm entangled with Malik's right, keeping it in place, and his right arm having driven the knife up into the mans left armpit it left Naimes with little place to go while he remained close. Much like his opponent however Naimes specialty was close quarters combat though his style was likely somewhat different than the Mandalorian's that he was facing...

...when Malik shot his arm upwards to hammer Naimes in the throat his retaliation came in the way of torquing his hips and using his left leg, slid forward between Malik's legs, to turn his body to the left as well. It was a partial defense at best and would moderate damage but not defend against it. Despite his efforts those spiked knuckles still drove into the right side of Naimes neck, punching through the armorweave underlay and causing a deep crimson to start squirting out from the wound. It may or not have been a fatal wound normally but it was bloody nonetheless... the same token as Naimes had torqued his hips to the left and turned his body in that direction it allowed him to drive the Trenchknife held in his right hand ahead. Intent in this case was simple, one of the lungs was beyond the armpit and the knife had already penetrated into that soft fleshy area so Naimes merely sought to drive it further with his momentum and ensure he would puncture the lung completely. Twisting the trenchknife as he punched it ahead Naimes also wanted to ensure the wound was opened deeply, would bleed heavily and would be difficult to close. All this in concordance to the torque of the hips he made in response to the blow meant to hammer into his throat...

...regardless after the blow had struck Naimes on his right side he would stumble backwards, ripping the knife free of the armpit and away as he went, until he settled several paces away from Malik. Lifting his left hand he would reach across and touch the right side of his neck, the wound was deep and bled freely but there was a rube in all of this...
"A fine effort, Warrior."...he didn't expect Malik to hear him, he didn't the last time and truth be told it didn't matter if he did or not. In this case the rube was that Naimes was an Icarii, if Malik had hit him dead in the throat with those spiked gauntlets he could have survived it, now all that remained to be seen is if Naimes had went deep enough to plant his knife into his opponents lung and if so how long he could last as it started to fill with his blood...
[member="Malik Rodarch"]

Malik Rodarch

Once more it wasn't the hit that Malik wanted but it was a hit nonetheless. There was nothing quite like bundling all of your frustrations, your pain, your fears and your anxieties into your fists and just releasing it all and at that moment there was quite a bit of emotion surging through his being, mostly stinging agony and distress for Mullet, who he didn't know was only incapacitated.

This couldn't end here.

Not in death, not the stark imagery of the animal companion laying by the grave of his solider, his friend. Mourning, whimpering, waiting as the pebbles rained around him. Just like parents shouldn't outlive their children those of Clan Rodarch shouldn't outlive their beasts. It would not end here, with the blood filling his lungs, it would not.

Before the trench knife could be torn out, his left arm would move to grab his opponent's right arm, his knife arm. After all, the punctured lung wouldn't kill him if he got medical attention in time, but if the knife was removed then it could have been game over. Under no circumstances, while he still lived and breathed could he allow that blade to come out. So just as the trench knife was making its escape, Malik's gauntlet clad fingers wrapped around Naimes' forearm and plunged it back in, holding it there.

“I'M. NOT. DONE. YET. LAD.” Rodarch grunted through gritted teeth, clutching onto the other man's arm with a Mandalorian vice grip.

[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]

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