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TotG:Naimes Ahn-Dross VS. Grozurra!


A world of fire, flame, and death. The planet was known as a world of constant volcanic activity, massive erupting flows of lava and huge spurts of magma were not an uncommon sight upon this world. Its polar region were naught but massive volcanic fields that stretched for miles and miles. Black rock etched with red rivers went on as far as the eye could see. Danger and death lurked around every corner, and it was here that the first leg of the tournament began.

The Tournament of the Gods, the Opening of Moross space. Twenty Four people had been rotted from hundreds of thousands, each one exceptional in some way, each one chosen to provide entertainment for the masses.

The God of Moross had created this tournament to turn the eyes upon their people, to show the galaxy what Moross had to offer, both through the beauty of its worlds, and the eccentricity of its Tournament. These battles were composed of everything, from deathly bouts in fields of lava, to the sands of a billion credit Arena. The Tournament of the Gods would be broadcasted to every home in the galaxy, and would be seen by all.

The First world was Demonsgate, the unrelenting Hell Hole of a planet so coveted for its ores.

It was here, in the northern volcanic fields that the twenty four contestants had been transported in pairs. Camera Drones hovered around them as they slowly gained their footing, and the match began.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] VS. [member="Ahani Najwa"]!
[member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]

Grozurra had managed to arrive in time, despite the clerical error by the announcer. The wookiee stood in a smoldering field of freshly cooled lava and stared at the dozens of cameras arranged throughout the field. Here and there he saw a droid hover across the field with even more cameras. They had even requested a live feed from his helmet's cam.

Grozurra had never seen a fight quite like this one. When his opponent finally entered the field, the armored wookiee simply walked towards the man and extended a hand to him.
...Naimes had arrived on the northern lava fields, transported by the hosts of this event, where he and the opponent he'd been paired with would face off and just looking at the surrounding area he had some idea that this would be a difficult battle. As he moved onto the lava fields dressed in his Beskar'gam he'd turn his head to survey the area around himself noting the lava flows that covered the area at a distance despite his good fortune to be fighting in a freshly cooled field which smoldered due to the heat. Gazing ahead Naimes would have found his opponent and moved ahead to meet him in the middle once he'd seen that he was approaching...

...his first instinct was usually to raise his weapon and fire but Naimes didn't do that. Instead he walked towards his, very large, opponent who appeared equally armored and watched as he extended his hand to him before doing likewise. No doubt there were many that considered this move to be folly. Maybe it was. Despite this Naimes would observe the show of honor and sportsmanship and return it in kind. If this put him at a disadvantage or he had misjudged his opponent then so be it...

...placing his hand in the Wookies he would hold it before releasing, assuming he was allowed, and then moving backwards to put some distance between the two of them as the stood on the smoldering field of cooled lava. Camera droids hovering all around the both of them on the outskirts ready to pick up all the action between the two... was easy to see most of the equipment Naimes was carrying. There was the M-12 -Kath Hound- Shotgun slung over his right shoulder via a strap, an MM-27 -Charging Rhino- holstered over his left hip with the handling turned outwards, a Fett Kal Trench Knife on his right hip in a sheath and an assortment of three grenades that he had on his person. Other than that two things might stand out. One was the Jet Pack his armor had been equipped with for this contest and the other was what appeared to be a Blaster Pistol he'd been holding in his left hand...

...well that's pretty much it....
Grozurra shook the man's hand and backed away in kind when the formal embrace was over. True, it had occurred to him that luring his opponent into such close confined would have been a perfect opportunity to abuse the crushgaunts and flamethrowers worked into the forearms of his Beskar'kandar... but somehow he couldn't bring himself to use such a dirty trick on a fellow Mandalorian.

Not that the flamethrower would of had much effect anyway.

As Grozurra backed away and assessed his opponent, he also reviewed his own equipment. The wookiee wore the same gear as always (Linked in sig). His lightsaber was kept in an armored pouch upon his belt, two Beskar forged Ryyk Blades dangled from his hips, a Blaster Rifle was strapped to his right thigh like a sawed off shotgun, and a Bowcaster hung behind his back. The armor itself contained a pair of crushgaunts, a pair of wrist mounted flamethrowers, and a shoulder mount for an automated grenade launcher. The grenade launcher, once again, had been left at home.

When fighting a Mandalorian, it was often difficult to decide upon the most effective weapon to use against such an opponent. For Grozurra, this simply meant that he would need to gauge his opponent first. And so, he fell upon an old and reliable favorite... The bowcaster was pulled from its place behind his back, a solid arrow was loaded from an armored satchel upon his left thigh, and the weapon was pointed at [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"] as Grozurra continued to back away.
...a mutual show of respect between opponents who then backed away after shaking hands in relative silence. Either one could have betrayed the others good will and attacked but much as Grozurra had thought Naimes believeed it was a dirty trick to pull on another Mandalorian. As they retreated from one another creating distance Naimes would have plenty of time to review the visible equipment that his opponent carried revealing that he was well armored and prepared for combat as expected...

...when Grozurra produced his Bowcaster and began loading the solid arrow into place Naimes took that as his cue and began sprinting ahead across the cooled lava field after a reverse in his momentum. Running in a zig zag pattern the Mandalorian would do his best not to make himself a stationary target as he came towards Grozurra however he considered alternate options with regards to avoiding a volley from his opponent as well. Only time and action would tell if these were successful however...

...raising the weapon, which looked like a large Blaster Pistol, he was holding as he came forward Naimes would bring his left hand across to support the barrel while his right steadied the grip and worked the trigger. He didn't wait long before squeezing the trigger and unleashing not blaster fire but a stream of carbonite towards Grozurra. A Carbonite Gun shared many similarities to a Blaster Pistol in appearance however when fired the differences became quite clear. Belching forth a steady stream of liquid carbonite that had an optimum effective range of up to forty-five meters Naimes fired at Grozurra...

...the Carbonite Gun was a funny item. It, like a Blaster, probably couldn't punch through Beskar, especially not heavy Beskar'kandar, however it didn't need to. Carbonite could freeze the armor, including of the joints that made movement possible, or blind the wearer if it got onto their visor. It might render mechanical devices ineffective and it was fully capable of immobilizing anything from the standard trooper to a Rancor if enough of the liquid carbon hit its target...

....Naimes wasn't the best shot, in fact he was no marksman at all which is why he preferred weapons that had a wide spray, however the fact the Carbonite Gun fired a short stream of liquid carbonite made things a little easier when it came to zeroing in...
If there was one thing that was true about Grozurra, it was that he had grown a little cocky in regard to his armor. He was accustomed to being able to withstand some of the most severe hits an opponent could dish out and walk away with barely a scratch or dent. What he was most certainly not prepared for, was a clever opponent with a freeze ray. The wookiee bid his time, stood his ground, and waited for the perfect moment to take his shot. He saw his opponent pull the weapon, but had assumed it to be just another blaster pistol and opted to ignore the incoming attack for a few precious seconds of increased accuracy before launching his own attack.

His finger clenched, the trigger mechanism activated, a string yanked forward, and an explosive-tipped solid arrow propelled itself towards [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]' chest. A second later, and Grozurra found himself unable to move from the waist down. "Son of a-" would be translated and spoken verbally by his suit's automated translator before the entirety of the wookiee was frozen in carbonite.

Match goes to [member="Naimes Ahn-Dross"]

Well done. Legitimately didn't see that one coming.

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