Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Torin Varik





Name: Torin Varik
Faction: Republic
Rank: Padawan
Species: Human
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin: Tan
Force Sensitive: Yes


Tall, dark, and handsome.
Torin holds a slender but solid stature that accents his confident but humble impression. Broad shoulders and muscular build. Strong jaw and cheek bones, wide set and defined. Dark, thick eye brows hang above gentle but observant eyes, a hazel-green color. He usually retains a toneless expression of a jedi - diplomatic and analytic. However, in the proper company, his charming smile can make an appearance. He is usually caught wearing a dark green pilot suit complete with a black belt strapped to his waist. This belt holsters both his blaster and lightsaber when necessary. He wears dark brown boots that cover a majority of his calf.


Over the years, even after he joined the jedi order, Torin spent a lot of his time practicing the art of piloting starships, becoming an A-class pilot with exceptional talent in space. He knows and understands ships better than most things, and often resorts to working on mechanics when he's under pressure.

Paired with becoming a pilot, Torin learned the trade craft of being an engineer early on, and only got better and better. Now, he's adept in the art, and is fully able to do modifications, as well as personal work. He's become a rather gifted mechanic, without many things being able to stump him for long.

Lightsaber Specialist:
In terms of his jedi training, Torin shrugged off the force and stuck to what he knew, what was physical. Because of this, he built his lightsaber early on, and has trained hard with it in order to become a powerful warrior on the battlefield.


Weaker Connection:
Torin was born with a naturally low midi-chlorian compared to other jedi, which gave him a weaker natural connection to the force. Additionally, he was much more focused on the physical aspects of the jedi, and on his skill with the lightsaber. Because of this, his ability to utilize the force is limited to basic maneuvers such as lifting light objects and pushing people about or jumping higher than the average man. Beyond that, it would take much longer for him to master the more complex areas of the force. At this point, he has developed basic sensory abilities but with limited range and accuracy.

Justice Complex:
Torin is exceptionally empathetic, making it his goal to see everyone through to safety. He does not part easily with life, and would not agree to sacrificing pawns in order to achieve some higher goal. But this stretches to also say that he can take on risks and act rashly in order to save the lives of the innocent should it come to it, putting himself, and possibly others in danger.


Nssis-class Clawcraft:
Torin has always been fond of "retro" machinery. Their classic design offers solid bones which Torin then upgrades into a modernized, customized, and reliable ship. This Nssis-class Clawcraft is certainly not the most popular of ships, as it is small and outdated with limited weaponry. In fact, it is rarely seen throughout the galaxy anymore, especially not being driven by a Jedi Ace such as Torin. Despite this, Torin was able to turn a simple outdated machine into a deadly fighter.

  • Maximum acceleration increased to: 20 MGLT/s.
  • Shielding system upgrade: 75 SBD.
  • Instead of the original SFS ion engine this ship has a custom built modified version of a Incom Fusial Thrust engine. A design that would normally apply to the design of an x-wing starfighter.
  • Updated tracking computer.
  • New age Holographic Imaging System.
  • An additional compartment that was installed to hold EMP grenades.
  • Upgraded navigation computer.


  • Quantity: One.
  • Color: Blue.
  • Blade(s): One.

Blaster Pistol:
  • Quantity: One.
  • Blaster Color: Red.


Torin was born on the planet Corellia. For the first couple years of his life, he lived there with his mother, Bria, and father, Devron. However, just after his fourth birthday the family relocated to Coruscant. At the time, Torin didn't understand why they were leaving Corellia nor did they tell him their reasons. Something along the lines of better "opportunity." Once on Coruscant, the small family's financial situation steadily declined. Devron took up gambling as a way to compensate for his failures as a provider. It wasn't long before he was involved in the darker parts of Coruscant's over-populated conglomerations from debt collectors to common thugs. One day, his father disappeared, leaving Bria and his young son to fend off the consequences Devron had left behind. One night, the collectors broke into their apartment threatening Torin and his mother with selling them into slavery to pay off their debt. Bria was able to escape with Torin. She took him to the Jedi Temple as soon as she could and begged the council to let him enter the Order. He did in fact have a notable enough midi-chlorian count. However, he was already five years old - a little older than most Jedi accepted into the Order.

In the end, the council chose to keep Torin and train him in the ways of the Jedi. Torin never saw his mother again after he was taken into the Order. From the very beginning, Torin had an affinity toward piloting and engineering. Once he was a bit older he picked up the art of the lightsaber quickly and ran with it, progressing swiftly toward mastering the aggressive style of Ataru. One of his first and most notable missions involved a trip to Alderaan were he met [member="Nejaa Niynx"]. Little did he know, the younger boy would become Torin's master in the near future. Although the mission had several unexpected twists and turns, it was in the end a success thanks to Nejaa.

He continued to serve the Order out of Coruscant for another couple of years after that until the Sith infiltrated the planet and took over. They destroyed the Jedi Temple and most of those that dwelled within it. Of his thirteen fellow pilots in his squad, Torin was the only one to escape the planet, thanks to his incredible skill as a pilot. Those Jedi who survived the defeat relocated to Kashyyyk. Not long after the relocation, Torin was assigned to a mission on Cato Neimoidia. He remained there on the extended mission until he was suddenly called back to Kashyyyk to meet his new master - Nejaa Niynx - now a Jedi Knight seeking a Sith he had encountered on Mygeeto.


  • Coming in from the Cold [Archived]


Thanks so much guys. Still trying to fill in a lot of the blanks.

Zatten Black said:
Now, tell me how the half-Chiss doesn't have a clawcraft, but you do....

I feel sad, now... Maybe I'll go steal a clawcraft...
You should.
As long as it's not mine... >.>

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