Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Toby Meriet

Toby Meriet, Master's Peace
"Though you may have me silenced, He hears all the same"

  • Name: Toby Meriet
  • Alias: Affectionately referred to as Darlin' by Crix
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Force Rank: Apprentice, Unlearned
  • Species: Human
  • Race: Unspecific
  • Planet of Birth: Da Soocha, though currently occupying Isis
  • Age: Twenty Eight
  • Height: 6'4
  • Weight: 178lbs
  • Eye Color: Grey
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Skin Color: Caucasian
  • Force Sensitive: Yes, Untrained
  • Master: Not Applicable
  • The Meriet Household: Slave, [member='Crix Meriet']'s Lover

Toby is the mute lover of [member='Crix Meriet'], and lifelong slave to his Household. Spurned by the now bedridden Master of the House, and Father of his beloved, he has been forbidden to speak to Crix for fear of his Master's wrath. Having the undivided attention of his lover, Toby has over the past decade assumed less responsibility around the estate and is more a slave in title than role these days; no doubt he could be denounced of his birthright entirely, if not for Crix's paranoia that in doing so Toby would be lost to him. However, their relationship isn't all fun and games.

Toby is well aware of Crix's unfaithfulness and the unspeakable acts he does to rid himself of the guilt which amasses each time he brings a stranger into his bed. Devotion alone is all that keeps Toby from becoming bitter, although it pains him each and every time he is made aware of Crix's indiscretions. Just as Crix would do anything Toby would ask of him, the same can be said of the reverse. Their years of heated compassion have created quite the infatuation, and Toby would be completely undone if he were made to live in a Galaxy without his beloved.

Having faced great hardship in the past, mostly regarding the initial revelation of Crix and Toby's relationship, his body is wrought with scars and marrings from the torture he undertook, though none of the physical ones even remotely add up to the psychological damage done. Toby has not spoken a word since the four days he spent down in his Master's dungeon, having had it drilled into his head that anything spoken to Crix would swiftly end in his lover's demise. Alongside this is Toby's repulsion at the sight of his scars, the constant reminder that he will never be good enough for Crix in the eyes of his Master. His only consolation lies in the fact that Crix finds the marks endearing, likely due to the fact that they reveal all that they went through to get to where they are today.

  • N/A

As a slave born into the Meriet Household, Toby was provided with the surname of his Master and was set to work from the moment he was able to. Initially little more than a stable hand, it was the boy's responsibility to tend to the mounts and livestock that lingered on the island they called home. Toby was fortunate, for his Master owned several plots of land on the watery world of Da Soocha and was more well off than most of the inhabitants of Hutt-Occupied space. As a result he never went hungry, unless he misbehaved or underperformed, and each morning he was able to adorn a fresh set of clothes. Even his boots were cleaned each evening by one of the other slaves the Household could afford to keep.

Not aware of who his parents were, Toby had very little in the way of parenting, and learned to obey first and foremost. While he was taken under the wing of the Stablemaster, none of the Meriet's slaves dared try to skew his view of the life they led, so he had no concept of the fact that his life could have been anything other than what it was. With time his duties began to stray from the actual stables however to the burning fires of the forge, making shoes for the mounts and weapons for the Meriet's Household Guard. He grew into quite the formidable figure, several inches higher than most of the others and with the strength to match... Yet he was in other ways quite the wimp. Terrified of guns, manifesting itself into a genuine phobia, Toby refused to participate in any form of combat, preferring to remain on the sidelines and aid in the Smithy.

Around his sixteenth year, after several working the anvil, Toby caught the eye of his Master's son, who was around the same age. While Crix fully intended for the whole affair to be a one time thing, and with Toby willingly giving himself to the boy - for he knew no other life outside of servitude, and besides Crix was devilishly handsome and charismatic... If a little cruel at times - the events which immediately followed would set all that Toby thought to be true on its head. The pair were interrupted in their childish shenanigans by Crix's Father - Toby's Master no less - and for the first time Toby knew what it was to be severely put in his place. Perhaps the reaction would have been different had Toby been a girl, instead he suffered the wrath of a bitter parent who didn't quite know how to take the revelation put before him.

Toby disappeared from the Household for four grueling days, which he spent deep within Lord Mariet's dungeons. He underwent physical and psychological torture, constantly reminded of his place within their Household, of the fact that all he was and had was owed to his Master; within all of this came the threats. Mariet vowed to take the life of his son should Toby ever dare to utter a word to him again. The four days, which felt to Toby like an eternity of darkness and pain, took all the fight out of the boy, and when he reemerged into the Household he said not a word. To anyone. For what would happen if he were to speak and Crix happened to overhear? No, he could not risk that, he would not have someone die because of his own mistakes.

However, Crix was far from done with Toby. Somehow it seemed as though Crix knew something had happened, for he began to dote on the boy, becoming rather infatuated, and what had meant to be a one-off turned into a very frequent affair. With time Toby too began to develop feelings for Crix, though in the back of his mind he held the reminder of what would happen were he to speak with Crix. Would the same be said of more intimate exchanges? Unable to deny Crix, it wasn't too long before Toby learned that his Master was very literal on the speaking... Yet for whatever reason, he cared not about their other interactions. So it was that the pairs romance blossomed, and while Crix would frequently be unfaithful it was always Toby he would return to, likely with bloody hands from disposing of the reminder of his indiscretions.

And each time Toby forgave him, for how could he remain upset with the one he loved more than life itself? The one he had sacrificed his voice to be with. When Crix decided to leave, Toby followed at his heels like a lost pup, forsaking the Master he had been raised beneath and opting to serve Crix instead. After all, Lord Meriet had seen better days, and was more occupied with his own health and wellbeing than keeping tabs on which slaves Crix took with him on his journey across the Galaxy. Yet despite this, despite the fact that Meriet had no way of knowing what Toby did or said, the boy remained a mute. He had vowed never to speak to Crix if it meant keeping him alive, and he would be held to that until the day his former Master died.

Roleplayed through [member='Crix Meriet']'s point of view.

1. Chronicles of the Void - Act I
2. Rare Commodities

1. Ghosts Of The Past
2. Cover Your Crystal Eyes
3. Listen to Your Heart
4. In The Harshest Conditions, Blooms a Desert Rose [Hutt Cartel Dominion of Nar Kreeta]
5. From Crystalline To Crystal
6. Books and Boredom

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