Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To The Moon [PM To Join]

Donny Hex

Bratty Edgelord Supreme
Galvin Hex

The crowded streets bustled as commonfolk brushed against each other in the walkways. The market district on Nar Shaddaa was always packed with people selling and buying suspicious goods. Most of these people were what you'd normally consider 'good folk'. Others were just refugees or people down on their luck. Some resorted to violence and thievery to make their success, while others worked hard to buy their way out of this hellhole. Such is the way of life on The Smuggler's Moon.

Donny pushed along amongst the crowd. He seemed out of place; Nicely dressed, good looking, and young. While his face and skin wasn't destroyed by drug abuse, his hair was well done and he smelled of expensive cologne.

"Move it! Back off, scum!" he would say to lowborn thieves trying to pickpocket him. He held a blaster pistol in his hand, making it clear that he wouldn't tolerate any insolence. It was obvious he thought himself highly of others, though why he was in such a place as Nar Shaddaa was a mystery to most. To him, he was really just bored. Having had a pampered lifestyle, Donny had a stroke of wanderlust and yearned for excitement. Nar Shaddaa was the perfect place to get it.

Meanwhile, merchants desperately tried to get attention in their stands. One in particular caught his eye; An old Rodian selling droids and droid-parts. Donny hadn't had a droid since the protocol droid his parents bought him tripped and fell down the third floor of his house. He approached the old Rodian, who greeted him.

"Yusee liyka drreeda?"

"What have you here, old lowborn? Droids? I want one." he responded bitterly.

[member="Koda Berus"]
Nar Shaddaa.. Quite the interesting planet if you asked me. Now why was Koda here? Why was Koda here? She had no idea. She guessed that she had just needed to get off of Coruscant for a while though Nar Shaddaa just seemed like an even worse version of Coruscant. How did she always seem to end up in places like this? Yet again, it was another unanswered question, that had no answer to it. All sorts of people could be found here. Different races, colors, shapes and sizes, you could find them all here! That was also including millions of different personalities as well.

It was pretty crowded here today. Koda hadn't eaten in days. With the crowds being as crazy as they were, she had a better chance of grabbing either a piece of fruit or money without being noticed. She went for the fruit for now. She was able to grab a meiloorun for now and would get some money later. Koda wore a simple outfit with her lightsabers under her belt. It was typical for her to not be wearing a jacket, due to her being used to using ice magic and the like, but being on a different world, she used the jacket to hide her weapons.

All of a sudden, a man's voice could be heard not far from where she was. He sounded rude almost. Unsure of what to do, she took to the roofs and made her way across, spotting the man. People seemed to do so much as look at him and he spazzed out. This could get interesting. Finishing the last of her meiloorun, Koda jumped down into the crowd and quietly made her way towards him while he insulted a Rodian for a droid. He seemed rich enough. He even reeked of perfume. In fact he acted like he owned the world. Koda didn't like it though. She could only return the favor. The Rodian saw her, but she told him to keep quiet about her by a simple hand gesture.

Koda quietly and softly made her way over to him till she stood directly behind him. Quietly and slowly, she started sliding her hand into his pocket to grab his wallet.

~ [member="Donny Hex"] ~

Donny Hex

Bratty Edgelord Supreme
"Ugh... I can get better droids at a scrapyard!" he said. Soon after, an argument struck up between him and the old Rodian. Donny threw a slew of insults and derogatory terms at the poor old man. At some point, he'd fidget in his frustration, bumping into [member="Koda Berus"]. His wallet would fall out of his pocket in the process, though most wouldn't notice save for the one trying to pickpocket him.

"Hey! Watch it, blondie..." he'd say as he turned around to face the young thief. At least, she seemed younger. Truthfully, she was in fact older than him. Due to him being nearly half a foot taller than her, he had to look downward. To him, this girl just seemed like some little kid living off the streets... Typical street urchins, he thought. To Donny, kids like that disgusted him.

"I'm not done with you, bug-eye..."
It was very hard for Koda not to laugh listening to this dude. The insults tossed towards the Rodian was rather soft compared to what had been said to her while she was growing up. All of a sudden during all of the arguing, the young man started getting fidgety and being as smooth as she was, Koda moved with his wallet for the most part until he bumped right into her. When he seemingly addressed her, Koda laughed at the name he gave her.

"Blondie?? Ha! You gotta be kidding me, among all of those lame insults, is that really all ya got?"

she asked. Koda was 18, but she was rather short for her age, making her seem younger. She thought of the young man in front of her to at least be around 20, but what would later on surprise her, was that he was actually two years younger than her and four inches taller. When he looked away and addressed the Rodian once more, she saw his wallet on the ground picking it up, keeping it by her side for a second. He'd have to earn it now.

"Bug-eye?? Hmm, I'd say more of Mr. Galaxy. His eyes look like the galaxies, wouldn't you agree?"

She would then wink at the Rodian before pulling his wallet up, examining it before looking back to him.

"Nice wallet.. do you miss it?"

She asked, almost joking. Koda held it in both of their sights waiting for his reaction. It was all for reaction, but it was also to teach him a lesson in a way. She was just giving him back the same attitude he had given to others, just in a little bit more of an evil way.

~ [member="Donny Hex"] ~

Donny Hex

Bratty Edgelord Supreme
Donny rolled his eyes, growing slightly more frustrated. He'd decided that the Rodian wasn't worth his time, and this girl was proving to be slightly more annoying. He crossed his arms as more and more people began to flood past, the bustling marketplace having no mercy for anyone standing still. No one seemed to pay much attention to the growing commotion, but Donny did happen to catch a couple dirty looks from people. It might've been his rather fragrant cologne, but he couldn't really care less.

"If you think his eyes are so pretty then why don't you go rent a room!?" he'd retort. [member="Koda Berus"] was obviously starting to get on his nerves, but Donny did have a short temper anyway. He assumed she was just some little street rat trying to pick his pockets, just like all the others he'd encountered during his short time on Nar Shaddaa. Surely there was little harm she could do, right? After all, disposing of urban trash was not so much of a difficult task, or at least he thought.

"Look, I don't have time for you, little girl..."

He stuffed his hands in his pockets; An expression of shock drew across his face as his eyes widened slightly. Looking down, the sudden realization hit him as his expression went from shocked to angered.

"Nice wallet... do you miss it?"

"What the- Give it back b-before I call the authorities! I- Whatever's in that wallet costs- costs more than your whole life!"

His hand went to the blaster at his side, but he was almost scared to use it. Donny started to panic a little. Sure, he had plenty of money, but that wallet was custom made for his fourth birthday! He'd had it ever since, and something like that was priceless.
Everything had worked out perfectly. His reaction was better than she imagined.. though he could have been a touch more dramatic. She could tell that she annoyed him even more than the Rodian. She loved it. More and more people seemed to go past them during their little talk, but it wouldn't stay this way too long before she would have this young man on the run. She saw the dirty looks from people that were shot towards him. She could understand why. He was being a brat, not to mention the overwhelming smell of his perfume.

"Ohhh! I see.. well, if you're not going to have any manners for the people around you, why don't you learn the hard way and go for a swim with the pigs!"

she responded, gesturing her hand towards a pig pen not too far away. There was no way he was getting out of this the easy way. Next up was setting the trap. Not a real trap, just one act to get him on edge. What he said next would get her a little bit. Placing a hand on her hip she would raise an eyebrow.

"You'll regret that comment kid."

she said. Watching as he stuffed his hands in his pockets, a wide smirk came across her face. Koda giggled as she saw the expression on his face go from shock to anger in a few seconds. She heard his protests to give it back, but she shook her head. No.. Koda was going to exercise it out of him.

"No. I'm not afraid of you kid. I've dealt with so many people like you who wanted to "call the authorities", but that's not happening this time. If you want it, come and get it if it means so much to you."

Koda would wave it in front of his face before pulling away and taking a few steps back, prompting him to follow her. This would definitely be fun.

~ [member="Donny Hex"] ~

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