Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To the Jungle to seek

Coming out onto the jungle floor, that was now the calls it was so different to be back home. Knowing that there was going to be other times back here. Coming to look around to the one that came on to the this trip with her. Giving her a playful smile, even to what they had shared on the trip. Well, do they fit or not. I don't want to see your armor get ate here. Giving him on the trip some new outfits, leather with what little AKK scales sew into. With that of her tribe symbol of the moon blazing. Play dancing with her eyes upon him, to see him just how he would look.

<Whitelight, you came we missed you guild, your skills as warrior with in>

<Its good to be back on Haruun Kal, Yaita there is someone I want you to met>

Feeling that [member="Regor Laxvan"] coming out the first thing that Yaita did was whistles low and long with a whisper to her bring a blushing her already pink skin. If only had to be for a few minutes. Coming to his side as been grinning, putting his shoulder.
Regor smiled "the armor feels muce lichter than im used to, but I geas it is oke." He looked at [member="Maya Whitelight"] and here friend, stil impressed by this planet.
You'll get use to it, this is a good friend of mind, she don't speak nothing but the native language, I'll teach you the basic if you want to learn. Coming to talk with her friend again, only to find herself very fully red in the face, trying to tell her he wasn't her mate, that he was a very close friend, that seem to be getting closer to her everyday day, that she had notice how good looking [member="Regor Laxvan"].

Coming from behind her one tackled her to the ground before she could stop that from happening, only to roll over, flip him to pin him to the ground with a smirking grin on her face. Looking nothing like Maya at all, still. Regor, met my kid brother Lotie, Lotie met Regor. Getting off her kid brother standing up to find that he was a whole foot taller. Now came Maya calling to the ship, there on ramp with Hunter her AKK dog coming down to greet everyone.
"I would like thad, it would make communication easyer" Regor grabed fore his blaster the momend he saw somting taceling [member="Maya Whitelight"] but put it away afther she said it was her brother he extendet his hand to him nice to meet you"
Her kid brother looking at [member="Regor Laxvan"] up and down before speaking what could only be broken basic for him to understand. tame... Slapping his back on the last part. Only to find turning towards Maya and Tajta talking amount themselves before turning to face the two, first giving a glare at her kid bother. I guess they had set some ahead to speak of our coming. I hope you have a empty stomach. [member="Regor Laxvan"]
regore smiled at his commend "I don't mean to tame her, I like her just the way she is" he turnd to [member="Maya Whitelight"] "wel It would not hurt to eat somting, I gease"
Good word...You make....she...mind...of.. own... walking more along side him, to speak to him more things waving his hand at her back side, giving [member="Regor Laxvan"] a chuckle. Even so Maya turn around giving her kid brother a eye. good you need it, trust me, we go to my hut first. Even after she had left with her father to learn his skills she let herself come back to what she called home not as much lately as would like. Giving out a breath as it was always felt go to come home. Letting the force around her flow more and more around then before taking in that all her people had the touch of the force.

Bring him into the place that had hutts around as it seem people was busy with putting together a fest not just a simple meal, knowing it would take a few hours. Bring him into one of the hutt it had been taken care of her by her friend. Even so there was place on the floor to sit, calling. Sit so we may talk before the feast begins so you know of its nature.
Regore smiled as h looks at [member="Maya Whitelight"] "she shure does" he folowes her into the hut and sitis downe whit her "this is a realy nice villages"
I'm glad to hear you say this, Regor these are my people. Coming into a potions of one of meditative state, still having her listening skills open all around. It was flowing this planet with the force very stronger then every before. In light of her training these past few months being one to now let it be seen more each passing day. These people are very antient in the way they life but a simple life, not wanting nothing more then to raise a family, hunt for what is needed. I have learn so much growing up being apart, it taught me to look not at the things that driving the galaxy but what lays here. Her hands going to her heart, letting an understand come into play, knowing now more then every what drove him to her and the other way around. It would be time that would tell truly [member="Regor Laxvan"] with them, for now they had a mission to come here, but was it something more for her to open a little piece of who and where she had came from.
Bring a smile upon her lips, to drink in what been said, Yes a very good way to live, coming her always brings me joy much needed rest from the galaxy be on, to be surround by all the jungle. To night you will enjoy [member="Regor Laxvan"] I just hope your not a lightweight as I don't want to be carry you butt back here. Always this was the way of it to enjoy a night of celebration of one that had came home to them. It wasn't as if she wanted to not get caught up, even as she though someone came in, her friend seeing that Regor was with her, she got bright red in the face. Need talk...

No don't leave we just talking, that is all, Tajia what is it.
I misss....our....sharing....I ....need....advace ...on
Looking over at Regor she started to blush bright red, knowing what that was like, trying to find words, at the same time thinking maybe he would help her out.
<Go on what about this boy> Twisting her hair over and over again, once again looking over at [member="Regor Laxvan"] few go second before coming back onto <Kissing> Repeating it into basic So you want to know about kissing a boy. The sheepish blush found its way to Maya now, as she tried to explain the best she could under the watchful eye of Regor trying to find the funny in the situation. After which asking about the bird and the bees knowing knew all about it but needed to know more of detail. After a time she had no more question leaving the two wishing them to have fun at the feast.
Regor I wasn't something I expected from her.
I hope so Feeling the heat of her cheeks coming out now putting her hands to her cheek to feel trying to hid that fact. It just that don't want ....will know just that I don't know what she through I would have the answers she was wanting. I mean to say these feast can get wild sometime there ones that get out of hand. still I just ..oh I'm going to shut up before ....before...will ..[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Travel a lot....mmmm.... Yea lets go with that one. Finding [member="Regor Laxvan"] very close to before answering once again nothing came out of her mouth. I just wanted to explain what could go on, so your prepared for it ...will you know..stuff...that might happen. ...I mean first is the games you know see how can beat who out of the winner circle then there the throwing games, then there is dancing around the fire...while its happen there lots of food and drinks, you know what can happen when people have to much spirit in their system, this get just a out of hand sometime, will things happen right before your eyes...oh like... pausing only to find she couldn't take any more with his staring out her, it wasn't like didn't know about this. It was something about him, being here and will she just didn't know for sure.
Regore smiled "it soundes like, a few fun games, a few drinks, yeah I like the idea" he looked at her a bit more serious "like wat?" [member="Maya Whitelight"]
Blushing now as it had been coming for a while now as if her whole face was hot to the touch, finding it harder, then there was a sort of knock before her kid bother entered. Her brother Thoe looking at both of them with a smirk on his face. Remember why he was there, that was to bring some clothing for both of them to wear they was made of fine soft white leather. Maya with out thinking jump out to hug Thoe kissing him on the cheek as if a big thank, only to cause him to chuckle softly to himself before speaking. I ...fee..l This being said putting the garments down, winking at [member="Regor Laxvan"] before leaving the way he came. it was after he left that looked at the clothing brought to them. Holding up a very much something that would fit to her curves but also with the open back showing all the scares upon her back, knowing these was warrior bagdes what would Regor do or react to this. In the front being cut very low, to it was a blazing red sun making her high member of the warrior cast.

Finding that hands was upon the clothes that Regor would wearing, first asking if he would want to wear something of a pant, with nothing for the top leaving him shirtless. I will understand if you don't want to, know that they will not be disappointed. I must take my place as one of the high warrior. There is much you don't know that might fine not to your liking. Finding herself looking up at him, but also placing her hand upon his chest wanting him to understand that this was her people, the ways that she grew up.
Regor, nodet the her borther as he left as a sing of apriciation "regore looked at the cloting, "its fine, i dont mind wearing it, do you thing they mind if I wear my plaster and dagger holsterd, sinds I don't like being defencless" [member="Maya Whitelight"]

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