Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction To Teach, is a Gift - Je'daii


Studies over time have brought me to an understanding of the nuances that the Je'daii have. At the height of their time, they were performing brand new feats of the force. Altering metals to become stronger, and fluid within the force. Understanding nature and its balances with all things. Life and death, Prey and Predator, Birth and decay. It was with this knowledge, many of the older species would continue traditions via oration. Speaking to one another, and no form of written, or audio recording would be used. Why? Because it was a sacred form of the force. One in which had to be felt, discovered, and understood upon one's own terms.

Since meeting with the other Je'daii, I have been trying to get someone who I had come to understand as a friend, and mentor of various forms of the force. The man who I had come to know as "Hinra" was very likely, the last of the Kwa species. It had been explained to me, that while his species was considered extinct, and have turned into the Kwi, his attempt of moving through a Hypergate, has caused him to be transported to our time. Many, many eons into the future. One in which even his descended, degenerated species were extinct. However, Hinra still wished to spread his wealth of knowledge. While there were still many things he would not share with me, I had asked to provide his knowledge of the force. Specifically altering that of living beings. The Kwa were one of the first known Force Using species in the galaxy. In fact, according to Hinra, the Kwa gave technology to the Rakata, believing them to be of good minds, only to have it backfire on them. Leading to the rise of the Infinite Empire.

They, I knew of, and their Force Hounds. Hunting planets and species to become slaves to the Empire. When interacting with the Je'daii, it had begun a civil war within the faction. It was a very different. After weeks of talking to him, asking him time and time again, attempting to help him understand that these Je'daii were attempting to learn of the knowledge he had, that he could fulfill his purpose and right the wrong he and his kind had done eons ago... that he finally accepted to teach myself, and those who joined us, Alchemy of the Flesh.

Exited in this prospect, I reached out to them. Simply asking that if any wished to learn of the Alchemy, which some could use as one of their trials of Anil Kesh, so that a once thought to be lost knowledge, would be found once more.

The shuttle came into the Hanger. Standing there waiting for him, the blue skinned individual walked out. Wearing robes of his people long gone. Yet his mind barely touched mine and spoke from the distance.

"It is good to see you again in person, Ra'syn."
"As you Hinra."
"Lets get to buisness shall we?"
"Yes. Follow me."

As the Kwa walked down the ramp and next to me, I led him into a room within the station. Where upon it was a gathering hall. One in which would suit many people if need be. Today, this would be a classroom for the Je'daii, and myself.

Ven was not happy about this trip. Like the others who had so recently joined the new Je'daii Order, Ven had been doing his research. What articles and tomes he could find detailing the ancient histories of the Je'daii Order had revealed much to him, while at the same time creating ever further questions. This seemed to be the natural way of things, and Ven wondered if it was even possible to answer all of ones questions. He wondered if all questions even should be answered.

This latter thought had led him to agreeing to come to the class. When Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest had originally invited Ven to attend this lesson, he had thought to refuse. The Je'daii were committed to finding a balance within the Force. OF walking the path of neither the light or the dark, but exploring the furthest depths of the gray in between. He had to remind himself this when the excited Ra'syn told Ven about the Alchemy he intended to learn, and hoped to spread to the rest of the Order. Alchemy in of itself was dangerous, of that Ven was certain. There were reasons that alchemic practices ran rampant among the Sith while the Jedi barely touched it. There was history to explain this divide as much as practice, but the evidence laid before Ven seemed to point to a single, inevitable truth.

To use alchemy on the living was in of itself breaking the balance the Je'daii upheld. To Ven, every living being was in a natural state of balance as it was, baring exceptions. Sentient beings tended to have a preference one way or another, but simpler lifeforms did not have as many inclinations. They were what they were, neither good or evil, light or dark. To use alchemy to change the basic nature of a creature seemed, to Ven at least, to be destroying the balance of nature. To change what a creature was, alter its being within the Force, seemed to be a step too far away from balance.

Perhaps this was merely his former life as a Jedi speaking, and it was that hesitation that led him to agreeing to attend this class. He was a Je'daii now, not a Jedi. He had to look past his old inclinations, his old teachings and prejudices. Perhaps it was not as bad as he feared it would be, and he would learn a new skill that could further his own personal goals of seeking balance within himself, and within the Force. He had to admit there were exceptions to his reservations. Using alchemy to fix the changes others had made ti a creature, to return it to it's original form as the Force intended. For that reason Ven could condone the use of alchemy on living things.

Ven had remained largely to himself during the trip, and as he walked off the ramp and followed the others present into the room, his usual aloof and outgoing nature was clouded in hesitation and consideration. Ven made his way to one side of the gathering hall, taking a seat and resting his elbows on his legs. Clasping his hands together in front of him, Ven did his best to clear his mind so that he could look at the coming lesson with an open mind. he owed those present that much at least.


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Rhia Kesyk

She had not been long on Tribunal Station, though certainly it was longer than she'd expected to stay.
A message had been sent back to the Jedi, to reassure them that she was okay after leaving in the middle of the night without a word. It was wrong of her to have done so, she knew, to leave them to worry as she had, but the call had been difficult to ignore. It was then or never, she knew.
Even so she had remained even after. It was strange to be back among those she had known as a mere child, especially when it seemed as though she was the only one of them who had really aged since. Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor looked the same as he had when he'd dropped her off, left her with the Jedi so that she might know a safer upbringing. It was strange to behold in truth, but the Force worked in mysterious ways and not all beings in the Galaxy aged the same.
She had explored much of the Station, gotten to know the Je'daii's bounds within it pretty well - specifically the gardens, naturally - but she hadn't really done much outside of that. Not until the one named Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest invited her to join him in an unusual lesson. Well, not Rhia specifically... But she had been permitted to join them all the same.
Whether or not she'd be any good at it remained to be seen. It wasn't something that was taught to Jedi, she knew, but sometimes it was hard to really see herself as such. As a child she had been staunch, steadfast in her role and beliefs, but as time progressed... Well, it wasn't ever quite so black and white was it?
As a result, she waited within the designated classroom as Ra'syn ventured off in search of their teacher. She wasn't alone in the room, some such as Ven Asher Ven Asher had also turned up, but she certainly felt out of place all the same...

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