Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Protect Vital Organs...

Kara Cabor

Kara sat down heavily in the shade of the Goldmine. The salvaged Z-95 Headhunter was her pride and joy, and it was finally finished. But she wasn't thinking about that right now. Right now she was thinking about Vokko and everything that had just happened.

The young woman reached for her braided-rope belt. From it hung a knife and two blaster pistols. One of the blaster pistols was dull and outdated, but the other was shiny, compact, and efficient. Like the knife. The knife that Kila had given her. And Kara had to admit it was a very good knife - vastly superior to the unbalanced spike of sharpened durasteel that she used to use, until she lost it in the caves Vokko made his home in. Where Kila's body happened to be at the moment.

Kila. Kara hadn't known the Mandalorian woman for more than a few days, but she'd immediately taken a liking to her. And it didn't seem quite right to just leave her body lying there, but a fully-armored Mandalorian was too heavy for Kara to carry. So she'd used one of her medpacks to clean up the blaster wounds. The shoulder one was first - just below the end of the collar bone. Vokko's henchalien had been using actual lead rounds, so there was a lot of blood. Kara'd cleaned that up too.

Then the stomach wound. That had been a little easier, because Vokko himself had shot Kila there, with a laser bolt. So all she had to do was disinfect, apply bacta, and bandage. Simple.

But it wasn't just the fact that she'd watched a woman shot and killed. It wasn't the first time - it used to happen all the time. It was what Kila had told her as she died. That there was - could be - a place among the Mandalorians for her, if she wanted it. And Kara wanted it. Her ship was ready. But she didn't know if she was. She wasn't the best shot in the galaxy, but she was decent, and she knew how to use a knife. The problem remained though, that all the weapon skills in the universe wouldn't help her if she got shot. So she needed some armor. But how to get some?

There was Kila's, of course. But Kara already had the helmet - it was sitting right next to her - and she didn't want to take the rest of it. It would seem wrong, for some reason - and besides that, a full suit of beskar would be too heavy for her. That left durasteel as the other available option.

She had the tools and the material, that was true. But she didn't know how to wear it, and that was a problem. A full suit of durasteel, while not as heavy as beskar, would still be very heavy. But her vital organs needed to be protected. So, she'd make a chestplate and a backplate. It would leave her sides vulnerable, but she'd worry about that later. For now, she needed to figure out how to make a chestplate and a backplate.

Using her finger, she drew a rough design in the sand underneath the Goldmine. The design consisted of a few things. First, durasteel armor plates - six for the chestplate and two pieces for the backplate. The armor plates would be attached to a vest-like overshirt of some kind, by means of clasps or rivets. Underneath that would be a lightly padded undershirt. The armored vest would go on over the head, and be secured at the sides by means of cord - wire-rope, if she could make it work, regular rope if she couldn't. She made another decision also. Three sheaths - two for her blaster pistols, and one for the knife. One blaster on each thigh, and a knife on her arm.

Letting out a breath, Kara stood up and opened the cargo area of her ship. She was going to need a lot of metal. And a blowtorch.

Kara Cabor

"Ow!" Kara yelped in pain as the durasteel sheets, heated by the rays of the twin suns, burned her fingertips. Sticking them in her mouth to let her saliva cool the non-serious-but-still-painful burns, Kara tilted her head as she examined the problem. The problem, as it stood, was in the heat. She'd need to wait for the metal to cool down so she could handle it without getting second-degree burns.

All right, it wasn't that bad. But it still hurt.

So Kara sat back down in the sand, feeling temporarily defeated and a bit useless. How am I gonna make Mando, she wondered, if I can't even handle a little hot metal? Seriously, you can't even tell. It's annoying. "But I might as well get some rest while I wait for the suns to go down I guess." She said to herself, not even realizing she'd started talking aloud. "Cause today was interesting as all hell...and, yeah. So I'm just babbling on now..." She babbled, trailing off awkwardly into the silence. Then she turned around to glare at the ship. "Of course, it's entirely possible I've started talking to you." She accused the ship, then shrugged. "Guess I'm just going heat-mad." She sighed, curling up into a ball in the shade provided by her beautiful, beautiful ship.
Kara's eyes blinked open. The desert was cooler now, and as she got to her feet, she guessed the metal would have cooled to manageable levels as well. Turns out, she was right. Then a nice logic conundrum manifested itself in her mind - she was waiting for the metal to cool down so she could get a blowtorch and heat it up to cut the metal...

"Yeah, okay, me, shut up." Kara complained, grunting as she untangled the stolen salvaged blowtorch from a few twisted pieces of scrap metal. Pulling on Kila's helmet, Kara managed to shut off the HUD itself before she barfed, and used the visor as an eye-protector as she crouched beside the metal sheets to carve out the eight plates she'd need. Yes, eight. Kara had made a couple changes to her original design, and now needed eight plates for the front part of the armor, instead of the original six. The two pieces for the backplate remained the same.

Kara Cabor

Kara rocked back on her heels, peeling off the helmet, as she studied her work. Two pieces would provide protection for her upper chest, two for her lower chest, and three for the stomach. The eighth piece was a kind of, rectangle with pointed ends, and it would go directly over the breastbone. Kila'd had one exactly like it in her armor, and Kara wanted to have something like it for hers.

Taking a deep breath, Kara picked up the hot-edged metal pieces with the heavy-duty pliers she'd plundered - liberated - and arranged them over the rivets that were already attacked to the overshirt. It wasn't exactly ideal, but it would hold until she got some actual armor from Mando training. Because she was very certain there would be training. It was the Mandalorians after all.

Now, Kara needed to make the backplates. And that was something of a problem, because it was her back and not her front. That made it a problem. So she had to figure out how to make the backplates without burning herself to a crisp with her blowtorch, and actually have armor with decent protection at the end of it. What she needed was a marker - aha. Sand.

Kara got a handful of sand - not too terribly hard to find, really - and lay down on the sheet of durasteel she was using. Then she used the sand to outline the shape of her back. Then she pulled the helmet back on, and cut along the lines of sand.

Kara Cabor

So now Kara had the metal plating for both the front and back of her armor, and she wasn't really sure what to do with it. So...wait....overshirt. Right. Where the feth am I finding this and what the feth was I thinking?

Whatever. She had an extra-thick shirt - ohhhh. "Okay, I'm smart. Total genius. Yeah. Brilliant, Kara. Totally fething brilliant. Next...uh...whoever the current galactic genius is. Now shut up and get on with it!"

Kara took a deep breath and let it out, trying to calm herself down. "Right." She muttered. "So. Whaddo I do now? I get some clasps or rivets or something of the like. Velcro I guess. So go get it ya useless..." Insert more muttered insults here.

Covering her ship, Kara headed for town, looking to scrounge up some clasps for her armor. It would prove to be an interesting visit, what with what happened next.

"Hey, li'l mechie!"
Ahboy. "Bronzo, ey! Thought you were in Mo'Espa. Whatcha doin' back?" Kara asked, leaning against the wall of the nearest building.
Bronzo frowned. "I gotta bone t'pick with you, girl. How come you ain't around no more? How come you get the nice stuff?"
Kara rolled her eyes. "Nice stuff? Please, boy. I gotta steel slab in the desert, you call that nice, 'cause I don't."
Bronzo wasn't convinced. "You got space, you got steel, you obviously got food - "
" - food? You call that bantha poodoo food? Stealing from raiders ain't no stinkin' picnic, boy!" Kara shot back, hands balling into fists.
Bronzo's temper, short at the best of times, snapped. Roaring, he swung a massive fist at her skull - and fell backwards with a look of shock on his face.

Kara lowered the blaster pistol she'd drawn. Hers, not Kila's old one. "My second kill today." She muttered. "I must be psychotic. Now, where the hell am I going to find those rivets?"

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