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To Make an Omelet [Dev Thread]

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
The trees eyed Ethan's every move, their vines latching to his arms and legs in attempt to strangle the movement out of him. Myrkr was truly an inhospitable hellhole, but it held exactly what Spaarti needed for its next line of products. According to the history books, Thrawn was able to create clones in a matter of weeks thanks to the Ysalamir lizards who lived on this planet. If that was true, all Spaarti needed to complete their next line of cloning vats was a single egg and they could have all ysalamir they needed. Of course, Myrkr was a dark planet full of ways to die so Ethan didn't come alone.

"Just stay on your toes boys, but make sure not to get to hasty now." Ethan called to his men, striding through and over veins with impeccable Corellian swagger. "There won't be any use in getting yourselves dispatched by a hungry hound"

The nests couldn't be too far away by now and with his team of armed employees fanned out for ten meters in every direction; it shouldn't be long before they found the eggs they needed. The only real danger now were those damn Vornskrs...but luckily Patricia had decided to tag along, her skills with a blaster would come in handy if they hit trouble.
Mandalorians have long memories.

That particular mantra propelled the current status of the United Clans of Mandalore. Ever since the conclusion of the Plague, the warrior culture had been stung rather pointedly by practitioners of the Dark Sith. Manda'yaim herself came under invasion, skirmishes were launched, and when it was all said and done: the Clans aided in the final destruction of the Empire that wronged them. However, this did nothing to deter them from honing new ways to combat the wielders of the Force that had dared to challenge them.

As such, the homeworld of the Ysalamir had become a precious resource. Second only to Mandalore herself and possibly Aeten II, Mykyr was highly valued. As a result, when intruders to Mandalorian space arrived, they were noticed. When they landed and began stomping around the forests vital to shutting down the very Force, they were noticed. When they dared to attempt harvesting what karking belonged to the Mandalorians, they were noticed.

Isley Verd just so happened to be one of the first responders in the neck of the woods. Was he supposed to be behind a desk at the moment? Yes. However, that grew tiresome at times and the Mandalorian needed some time in Beskar. Suits were uncomfortable...even the silk ones. So, as the intruders moved about, the Mandalorian sat in a tree. He had a sniper rifle, a damn good one, lined up on the skull of [member="Ethan Alde"].

Yep, it was one of those nasty, Verpine-inspired snipers that [member="Ordo"] had devised. "Sweet Mercy" was her name. Instead of dropping the karker, he gave a warning shot...right into the neck of the most adjacent mercenary.

"The next one is going between your eyes white man. And this bad boy shoots faster than you can blink. Have your boys drop their weapons and maybe I'll consider letting you live."

([member="Anija Ordo"], [member="Anastasia Rade"], [member="Azrael"], etc.)

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Ethan Alde"] [member="Isley Verd"]

Wearing her Red Raven Shot Caller phrik armor Patricia's face and body were firmly hidden behind the helmet and armor. The tiny five foot two blonde carried with her a equalizer pulse rifle as she stomped through dense jungle bush, by her side clipped to her belt was Revan's lightsaber and a GV-45 pistol. Strapped to her back was a pack filled with various goodies and gadgets, but she was here on business. They had barely gotten past all the security and on the other side of the planet was the famous Mandolorian jail where criminals like Circe Savan were held.

"Mister Alde, make sure your men are constantly scanning for life forms. Vornskr like to hit flanks as a diversion then come up the rear with everything they have." she said while keeping her rifle up at the ready with her eyes down the sights.

They had paid off a few local hunters to tell them a location of the nests these little critters had. It cost a few hundred thousands credits but with the mandos currently holding a monopoly on these creatures surly a single egg wasn't going to kill them, that was all the corporation needed, a single egg.

Then a sniper shot came forward and hit a nearby mercenary and Isley's voice came on the radio to warn them. Patricia looked down at the dead man and sighed at her boss.

"Was that really necessary Isley? You know I hate writing letters." she said reaching down and kneeling next to the dead man to close his eyes and place his hands over his chest to make him look more at peace

Standing back up Patricia stood next to Ethan and spoke on the comms.

"We're here for an egg Isley, singular, egg. We could of just paid the beast hunters guild for one but mister Alde likes to do things himself." she let out another frustrated sigh through the comms.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Isley Verd"]

Gripping the Triple Threat Duster he kept in his pocket as the mercenary fell dead to the ground, Ethan stood his ground firm. Damnit, that was quick considering they hadn't even brought that large of a force; it was impossible the Mando military could respond this quick to a mediocre threat at best. Then again, maybe there was only one gunman; that would make more sense and was much more expected. Still, maybe it wasn't even a mando at all it could be just a poacher afraid of losing his take. Either way, the situation wasn't good.

Fitting the gold rings of the duster over his fingers, Ethan's eyes began to scan the wild green tops of the trees. A shadow, the slightest movement of a branch or leaf...anything could give the marksman away; but Ethan couldn't see a damn thing.

"Was that really necessary Isley? You know I hate writing letters." Ethan's neck cracked as he snapped his head over to his new business partner. Well then, it looked like Patricia was more useful than Ethan first anticipated.

"Well, well I had no idea you were friends with these degenerate Mandolorains." Ethan spoke to Patricia, his eyes still locked on the treetops, "I would very much appreciate if you told your friend not to shoot anymore of my men, they aren't free you know."
Now there was the cherry on top.

Enter [member="Patricia Susan Garter"], the woman who owned a subsidiary of the Mandalorian's corporation, had decided to come along. However, while he did not point his weapon at the employee, he kept it at the ready...and aimed square at [member="Ethan Alde"].

"Patricia, I was a son of Mandalore before I was a CEO. I cannot allow any theft from the territory of the United Clans, especially not something as valuable as a Ysalamir. If you, the hired guns, and the white man don't leave, there will be more blood. You will be spared, but there will be one helluva review."

And then, the white man flapped his lips. Isley didn't hear exactly what he said, but it was more than enough. The trigger was pulled, the aim adjusted for the shoulder. A round exploded forth with the pace of a shattergun, poised to drop the intruder to the dirt.

(Edit: Didn't see your reply Ethan, adjusted accordingly.)
[member="Isley Verd"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Ethan Alde"]

Solan had been on the planet for other reasons, the form of a small blue Ashlan wolf he had bonded with the prior day on his shoulder. It was normally a rather uneventful place Myrkr, except for the fact of there being the Vornskr that sure did like to try to take a bite out of you and took some adjusting too but he had been a merc long before he was a force user and the use of his submachine gun hanging from his shoulder or the Krath War blade on his back was but child's play for him against such... primitive creatures... as long as they didn't swarm him that was.

One he could deal with quite well, two still decently well. But when they started multiplying like rabbits it was a bit of a danger for him. Its a good thing Rabbits were simple fantasy some writer made up, they seem like such... annoyingly innocent creatures.

Still his ears found the sound of a sniper and so he started walking in that direction until the familiar blond hair of Patricia Garter appeared. "You have got to be kidding me... and on my day off... really." He groaned and rubbed his eyes as he looked at the ashlan beside him, the words ill explain later being transferred to the mind of the creature while Solan moved forward to look at the man calling mandalorians degenerates. "He does know whos planet he is on, right?"

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Isley Verd"] [member="Ethan Alde"] [member="Solan Charr"]

Patricia rolled her eyes underneath her helmet and began to silently mimic and mock Isley as he spoke, scrunching up her nose and making faces at the man. son of Mandalore my fine hot ass she thought to herself then rolled her eyes once again. So she could at least speak to the man rather than attempt to do anything stupid that could get Ethen killed, after all she needed the guy alive.

"Isley, I get where you are coming from and I get you want to protect Mandalore. But we can literally just buy two of these things on the black market and make our own eggs, all Mister Alde wants is a single egg. Just a tiny itty bitty egg, and let's be real here he's going to get one way or the other unless you shoot him here and now." Patricia dropped her rifle and threw her pistol on the ground.

"I'm keeping the saber with me, it belonged to Romeo. But we are more than happy to disarm and go from here to grab an egg. We are not your enemy, Ethan and I hate the sith just as much as the other guy so this won't effect a war with them." looking to Ethan she spoke

Then the sound of a hissing projectile moving through the jungle came whipping at them, maybe it was instinct that told Patricia that Ethan was in danger, maybe it was the force, or maybe it was because she knew Isley well enough to know how he'd take such a comment. But it was best that messy things like having your arm blown off was avoided so with razor sharp instinct and movement Patricia lifted her foot and booted Ethan down to the ground letting the round pass over him.

"GOD DAMMIT ISLEY! Stop shooting people!" she said with almost a humorous draw and sighed again.

"Tell your men to drop their guns." she said firmly to the man on the ground.

(Edited to match Isley's edit)

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Isley Verd"] [member="Solan Charr"]

Hitting the ground and rolling to his stomach, Ethan cried in pain as his shoulder blade popped backwards and his arm fell limp from its socket. "AH! Damnit!" like he said, Mandos were degenerates. Gritting his teeth, Ethan rolled about on the ground; blood draining down his shirt from the searing wound where his bone stuck through his shoulder. As the CEO gripped in pain, his mercs ran to his aid, creating a small circle around him and offering their hands in assistance.

"Gah, just get away!" Ethan growled, rolling onto his side and bumping over something hard...something lumpy. Ethan stopped dead, peeking down to the ground underneath him. A nest, he had rolled right onto a lizard nest. Perfect, just perfect. Suppressing his grin, Ethan reached under his coat and quickly swiped one of the eggs and shoved it in his deepest inner pocket.

"Tell your men to drop their guns." Patricia said firmly from above. Not like Ethan was in much of a position to argue. Fine he had his egg and now all he had to do was comply.

"Lower your weapons, I'm not paying more than one man's life insurance today." Looking to Patricia, Ethan slowly raised himself from the dirt. "Tell your friend we will leave, I need a doctor and I don't believe these backwaters have the facilities I do require"

"I'll just have to talk to their Mandalore about all of this."
Myrkr, an infamous world in the galaxy. Home to the vicious, force sensitive, predator the Vornskr. Though, while these canine beasts inhabited and were the source of reputation of Myrkr, there was a neighboring exotic creature that was a native to this planet. The Ysalamir. Another famous animal in the galaxy that had special abilities just like the predators whose main diet were ysalamirs. Unlike sensing the force these animals could nullify the force within any being. Such remarkable power. This gave an avenue of advantage to those who fought against force users whether it was Jedi or Sith. It was one of the simpler ways to disarm a user of the force and gain more ground over them. Anyone would pay a million just to gain access to the ysalamirs.

However, Myrkr had already been under the control of a new group a long time ago. It wasn't the Republic or the One Sith that were the undisputed rulers of this planet. That title was given to the famous and legendary warriors of Mandalore. They had guarded this valuable planet like a dragon protecting its trove of gold and treasure. It could be comparable to the Mandalorians being greedy and protective of their Beskar and the secrets of how to make shapes and patterns of this lightsaber resistant metal. And anyone who dared to enter this system would find no escape. Both navy and ground forces were an iron wall against any adversary.

“Wonder who the karking hell was smart enough to come on my dirt," the Rally Master said to himself as he was one of the first responders to react against the foreigners who had their boots on the soil of Myrkr and Mandalorian territory. They were more effective than any other soldiers and warriors in the galaxy. He had come racing through the jungles of Myrkr to arrive to the scene where the tension was beginning to make a path to conflict and death. Finally he had arrived to location where a fellow and we'll known vod, Isley, had already confronted the outsiders. He had departed from the vehicle with a Vornskr scattergun and dual WESTAR 34 pistols and his beskar'gam. Under his buy'ce was a face of anger and hatred. “Isley, what the hell are these di'kuts doing here? "

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Ethan Alde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Dagora-Kel"] [member="Ethan Alde"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Vilaz Munin"]

Patricia winced at watching the man have his bone pushed out of his skin, he certainly was a fragile old thing. Maybe when this was over she could pay for his hospital bill and call it even, but for now it seemed the man wanted to leave. And with a shoulder injury like that she wouldn't blame him, so it seemed it was time to get to stepping.

"Alright, he's hurt. We're not going to go any further without Mister Alde. Bring the shuttle around." Patricia said with a sigh and looked over to the man.

The woman pressed a few buttons on a datapad and a low rumble of engines activated. A shuttle moved up from a clearing and hovered a above the tree cover. Two rope ladders lowered down and it was important to secure Alde first. He was injured after all.

"Grab Simmons body, secure the weapons and get on board. We are leaving." Patricia sighed and watched as the men went to Ethan to help him get onboard.

There was too much tree cover to try and land here so he was going to have to be a big boy and suck it up.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

"You are so kind to me, Patricia" Ethan couldn't help but taunt the girl, even in these most dire of situations. As the shuttle landed in the distance, two mercenaries helped carry the businessman to the ship as the Mandolorians watched. Well, he may have gotten his arm completely destroyed but at least it wasn't a total loss. He had gotten what he'd come for and one egg was all he needed. The next step would simply be to clone the eggs and start putting them into the new cloning vats as soon as possible.

Up the ramp and into the carriage, Ethan limped to a seat and slowly settled down and waited for the rest of the team to board. He wouldn't forget this whole mess anytime soon, not that it made much of a difference in his opinion. The Mandolorians were always degenerates but sometimes even the most uneducated of fiends had their uses.

Perhaps one day the Spaarti Creations Corporation would find need for a pack of bone gnawing neanderthals Ethan thought as his team loaded in. Then again they might just poodoo on my new carpets.

(Thanks to all the Mandolorians for making this a very interesting thread! I actually had lots of fun with this so I'm glad I took this road instead of the boring legal path :p )
[member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Dagora-Kel"]

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