Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To Leave a Lady (Michael)

The punching bag's wall attachment was thankfully as firm as Aditya Amadis' frightful left hook. The Epicanthix had been hitting the bag for more than an hour, and spots of crimson stained through the fabric wraps she wore over her sore, shaking knuckles.

Kei was gone. Not just Army gone, but she'd woken up to the marriage certificate crossed out and the wedding band she'd given him returned. Gone. What a way to come back to the Army of Light, eh? Hiccuping air into her lungs, the pretty young thing burst into another martial yell and beat at the bag some more, aggression, sadness, rage, each punch hit down the love she'd bestowed on what seemed now to be the wrong man.

Aditya was crushed, but beyond the emotion was the steel in her spine. This would not break her. She threw another right jab and it hit the bag with a weak splat. At it so long, her arms were shaking. She kicked the bag, trying to get the emotions out.

@[member="Michael Sardun"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
There he was just about to and visit the training facilities, as he felt anger and sadness mixed into an explosive mix that was just waiting to cause a.. well.. explosion. Gingerly he walked into the room and was hit with the dark atmosphere, just a minute ago he walked in the Light and now.. now he felt alone and pressured.

In the middle of it was a little woman, punching a bag to forget her own pain. It saddened his normally so well composed heart. At first he did not know how to get her attention, she was quite determined to rip those bags apart as it seemed. Then he coughed softly and said with a feint sad smile on his lips.

"My Lady, surely the bags have done nothing to deserve their cruel fate?"

@[member="Aditya Amadis"]​
"Him what does deserve it ain't here to feel my spiny wrath." Aditya choked out, casting herself away from the punching bag and pushing back her hair with her arm. She gulped and rubbed her face with the backs of her cloth-bound hands, taking a long look at the man who'd come upon her.

"@[member="Michael Sardun"], right? You work with my hus.. my. . my ex-husband. You work with Kei." Her nostrils flared and she turned back to give the bag a spinning backfist, biting onto her lip to staunch the flicker of raw pain which dressed from her knuckles to her brain. "You were on the Apex. . . maybe the bags don't deserve it."
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
And there he had it, it was a problem of marriage. A part of him wanted to leave there and then, what did he know about marriage, love or any of such commitments? He was a Jedi, married to his lightsabre and sworn to serve the Force. It was long ago that he had known the touch of a woman or heard a gentle word. Some part of him missed it and another one, the more cynical part did not. For when someone did not love, one could not be hurt. Hurt just like Aditya was right now.

He was not sure what his feelings were regarding Kei, he had vanished almost overnight and nobody had known where to find him or what had happened. But seemingly he was alright, because he had had the time to file a divorce..

"I served with him, yes. But no longer, his seat has been vacant for quite some time now, Aditya." he said with a soft voice, full of authority and a lingering sense of gentleness.

"Before I was a Jedi I was a man. I know how it is to love.. and how it is to be hurt. While I cannot say anything that would make it right, I can say this: I am sorry for you, truly I am."

@[member="Aditya Amadis"]​
So Kei had gone from there, too. Vacated. Poof. That was Kei, wasn't it? The woman nodded, if Kei left the Army then he must have had trouble or pressure and bailed. This time he wouldn't have a loyal companion running in to save him. Kei Amadis was on his own. Somehow it made the woman feel a bit better, knowing it wasn't just her. "You gonna fill that seat with someone? Don't let people think it's impossible to replace a man like him… We got strong… sorry. Guess it's hitting me pretty hard today… thank you, Michael." Leaning upward, she hugged him, burrowing her face in his chest for a few dainty seconds of peace.

Biting her cheeks, she attempted to get the wraps off her hands. Fumbling, useless fingers brushed against the fabric and the Epicanthix grunted. She bent her lips down and tried to release the wrap with her teeth, but those too clinked and chittered. She groaned loudly and flumped her back against the bag.

"Can you help me? Duty to the simple folk and all that?"

@[member="Michael Sardun"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Awkwardly he patted her back as she leaned in to give him a hug. He was not to sure how he should react in such a situation, but before he could say anything else the moment had passed and the woman had retreated back. Quickly he put a smile on his face, that might have looked a bit awkward. "I will try to find someone, do not worry about it." he said with more confidence than he really felt, where would he find a person he could trust to have his back in a real battle? Difficult question really.

A more genuine smile appeared dancing on his lips as he heard her plea for help, softly he stepped a bit closer and took her hand in his and with the Force he slowly unwrapped the cloth from her hand. "You are anything but simple, my dear." he almost whispered.

@[member="Aditya Amadis"]​
The perpetual hugging machine continued to work at hugging everybody she met. The time had not changed her, thankfully no rueful masters would damage her day. Replacing Kei would be the hardest part of the endeavour of the Army of Light, and for a moment Aditya balked at her own brain. It'd be easier to replace Kei in her life than in the Army's. What did that say about her? About the relationship they had? She rubbed at her cheek with the back of her hand and sniffled. "You'll find whoever it is. There's lots of potential in the Army. Guess it's why… never mind."

Why the Emperor gave her direct permission to help them. "I feel simple. Just a dancing engineer spoiling for a fight." She winced as the fabric came loose, eyes watching the use of the Force with a humble exhale. "That's not simple. Using your brain to move mini bugs in your blood. . . Kei never could do that. Wasn't until that damned crystal in his chest. The ones the Echani drooled over. Did you see them? Those Keth people. That Manu guy. They looked at Kei like I'd look at an engine about to bust. . . what makes me not simple?"

Underneath the cloth, her bloody knuckles were raw and damaged, as if she'd been punching three times longer than her skin had credit for. The hands shook, broken skin going from knuckle, up finger to the next knuckle. Aditya looked down at her hands. "Oh goody, looks like I'll be wearing gloves to the office."
@[member="Michael Sardun"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
He took her hands in his as he released his energy into her, slowly waving together her bruised hands back to health. There was still much to learn if he ever wanted to heal more than such a simple wound, Michael was more a fighter than a healer in that regard. "There.. that should feel better?" he said with a silent query at the end.

She was a pretty girl to say the least, might be he would ask her out fo-- Remember who you are, Michael. He was a Jedi Knight, sworn to his Lightsabre and to the people of the Galaxy. Even still.. it could not hurt to support her through her difficult time, right?

@[member="Aditya Amadis"]​
Halfway through another sniffle and Michael waved his hand over hers. Voodoo. It had to be some form of voodoo that made him skilled at repairing another person's hand. Aditya stood stock still, watching the skin repair and wrap around the wounds as if they'd grown over months and sealed under the best doctor's care. "I don't need gloves." She whispered, eyes wide and peering up at the Knight Sardun.

"Feels better. Yes, yeah that… that works." How could he call her anything but simple when he could do such wonderful things? Then again, leading the largest corporation in the Empire was far from simple. "Kind of stupid, eh? Hitting a bag so hard you bloody your own knuckles. Guess you've never seen the like, all prim and proper gentleman."
@[member="Michael Sardun"]

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